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child of storm-第10章

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very few。  I could form my own conclusions in the light of the White
Man's wisdom; which everyone knew was great。

I replied shortly that I could; for Saduko's tone irritated me。  Of
course; the truth was that he felt aggrieved at being sent off to bed
like a little boy while his foster…father; the old dwarf; made
confidences to me。  One of Saduko's faults was that he had always a very
good opinion of himself。  Also he was by nature terribly jealous; even
in little things; as the readers of his history; if any; will learn。

We trudged on for several hours in silence; broken at length by my

〃Do you still mean to go on a shooting expedition with Umbezi; Inkoosi?〃
he asked; 〃or are you afraid?〃

〃Of what should I be afraid?〃 I answered tartly。

〃Of the buffalo with the split horn; of which Zikali told you。  What

Now; I fear I used strong language about the buffalo with the split
horn; a beast in which I declared I had no belief whatsoever; either
with or without its accessories of dried river…beds and water…holes。

〃If all this old woman's talk has made _you_ afraid; however;〃 I added;
〃you can stop at the kraal with Mameena。〃

〃Why should the talk make me afraid; Macumazahn?  Zikali did not say
that this evil spirit of a buffalo would hurt _me_。  If I fear; it is
for you; seeing that if you are hurt you may not be able to go with me
to look for Bangu's cattle。〃

〃Oh!〃 I replied sarcastically; 〃it seems that you are somewhat selfish;
friend Saduko; since it is of your welfare and not of my safety that you
are thinking。〃

〃If I were as selfish as you seem to believe; Inkoosi; should I advise
you to stop with your wagons; and thereby lose the good gun with two
mouths that you have promised me?  Still; it is true that I should like
well enough to stay at Umbezi's kraal with Mameena; especially if Umbezi
were away。〃

Now; as there is nothing more uninteresting than to listen to other
people's love affairs; and as I saw that with the slightest
encouragement Saduko was ready to tell me all the history of his
courtship over again; I did not continue the argument。  So we finished
our journey in silence; and arrived at Umbezi's kraal a little after
sundown; to find; to the disappointment of both of us; that Mameena was
still away。

Upon the following morning we started on our shooting expedition; the
party consisting of myself; my servant Scowl; who; as I think I said;
hailed from the Cape and was half a Hottentot; Saduko; the merry old
Zulu; Umbezi; and a number of his men to serve as bearers and beaters。 
It proved a very successful tripthat is; until the end of itfor in
those days the game in this part of the country was extremely plentiful。
 Before the end of the second week I killed four elephants; two of them
with large tusks; while Saduko; who soon developed into a very fair
shot; bagged another with the double…barrelled gun that I had promised
him。  Also; Umbezihow; I have never discovered; for the thing partook
of the nature of a miraclemanaged to slay an elephant cow with fair
ivories; using the old rifle that went off at half…cock。

Never have I seen a man; black or white; so delighted as was that
vainglorious Kafir。  For whole hours he danced and sang and took snuff
and saluted with his hand; telling me the story of his deed over and
over again; no single version of which tale agreed with the other。  He
took a new title also; that meant 〃Eater…up…of…Elephants〃; he allowed
one of his men to 〃bonga〃that is; praisehim all through the night;
preventing us from getting a wink of sleep; until at last the poor
fellow dropped in a kind of fit from exhaustion; and so forth。  It
really was very amusing until it became a bore。

Besides the elephants we killed lots of other things; including two
lions; which I got almost with a right and left; and three white
rhinoceroses; that now; alas! are nearly extinct。  At last; towards the
end of the third week; we had as much as our men could carry in the
shape of ivory; rhinoceros horns; skins and sun…dried buckflesh; or
biltong; and determined to start back for Umbezi's kraal next day。 
Indeed; this could not be long delayed; as our powder and lead were
running low; for in those days; it will be remembered; breechloaders had
not come in; and ammunition; therefore; had to be carried in bulk。

To tell the truth; I was very glad that our trip had come to such a
satisfactory conclusion; for; although I would not admit it even to
myself; I could not get rid of a kind of sneaking dread lest after all
there might be something in the old dwarf's prophecy about a
disagreeable adventure with a buffalo which was in store for me。  Well;
as it chanced; we had not so much as seen a buffalo; and as the road
which we were going to take back to the kraal ran over high; bare
country that these animals did not frequent; there was now little
prospect of our doing soall of which; of course; showed what I already
knew; that only weak…headed superstitious idiots would put the slightest
faith in the drivelling nonsense of deceiving or self…deceived Kafir
medicine…men。  These things; indeed; I pointed out with much vigour to
Saduko before we turned in on the last night of the hunt。

Saduko listened in silence and said nothing at all; except that he would
not keep me up any longer; as I must be tired。

Now; whatever may be the reason for it; my experience in life is that it
is never wise to brag about anything。  At any rate; on a hunting trip;
to come to a particular instance; wait until you are safe at home till
you begin to do so。  Of the truth of this ancient adage I was now
destined to experience a particularly fine and concrete example。

The place where we had camped was in scattered bush overlooking a great
extent of dry reeds; that in the wet season was doubtless a swamp fed by
a small river which ran into it on the side opposite to our camp。 
During the night I woke up; thinking that I heard some big beasts moving
in these reeds; but as no further sounds reached my ears I went to sleep

Shortly after dawn I was awakened by a voice calling me; which in a hazy
fashion I recognised as that of Umbezi。

〃Macumazahn;〃 said the voice in a hoarse whisper; 〃the reeds below us
are full of buffalo。  Get up。  Get up at once。〃

〃What for?〃 I answered。  〃If the buffalo came into the reeds they will
go out of them。  We do not want meat。〃

〃No; Macumazahn; but I want their hides。  Panda; the King; has demanded
fifty shields of me; and without killing oxen that I can ill spare I
have not the skins whereof to make them。  Now; these buffalo are in a
trap。  This swamp is like a dish with one mouth。  They cannot get out at
the sides of the dish; and the mouth by which they came in is very
narrow。  If we station ourselves at either side of it we can kill many
of them。〃

By this time I was thoroughly awake and had arisen from my blankets。 
Throwing a kaross over my shoulders; I left the hut; made of boughs; in
which I was sleeping and walked a few paces to the crest of a rocky
ridge; whence I could see the dry vlei below。  Here the mists of dawn
still clung; but from it rose sounds of grunts; bellows and tramplings
which I; an old hunter; could not mistake。  Evidently a herd of buffalo;
one or two hundred of them; had established themselves in those reeds。

Just then my bastard servant; Scowl; and Saduko joined us; both of them
full of excitement。

It appeared that Scowl; who never seemed to sleep at any natural time;
had seen the buffalo entering the reeds; and estimated their number at
two or three hundred。  Saduko had examined the cleft through which they
passed; and reported it to be so narrow that we could kill any number of
them as they rushed out to escape。

〃Quite so。  I understand;〃 I said。  〃Well; my opinion is that we had
better let them escape。  Only four of us; counting Umbezi; are armed
with guns; and assegais are not of much use against buffalo。  Let them
go; I say。〃

Umbezi; thinking of a cheap raw material for the shields which had been
requisitioned by the King; who would surely be pleased if they were made
of such a rare and tough hide as that of buffalo; protested violently;
and Saduko; either to please one whom he hoped might be his
father…in…law or from sheer love of sport; for which he always had a
positive passion; backed him up。  Only Scowlwhose dash of Hottentot
blood made him cunning and cautioustook my side; pointing out that we
were very short of powder and that buffalo 〃ate up much lead。〃  At last
Saduko said:

〃The lord Macumazana is our captain; we must obey him; although it is a
pity。  But doubtless the prophesying of Zikali weighs upon his mind; so
there is nothing to be done。〃

〃Zikali!〃 exclaimed Umbezi。  〃What has the old dwarf to do with this

〃Never mind what he has or has not to do with it;〃 I broke in; for
although I do not think that he meant them as a taunt; but merely as a
statement of fact; Saduko's words stung me to the quick; especially as
my conscience told me that they were not altogether without foundation。

〃We will try to kill some of these buffalo;〃 I went on; 〃although;
unless the herd 
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