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child of storm-第22章

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their heads as well as their cattle。  Some of them had shields and some
had none; some broad and some throwing assegais; while many were quite
naked; not having stayed to put on their moochas and much less their war
finery。  Evidently they were mad with rage; for the sounds that issued
from them seemed to concentrate into one mighty curse。

The moment had come; though to tell the truth I heartily wished that it
had not。  I wasn't exactly afraid; although I never set up for great
courage; but I did not quite like the business。  After all we were
stealing these people's cattle; and now were going to kill as many of
them as we could。  I had to recall Saduko's dreadful story of the
massacre of his tribe before I could make up my mind to give the signal。
 That hardened me; and so did the reflection that after all they
outnumbered us enormously and very likely would prove victors in the
end。  Anyhow it was too late to repent。  What a tricky and uncomfortable
thing is conscience; that nearly always begins to trouble us at the
moment of; or after; the event; not before; when it might be of some

I raised myself upon the rock and fired both barrels of my gun into the
advancing horde; though whether I killed anyone or no I cannot say。  I
have always hoped that I did not; but as the mark was large and I am a
fair shot; I fear that is scarcely possible。  Next moment; with a howl
that sounded like that of wild beasts; from either side of the gorge the
fierce Amangwane free…spearsfor that is what they wereleapt out of
their hiding…places and hurled themselves upon their hereditary foes。 
They were fighting for more than cattle; they were fighting for hate and
for revenge since these Amakoba had slaughtered their fathers and their
mothers; their sisters and their brothers; and they alone remained to
pay them back blood for blood。

Great heaven! how they did fight; more like devils than human beings。 
After that first howl which shaped itself to the word 〃Saduko;〃 they
were silent as bulldogs。  Though they were so few; at first their
terrible rush drove back the Amakoba。  Then; as these recovered from
their surprise; the weight of numbers began to tell; for they; too; were
brave men who did not give way to panic。  Scores of them went down at
once; but the remainder pushed the Amangwane before them up the hill。  I
took little share in the fight; but was thrust backward with the others;
only firing when I was obliged to save my own life。  Foot by foot we
were pushed back till at length we drew near to the crest of the pass。

Then; while the issue hung in the balance; there was another shout of
〃Saduko!〃 and that chief himself; followed by his thirty; rushed upon
the Amakoba。

This charge decided the battle; for not knowing how many more were
coming; those who were left of the Amakoba turned and fled; nor did we
pursue them far。

We mustered on the hill…top; not more than two hundred of us now; the
rest were fallen or desperately wounded; my poor hunter; whom I had lent
to Saduko; being among the dead。  Although wounded; he died fighting to
the last; then fell down; shouting to me:

〃Chief; have I done well?〃 and expired。

I was breathless and spent; but as in a dream I saw some Amangwane drag
up a gaunt old savage; crying:

〃Here is Bangu; Bangu the Butcher; whom we have caught alive。〃

Saduko stepped up to him。

〃Ah! Bangu;〃 be said; 〃now say; why should I not kill you as you would
have killed the little lad Saduko long ago; had not Zikali saved him? 
See; here is the mark of your spear。〃

〃Kill;〃 said Bangu。  〃Your Spirit is stronger than mine。  Did not Zikali
foretell it?  Kill; Saduko。〃

〃Nay;〃 answered Saduko。  〃If you are weary I am weary; too; and wounded
as well。  Take a spear; Bangu; and we will fight。〃

So they fought there in the moonlight; man to man; fought fiercely while
all watched; till presently I saw Bangu throw his arms wide and fall

Saduko was avenged。  I have always been glad that he slew his enemy
thus; and not as it might have been expected that he would do。



We reached my wagons in the early morning of the following day; bringing
with us the cattle and our wounded。  Thus encumbered it was a most
toilsome march; and an anxious one also; for it was always possible that
the remnant of the Amakoba might attempt pursuit。  This; however; they
did not do; for very many of them were dead or wounded; and those who
remained had no heart left in them。  They went back to their mountain
home and lived there in shame and wretchedness; for I do not believe
there were fifty head of cattle left among the tribe; and Kafirs without
cattle are nothing。  Still; they did not starve; since there were plenty
of women to work the fields; and we had not touched their corn。  The end
of them was that Panda gave them to their conqueror; Saduko; and he
incorporated them with the Amangwane。  But that did not happen until
some time afterwards。

When we had rested a while at the wagons the captured beasts were
mustered; and on being counted were found to number a little over twelve
hundred head; not reckoning animals that had been badly hurt in the
flight; which we killed for beef。  It was a noble prize; truly; and;
notwithstanding the wound in his thigh; which hurt him a good deal now
that it had stiffened; Saduko stood up and surveyed them with glistening
eyes。  No wonder; for he who had been so poor was now rich; and would
remain so even after he had paid over whatever number of cows Umbezi
chose to demand as the price of Mameena's hand。  Moreover; he was sure;
and I shared his confidence; that in these changed circumstances both
that young woman and her father would look upon his suit with very
favourable eyes。  He had; so to speak; succeeded to the title and the
family estates by means of a lawsuit brought in the 〃Court of the
Assegai;〃 and therefore there was hardly a father in Zululand who would
shut his kraal gate upon him。  We forgot; both of us; the proverb that
points out how numerous are the slips between the cup and the lip;
which; by the way; is one that has its Zulu equivalents。  One of them;
if I remember right at the moment; is: 〃However loud the hen cackles;
the housewife does not always get the egg。〃

As it chanced; although Saduko's hen was cackling very loudly just at
this time; he was not destined to find the coveted egg。  But of that
matter I will speak in its place。

I; too; looked at those cattle; wondering whether Saduko would remember
our bargain; under which some six hundred head of them belonged to me。 
Six hundred head!  Why; putting them at #5 apiece all roundand as oxen
were very scarce just at that time; they were worth quite as much; if
not morethat meant #3;000; a larger sum of money than I had ever owned
at one time in all my life。  Truly the paths of violence were
profitable!  But would he remember?  On the whole I thought probably
not; since Kafirs are not fond of parting with cattle。

Well; I did him an injustice; for presently he turned and said; with
something of an effort:

〃Macumazahn; half of all these belong to you; and truly you have earned
them; for it was your cunning and good counsel that gained us the
victory。  Now we will choose them beast by beast。〃

So I chose a fine ox; then Saduko chose one; and so it went on till I
had eight of my number driven out。  As the eighth was taken I turned to
Saduko and said:

〃There; that will do。  These oxen I must have to replace those in my
teams which died on the trek; but I want no more。〃

〃Wow!〃 said Saduko; and all those who stood with him; while one of them
addedI think it was old Tshoza:

〃He refuses six hundred cattle which are fairly his!  He must be mad!〃

〃No friends;〃 I answered; 〃I am not mad; but neither am I bad。  I
accompanied Saduko on this raid because he is dear to me and stood by me
once in the hour of danger。  But I do not love killing men with whom I
have no quarrel; and I will not take the price of blood。〃

〃Wow!〃 said old Tshoza again; for Saduko seemed too astonished to speak;
〃he is a spirit; not a man。  He is _holy!_〃

〃Not a bit of it;〃 I answered。  〃If you think that; ask Mameena〃a dark
saying which they did not understand。  〃Now; listen。  I will not take
those cattle because I do not think as you Kafirs think。  But as they
are mine; according to your law; I am going to dispose of them。  I give
ten head to each of my hunters; and fifteen head to the relations of him
who was killed。  The rest I give to Tshoza and to the other men of the
Amangwane who fought with us; to be divided among them in such
proportions as they may agree; I being the judge in the event of any
quarrel arising。〃

Now these men raised a great cry of 〃Inkoosi!〃 and; running up; old
Tshoza seized my hand and kissed it。

〃Your heart is big;〃 he cried; 〃you drop fatness!  Although you are so
small; the spirit of a king lives in you; and the wisdom of the

Thus he praised me; while all the others joined in; till the din was
awful。  Saduko thanked me also in his magnificent manner。  Yet I do not
think that he was altogethe
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