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child of storm-第35章

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He sniffed at the air as a dog does; and as he sniffed drew ever nearer
to Nandie; till at last he laughed and pointed to her。

〃_Your_ child; Princess; whose name I do not know。  Your firstborn
child; whom you loved more than your own heart。〃

She rose。

〃Yes; yes; Nyanga;〃 she cried。  〃I am the Princess Nandie; and he was my
child; whom I loved more than my own heart。〃

〃Haha!〃 said Zikali。  〃Dust; you did not lie to me。  My Spirit; you did
not lie to me。  But now; tell me; Dustand tell me; my Spiritwho
killed this child?〃

He began to waddle round the circle; an extraordinary sight; covered as
he was with grey grime; varied with streaks of black skin where the
perspiration had washed the dust away。

Presently he came opposite to me; and; to my dismay; paused; sniffing at
me as he had at Nandie。

〃Ah! ah! O Macumazana;〃 he said; 〃you have something to do with this
matter;〃 a saying at which all that audience pricked their ears。

Then I rose up in wrath and fear; knowing my position to be one of some

〃Wizard; or Smeller…out of Wizards; whichever you name yourself;〃 I
called in a loud voice; 〃if you mean that _I_ killed Nandie's child; you

〃No; no; Macumazahn;〃 he answered; 〃but you tried to save it; and
therefore you had something to do with the matter; had you not? 
Moreover; I think that you; who are wise like me; know who did kill it。 
Won't you tell me; Macumazahn?  No?  Then I must find out for myself。 
Be at peace。  Does not all the land know that your hands are white as
your heart?〃

Then; to my great relief; he passed on; amidst a murmur of approbation;
for; as I have said; the Zulus liked me。  Round and round he wandered;
to my surprise passing both Mameena and Masapo without taking any
particular note of them; although he scanned them both; and I thought
that I saw a swift glance of recognition pass between him and Mameena。 
It was curious to watch his progress; for as he went those in front of
him swayed in their terror like corn before a puff of wind; and when he
had passed they straightened themselves as the corn does when the wind
has gone by。

At length he had finished his journey and returned to his
starting…point; to all appearance completely puzzled。

〃You keep so many wizards at your kraal; King;〃 he said; addressing
Panda; 〃that it is hard to say which of them wrought this deed。  It
would have been easier to tell you of greater matters。  Yet I have taken
your fee; and I must earn itI must earn it。  Dust; you are dumb。  Now;
my Idhlozi; my Spirit; do you speak?〃 and; holding his head sideways; he
turned his left ear up towards the sky; then said presently; in a
curious; matter…of…fact voice:

〃Ah! I thank you; Spirit。  Well; King; your grandchild was killed by the
House of Masapo; your enemy; chief of the Amasomi。〃

Now a roar of approbation went up from the audience; among whom Masapo's
guilt was a foregone conclusion。

When this had died down Panda spoke; saying:

〃The House of Masapo is a large house; I believe that he has several
wives and many children。  It is not enough to smell out the House; since
I am not as those who went before me were; nor will I slay the innocent
with the guilty。  Tell us; O Opener…of…Roads; who among the House of
Masapo has wrought this deed?〃

〃That's just the question;〃 grumbled Zikali in a deep voice。  〃All that
I know is that it was done by poisoning; and I smell the poison。  It is

Then he walked to where Mameena sat and cried out:

〃Seize that woman and search her hair。〃

Executioners who were in waiting sprang forward; but Mameena waved them

〃Friends;〃 she said; with a little laugh; 〃there is no need to touch
me;〃 and; rising; she stepped forward to the centre of the ring。  Here;
with a few swift motions of her hands; she flung off first the cloak she
wore; then the moocha about her middle; and lastly the fillet that bound
her long hair; and stood before that audience in all her naked beautya
wondrous and a lovely sight。

〃Now;〃 she said; 〃let women come and search me and my garments; and see
if there is any poison hid there。〃

Two old crones stepped forwardthough I do not know who sent themand
carried out a very thorough examination; finally reporting that they had
found nothing。  Thereon Mameena; with a shrug of her shoulders; resumed
such clothes as she wore; and returned lo her place。

Zikali appeared to grow angry。  He stamped upon the ground with his big
feet; he shook his braided grey locks and cried out:

〃Is my wisdom to be defeated in such a little matter?  One of you tie a
bandage over my eyes。〃

Now a manit was Maputa; the messengercame out and did so; and I
noted that he tied it well and tight。  Zikali whirled round upon his
heels; first one way and then another; and; crying aloud: 〃Guide me; my
Spirit!〃 marched forward in a zigzag fashion; as a blindfolded man does;
with his arms stretched out in front of him。  First he went to the
right; then to the left; and then straight forward; till at length; to
my astonishment; he came exactly opposite the spot where Masapo sat and;
stretching out his great; groping hands; seized the kaross with which he
was covered and; with a jerk; tore it from him。

〃Search this!〃 he cried; throwing it on the ground; and a woman

Presently she uttered an exclamation; and from among the fur of one of
the tails of the kaross produced a tiny bag that appeared to be made out
of the bladder of a fish。  This she handed to Zikali; whose eyes had now
been unbandaged。

He looked at it; then gave it to Maputa; saying:

〃There is the poisonthere is the poison; but who gave it I do not say。
 I am weary。  Let me go。〃

Then; none hindering him; he walked away through the gate of the kraal。

Soldiers seized upon Masapo; while the multitude roared: 〃Kill the

Masapo sprang up; and; running to where the King sat; flung himself upon
his knees; protesting his innocence and praying for mercy。  I also; who
had doubts as to all this business; ventured to rise and speak。

〃O King;〃 I said; 〃as one who has known this man in the past; I plead
with you。  How that powder came into his kaross I know not; but
perchance it is not poison; only harmless dust。〃

〃Yes; it is but wood dust which I use for the cleaning of my nails;〃
cried Masapo; for he was so terrified I think he knew not what he said。

〃So you own to knowledge of the medicine?〃  exclaimed Panda。  〃Therefore
none hid it in your kaross through malice。〃

Masapo began to explain; but what he said was lost in a mighty roar of
〃Kill the wizard!〃

Panda held up his hand and there was silence。

〃Bring milk in a dish;〃 commanded the King; and it; was brought; and; at
a further word from him; dusted with the powder。

〃Now; O Macumazana;〃 said Panda to me; 〃if you still think that yonder
man is innocent; will you drink this milk?〃

〃I do not like milk; O King;〃 I answered; shaking my head; whereon all
who heard me laughed。

〃Will Mameena; his wife; drink it; then?〃 asked Panda。

She also shook her head; saying:

〃O King; I drink no milk that is mixed with dust。〃

Just then a lean; white dog; one of those homeless; mangy beasts that
stray about kraals and live upon carrion; wandered into the ring。  Panda
made a sign; and a servant; going to where the poor beast stood staring
about it hungrily; set down the wooden dish of milk in front of it。 
Instantly the dog lapped it up; for it was starving; and as it finished
the last drop the man slipped a leathern thong about its neck and held
it fast。

Now all eyes were fixed upon the dog; mine among them。  Presently the
beast uttered a long and melancholy howl which thrilled me through; for
I knew it to be Masapo's death warrant; then began to scratch the ground
and foam at the mouth。  Guessing what would follow; I rose; bowed to the
King; and walked away to my camp; which; it will be remembered; was set
up in a little kloof commanding this place; at a distance only of a few
hundred yards。  So intent was all the multitude upon watching the dog
that I doubt whether anyone saw me go。  As for that poor beast; Scowl;
who stayed behind; told me that it did not die for about ten minutes;
since before its end a red rash appeared upon it similar to that which I
had seen upon Saduko's child; and it was seized with convulsions。

Well; I reached my tent unmolested; and; having lit my pipe; engaged
myself in making business entries in my note…book; in order to divert my
mind as much as I could; when suddenly I heard a most devilish clamour。 
Looking up; I saw Masapo running towards me with a speed that I should
have thought impossible in so fat a man; while after him raced the
fierce…faced executioners; and behind came the mob。

〃Kill the evil…doer!〃 they shouted。

Masapo reached me。  He flung himself on his knees before me; gasping:

〃Save me; Macumazahn!  I am innocent。  Mameena; the witch!  Mameena〃

He got no farther; for the slayers had leapt on him like hounds upon a
buck and dragged him from me。

Then I turned and covered up my eyes。

Next morning I left Nodwengu without saying good…bye to anyone; for what
had happened there mad
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