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child of storm-第38章

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as they thought unobserved; since we were standing where they could not
see us。

〃I don't know; and I don't want to know;〃 I answered sharply。

〃Neither do I; Macumazahn; but without doubt we shall learn in time。  If
the crocodile is patient and silent the buck always drops into its jaws
at last。〃

On the day after Nandie made this wise remark Saduko started on a
mission; as I understood; to win over several doubtful chiefs to the
cause of Indhlovu…ene…sihlonti (the Elephant…with…the…tuft…of…hair); as
the Prince Umbelazi was called among the Zulus; though not to his face。 
This mission lasted ten days; and before it was concluded an important
event happened at Umbezi's kraal。

One evening Mameena came to me in a great rage; and said that she could
bear her present life no longer。  Presuming on her rank and position as
head…wife; Nandie treated her like a servantnay; like a little dog; to
be beaten with a stick。  She wished that Nandie would die。

〃It will be very unlucky for you if she does;〃 I answered; 〃for then;
perhaps; Zikali will be summoned to look into the matter; as he was

What was she to do; she went on; ignoring my remark。

〃Eat the porridge that you have made in your own pot; or break the pot〃
(i。e。 go away); I suggested。  〃There was no need for you to marry
Saduko; any more than there was for you to marry Masapo。〃

〃How can you talk to me like that; Macumazahn;〃 she answered; stamping
her foot; 〃when you know well it is your fault if I married anyone? 
Piff! I hate them all; and; since my father would only beat me if I took
my troubles to him; I will run off; and live in the wilderness alone and
become a witch…doctoress。〃

〃I am afraid you will find it very dull; Mameena;〃 I began in a
bantering tone; for; to tell the truth; I did not think it wise to show
her too much sympathy while she was so excited。

Mameena never waited for the end of the sentence; but; sobbing out that
I was false and cruel; she turned and departed swiftly。  Oh! little did
I foresee how and where we should meet again。

Next morning I was awakened shortly after sunrise by Scowl; whom I had
sent out with another man the night before to look for a lost ox。

〃Well; have you found the ox?〃 I asked。

〃Yes; Baas; but I did not waken you to tell you that。  I have a message
for you; Baas; from Mameena; wife of Saduko; whom I met about four hours
ago upon the plain yonder。〃

I bade him set it out。

These were the words of Mameena; Baas: 'Say to Macumazahn; your master;
that Indhlovu…ene…sihlonti; taking pity on my wrongs and loving me with
his heart; has offered to take me into his House and that I have
accepted his offer; since I think it better to become the Inkosazana of
the Zulus; as I shall one day; than to remain a servant in the house of
Nandie。  Say to Macumazahn that when Saduko returns he is to tell him
that this is all his fault; since if he had kept Nandie in her place I
would have died rather than leave him。  Let him say to Saduko also that;
although from henceforth we can be no more than friends; my heart is
still tender towards him; and that by day and by night I will strive to
water his greatness; so that it may grow into a tree that shall shade
the land。  Let Macumazahn bid him not to be angry with me; since what I
do I do for his good; as he would have found no happiness while Nandie
and I dwelt in one house。  Above all; also let him not be angry with the
Prince; who loves him more than any man; and does but travel whither the
wind that I breathe blows him。  Bid Macumazahn think of me kindly; as I
shall of him while my eyes are open。'〃

I listened to this amazing message in silence; then asked if Mameena was

〃No; Baas; Umbelazi and some soldiers were with her; but they did not
hear her words; for she stepped aside to speak with me。  Then she
returned to them; and they walked away swiftly; and were swallowed up in
the night。〃

〃Very good; Sikauli;〃 I said。  〃Make me some coffee; and make it

I dressed and drank several cups of the coffee; all the while 〃thinking
with my head;〃 as the Zulus say。  Then I walked up to the kraal to see
Umbezi; whom I found just coming out of his hut; yawning。

〃Why do you look so black upon this beautiful morning; Macumazahn?〃
asked the genial old scamp。  〃Have you lost your best cow; or what?〃

〃No; my friend;〃 I answered; 〃but you and another have lost your best
cow。〃  And word for word I repeated to him Mameena's message。  When I
had finished really I thought that Umbezi was about to faint。

〃Curses be on the head of this Mameena!〃 he exclaimed。  〃Surely some
evil spirit must have been her father; not I; and well was she called
Child of Storm。*  What shall I do now; Macumazahn?  Thanks be to my
Spirit;〃 he added; with an air of relief; 〃she is too far gone for me to
try to catch her; also; if I did; Umbelazi and his soldiers would kill

'*That; if I have not said so already; was the meaning which the Zulus
gave to the word 〃Mameena〃; although as I know the language I cannot get
any such interpretation out of the name; I believe that it was given to
her; however; because she was born just before a terrible tempest; when
the wind wailing round the but made a sound like the word 〃Ma…mee…na〃。
A。 Q。'

〃And what will Saduko do if you don't?〃 I asked。

〃Oh; of course he will be angry; for no doubt he is fond of her。  But;
after all; I am used to that。  You remember how he went mad when she
married Masapo。  At least; he cannot say that I made her run away with
Umbelazi。  After all; it is a matter which they must settle between

〃I think it may mean great trouble;〃 I said; 〃at a time when trouble is
not needed。〃

〃Oh; why so; Macumazahn?  My daughter did not get on with the Princess
Nandiewe could all see thatfor they would scarcely speak to each
other。  And if Saduko is fond of herwell; after all; there are other
beautiful women in Zululand。  I know one or two of them myself whom I
will mention to Sadukoor rather to Nandie。  Really; as things were; I
am not sure but that he is well rid of her。〃

〃But what do you think of the matter as her father?〃 I asked; for I
wanted to see to what length his accommodating morality would stretch。

〃As her fatherwell; of course; Macumazahn; as her father I am sorry;
because it will mean talk; will it not; as the Masapo business did? 
Still; there is this to be said for Mameena;〃 he added; with a
brightening face; 〃she always runs away up the tree; not down。  When she
got rid of MasapoI mean when Masapo was killed for his witchcraftshe
married Saduko; who was a bigger manSaduko; whom she would not marry
when Masapo was the bigger man。  And now; when she has got rid of
Saduko; she enters the hut of Umbelazi; who will one day be King of the
Zulus; the biggest man in all the world; which means that she will be
the biggest woman; for remember; Macumazahn; she will walk round and
round that great Umbelazi till whatever way he looks he will see her and
no one else。  Oh; she will grow great; and carry up her poor old father
in the blanket on her back。  Oh; the sun still shines behind the cloud;
Macumazahn; so let us make the best of the cloud; since we know that it
will break out presently。〃

〃Yes; Umbezi; but other things besides the sun break out from clouds
sometimeslightning; for instance; lightning which kills。〃

〃You speak ill…omened words; Macumazahn; words that take away my
appetite; which is generally excellent at this hour。  Well; if Mameena
is bad it is not my fault; for I brought her up to be good。  After all;〃
he added with an outburst of petulance; 〃why do you scold me when it is
your fault?  If you had run away with the girl when you might have done
so; there would have been none of this trouble。〃

〃Perhaps not;〃 I answered; 〃only then I am sure I should have been dead
to…day; as I think that all who have to do with her will be ere long。 
And now; Umbezi; I wish you a good breakfast。〃

On the following morning; Saduko returned and was told the news by
Nandie; whom I had carefully avoided。  On this occasion; however; I was
forced to be present; as the person to whom the sinful Mameena had sent
her farewell message。  It was a very painful experience; of which I do
not remember all the details。  For a while after he learned the truth
Saduko sat still as a stone; staring in front of him; with a face that
seemed to have become suddenly old。  Then he turned upon Umbezi; and in
a few terrible words accused him of having arranged the matter in order
to advance his own fortunes at the price of his daughter's dishonour。 
Next; without listening to his ex…father…in…law's voluble explanations;
he rose and said that he was going away to kill Umbelazi; the evil…doer
who had robbed him of the wife he loved; with the connivance of all
three of us; and by a sweep of his hand he indicated Umbezi; the
Princess Nandie and myself。

This was more than I could stand; so I; too; rose and asked him what he
meant; adding in the irritation of the moment that if I had wished to
rob him of his beautiful Mameena; I thought I could have done so long
agoa remark that staggered him a little。

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