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child of storm-第3章

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〃O Macumazana〃 (that is my native name; often abbreviated into
Macumazahn; which means 〃One who stands out;〃 or as many interpret it; I
don't know how; 〃Watcher…by…Night〃)〃a gun that goes off sometimes when
you do not expect it is much better than no gun at all; and you are a
chief with a great heart to promise it to me; for when I own the White
Man's weapon I shall be looked up to and feared by everyone between the
two rivers。〃

Now; while he was speaking he handled the gun; that was loaded;
observing which I moved behind him。  Off it went in due course; its
recoil knocking him backwardsfor that gun was a devil to kickand its
bullet cutting the top off the ear of one of his wives。  The lady fled
screaming; leaving a little bit of her ear upon the ground。

〃What does it matter?〃 said Umbezi; as he picked himself up; rubbing his
shoulder with a rueful look。  〃Would that the evil spirit in the gun had
cut off her tongue and not her ear!  It is the Worn…out…Old…Cow's own
fault; she is always peeping into everything like a monkey。  Now she
will have something to chatter about and leave my things alone for
awhile。  I thank my ancestral Spirit it was not Mameena; for then her
looks would have been spoiled。〃

〃Who is Mameena?〃 I asked。  〃Your last wife?〃

〃No; no; Macumazahn; I wish she were; for then I should have the most
beautiful wife in the land。  She is my daughter; though not that of the
Worn…out…Old…Cow; her mother died when she was born; on the night of the
Great Storm。  You should ask Saduko there who Mameena is;〃 he added with
a broad grin; lifting his head from the gun; which he was examining
gingerly; as though he thought it might go off again while unloaded; and
nodding towards someone who stood behind him。

I turned; and for the first time saw Saduko; whom I recognised at once
as a person quite out of the ordinary run of natives。

He was a tall and magnificently formed young man; who; although his
breast was scarred with assegai wounds; showing that he was a warrior;
had not yet attained to the honour of the 〃ring〃 of polished wax laid
over strips of rush bound round with sinew and sewn to the hair; the
〃isicoco〃 which at a certain age or dignity; determined by the king;
Zulus are allowed to assume。  But his face struck me more even than his
grace; strength and stature。  Undoubtedly it was a very fine face; with
little or nothing of the negroid type about it; indeed; he might have
been a rather dark…coloured Arab; to which stock he probably threw back。
 The eyes; too; were large and rather melancholy; and in his reserved;
dignified air there was something that showed him to be no common
fellow; but one of breeding and intellect。

〃Siyakubona〃 (that is; 〃we see you;〃 anglice 〃good morrow〃) 〃Saduko;〃 I
said; eyeing him curiously。  〃Tell me; who is Mameena?〃

〃Inkoosi;〃 he answered in his deep voice; lifting his delicately shaped
hand in salutation; a courtesy that pleased me who; after all; was
nothing but a white hunter; 〃Inkoosi; has not her father said that she
is his daughter?〃

〃Aye;〃 answered the jolly old Umbezi; 〃but what her father has not said
is that Saduko is her lover; or; rather; would like to be。  Wow!
Saduko;〃 he went on; shaking his fat finger at him; 〃are you mad; man;
that you think a girl like that is for you?  Give me a hundred cattle;
not one less; and I will begin to think of it。  Why; you have not ten;
and Mameena is my eldest daughter; and must marry a rich man。〃

〃She loves me; O Umbezi;〃 answered Saduko; looking down; 〃and that is
more than cattle。〃

〃For you; perhaps; Saduko; but not for me who am poor and want cows。 
Also;〃 he added; glancing at him shrewdly; 〃are you so sure that Mameena
loves you though you be such a fine man?  Now; I should have thought
that whatever her eyes may say; her heart loves no one but herself; and
that in the end she will follow her heart and not her eyes。  Mameena the
beautiful does not seek to be a poor man's wife and do all the hoeing。 
But bring me the hundred cattle and we will see; for; speaking truth
from my heart; if you were a big chief there is no one I should like
better as a son…in…law; unless it were Macumazahn here;〃 he said;
digging me in the ribs with his elbow; 〃who would lift up my House on
his white back。〃

Now; at this speech Saduko shifted his feet uneasily; it seemed to me as
though he felt there was truth in Umbezi's estimate of his daughter's
character。  But he only said:

〃Cattle can be acquired。〃

〃Or stolen;〃 suggested Umbezi。

〃Or taken in war;〃 corrected Saduko。  〃When I have a hundred head I will
hold you to your word; O father of Mameena。〃

〃And then what would you live on; fool; if you gave all your beasts to
me?  There; there; cease talking wind。  Before you have a hundred head
of cattle Mameena will have six children who will not call _you_ father。
 Ah; don't you like that?  Are you going away?〃

〃Yes; I am going;〃 he answered; with a flash of his quiet eyes; 〃only
then let the man whom they do call father beware of Saduko。〃

〃Beware of how you talk; young man;〃 said Umbezi in a grave voice。 
〃Would you travel your father's road?  I hope not; for I like you well;
but such words are apt to be remembered。〃

Saduko walked away as though he did not hear。

〃Who is he?〃 I asked。

〃One of high blood;〃 answered Umbezi shortly。  〃He might be a chief
to…day had not his father been a plotter and a wizard。  Dingaan smelt
him out〃and he made a sideways motion with his hand that among the
Zulus means much。  〃Yes; they were killed; almost every one; the chief;
his wives; his children and his headmenevery one except Chosa his
brother and his son Saduko; whom Zikali the dwarf; the
Smeller…out…of…evil…doers; the Ancient; who was old before Senzangakona
became a father of kings; hid him。  There; that is an evil tale to talk
of;〃 and he shivered。  〃Come; White Man; and doctor that old Cow of
mine; or she will give me no peace for months。〃

So I went to see the Worn…out…Old…Cownot because I had any particular
interest in her; for; to tell the truth; she was a very disagreeable and
antique person; the cast…off wife of some chief whom at an unknown date
in the past the astute Umbezi had married from motives of policybut
because I hoped to hear more of Miss Mameena; in whom I had become

Entering a large hut; I found the lady so impolitely named 〃the Old Cow〃
in a parlous state。  There she lay upon the floor; an unpleasant object
because of the blood that had escaped from her wound; surrounded by a
crowd of other women and of children。  At regular intervals she
announced that she was dying; and emitted a fearful yell; whereupon all
the audience yelled also; in short; the place was a perfect pandemonium。

Telling Umbezi to get the hut cleared; I said that I would go to fetch
my medicines。  Meanwhile I ordered my servant; Scowl; a humorous…looking
fellow; light yellow in hue; for he had a strong dash of Hottentot in
his composition; to cleanse the wound。  When I returned from the wagon
ten minutes later the screams were more terrible than before; although
the chorus now stood without the hut。  Nor was this altogether
wonderful; for on entering the place I found Scowl trimming up 〃the Old
Cow's〃 ear with a pair of blunt nail…scissors。

〃O Macumazana;〃 said Umbezi in a hoarse whisper; 〃might it not perhaps
be as well to leave her alone?  If she bled to death; at any rate she
would be quieter。〃

〃Are you a man or a hyena?〃 I answered sternly; and set about the job;
Scowl holding the poor woman's head between his knees。

It was over at length; a simple operation in which I exhibitedI
believe that is the medical terma strong solution of caustic applied
with a feather。

〃There; Mother;〃 I said; for now we were alone in the hut; whence Scowl
had fled; badly bitten in the calf; 〃you won't die now。〃

〃No; you vile White Man;〃 she sobbed。  〃I shan't die; but how about my

〃It will be greater than ever;〃 I answered; 〃no one else will have an
ear with such a curve in it。  But; talking of beauty; where is Mameena?〃

〃I don't know where she is;〃 she replied with fury; 〃but I very well
know where she would be if I had my way。  That peeled willow…wand of a
girl〃here she added certain descriptive epithets I will not
repeat〃has brought this misfortune upon me。  We had a slight quarrel
yesterday; White Man; and; being a witch as she is; she prophesied evil。
 Yes; when by accident I scratched her ear; she said that before long
mine should burn; and surely burn it does。〃  (This; no doubt; was true;
for the caustic had begun to bite。)

〃O devil of a White Man;〃 she went on; 〃you have bewitched me; you have
filled my head with fire。〃

Then she seized an earthenware pot and hurled it at me; saying; 〃Take
that for your doctor…fee。  Go; crawl after Mameena like the others and
get her to doctor you。〃

By this time I was half through the bee…hole of the hut; my movements
being hastened by a vessel of hot water which landed on me behind。

〃What is the matter; Macumazahn?〃 asked old Umbezi; who was waiting

〃Nothing at all; friend;〃 I answered with a sweet smile; 〃except that
your wife 
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