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child of storm-第4章

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〃Nothing at all; friend;〃 I answered with a sweet smile; 〃except that
your wife wants to see you at once。  She is in pain; and wishes you to
soothe her。  Go in; do not hesitate。〃

After a moment's pause he went inthat is; half of him went in。  Then
came a fearful crash; and he emerged again with the rim of a pot about
his neck and his countenance veiled in a coating of what I took to be

〃Where is Mameena?〃 I asked him as he sat up spluttering。

〃Where I wish I was;〃 he answered in a thick voice; 〃at a kraal five
hours' journey away。〃

Well; that was the first I heard of Mameena。

That night as I sat smoking my pipe under the flap lean…to attached to
the wagon; laughing to myself over the adventure of 〃the Old Cow;〃
falsely described as 〃worn out;〃 and wondering whether Umbezi had got
the honey out of his hair; the canvas was lifted; and a Kafir wrapped in
a kaross crept in and squatted before me。

〃Who are you?〃 I asked; for it was too dark to see the man's face。

〃Inkoosi;〃 answered a deep voice; 〃I am Saduko。〃

〃You are welcome;〃 I answered; handing him a little gourd of snuff in
token of hospitality。  Then I waited while he poured some of the snuff
into the palm of his hand and took it in the usual fashion。

〃Inkoosi;〃 he said; when he had scraped away the tears produced by the
snuff; 〃I have come to ask you a favour。  You heard Umbezi say to…day
that he will not give me his daughter; Mameena; unless I give him a
hundred head of cows。  Now; I have not got the cattle; and I cannot earn
them by work in many years。  Therefore I must take them from a certain
tribe I know which is at war with the Zulus。  But this I cannot do
unless I have a gun。  If I had a good gun; Inkoosione that only goes
off when it is asked; and not of its own fancy; I who have some name
could persuade a number of men whom I know; who once were servants of my
father; or their sons; to be my companions in this venture。〃

〃Do I understand that you wish me to give you one of my good guns with
two mouths to it (i。e。 double…barrelled); a gun worth at least twelve
oxen; for nothing; O Saduko?〃 I asked in a cold and scandalised voice。

〃Not so; O Watcher…by…Night;〃 he answered; 〃not so; O
He…who…sleeps…with…one…eye…open〃 (another free and difficult rendering
of my native name; Macumazahn; or more correctly; Macumazana)〃I should
never dream of offering such an insult to your high…born intelligence。〃 
He paused and took another pinch of snuff; then went on in a meditative
voice: 〃Where I propose to get those hundred cattle there are many more;
I am told not less than a thousand head in all。  Now; Inkoosi;〃 he
added; looking at me sideways; 〃suppose you gave me the gun I ask for;
and suppose you accompanied me with your own gun and your armed hunters;
it would be fair that you should have half the cattle; would it not?〃

〃That's cool;〃 I said。  〃So; young man; you want to turn me into a
cow…thief and get my throat cut by Panda for breaking the peace of his

〃Neither; Macumazahn; for these are my own cattle。  Listen; now; and I
will tell you a story。  You have heard of Matiwane; the chief of the

〃Yes;〃 I answered。  〃His tribe lived near the head of the Umzinyati; did
they not?  Then they were beaten by the Boers or the English; and
Matiwane came under the Zulus。  But afterwards Dingaan wiped him out;
with his House; and now his people are killed or scattered。〃

〃Yes; his people are killed and scattered; but his House still lives。 
Macumazahn; I am his House; I; the only son of his chief wife; for
Zikali the Wise Little One; the Ancient; who is of the Amangwane blood;
and who hated Chaka and Dingaanyes; and Senzangakona their father
before them; but whom none of them could kill because he is so great and
has such mighty spirits for his servants; saved and sheltered me。〃

〃If he is so great; why; then; did he not save your father also;
Saduko?〃 I asked; as though I knew nothing of this Zikali。

〃I cannot say; Macumazahn。  Perhaps the spirits plant a tree for
themselves; and to do so cut down many other trees。  At least; so it
happened。  It happened thus: Bangu; chief of the Amakoba; whispered into
Dingaan's ear that Matiwane; my father; was a wizard; also that he was
very rich。  Dingaan listened because he thought a sickness that he had
came from Matiwane's witchcraft。  He said: 'Go; Bangu; and take a
company with you and pay Matiwane a visit of honour; and in the night; O
in the night!  Afterwards; Bangu; we will divide the cattle; for
Matiwane is strong and clever; and you shall not risk your life for

Saduko paused and looked down at the ground; brooding heavily。

〃Macumazahn; it was done;〃 he said presently。  〃They ate my father's
meat; they drank his beer; they gave him a present from the king; they
praised him with high names; yes; Bangu took snuff with him and called
him brother。  Then in the night; O in the night!

〃My father was in the hut with my mother; and I; so big only〃and he
held his hand at the height of a boy of ten〃was with them。  The cry
arose; the flames began to eat; my father looked out and saw。  'Break
through the fence and away; woman;' he said; 'away with Saduko; that he
may live to avenge me。  Begone while I hold the gate!  Begone to Zikali;
for whose witchcrafts I pay with my blood。'

〃Then he kissed me on the brow; saying but one word; 'Remember;' and
thrust us from the hut。

〃My mother broke a way through the fence; yes; she tore at it with her
nails and teeth like a hyena。  I looked back out of the shadow of the
hut and saw Matiwane my father fighting like a buffalo。  Men went down
before him; one; two; three; although he had no shield: only his spear。 
Then Bangu crept behind him and stabbed him in the back and he threw up
his arms and fell。  I saw no more; for by now we were through the fence。
 We ran; but they perceived us。  They hunted us as wild dogs hunt a
buck。  They killed my mother with a throwing assegai; it entered at her
back and came out at her heart。  I went mad; I drew it from her body; I
ran at them。  I dived beneath the shield of the first; a very tall man;
and held the spear; so; in both my little hands。  His weight came upon
its point and it went through him as though he were but a bowl of
buttermilk。  Yes; he rolled over; quite dead; and the handle of the
spear broke upon the ground。  Now the others stopped astonished; for
never had they seen such a thing。  That a child should kill a tall
warrior; oh! that tale had not been told。  Some of them would have let
me go; but just then Bangu came up and saw the dead man; who was his

〃'Wow!' he said when he knew how the man had died。  'This lion's cub is
a wizard also; for how else could he have killed a soldier who has known
war?  Hold out his arms that I may finish him slowly。'

〃So two of them held out my arms; and Bangu came up with his spear。〃

Saduko ceased speaking; not that his tale was done; but because his
voice choked in his throat。  Indeed; seldom have I seen a man so moved。 
He breathed in great gasps; the sweat poured from him; and his muscles
worked convulsively。  I gave him a pannikin of water and he drank; then
he went on:

〃Already the spear had begun to pricklook; here is the mark of
it〃and opening his kaross he pointed to a little white line just below
the breast…bone〃when a strange shadow thrown by the fire of the
burning huts came between Bangu and me; a shadow as that of a toad
standing on its hind legs。  I looked round and saw that it was the
shadow of Zikali; whom I had seen once or twice。  There he stood; though
whence he came I know not; wagging his great white head that sits on the
top of his body like a pumpkin on an ant…heap; rolling his big eyes and
laughing loudly。

〃'A merry sight;' he cried in his deep voice that sounded like water in
a hollow cave。  'A merry sight; O Bangu; Chief of the Amakoba! Blood;
blood; plenty of blood!  Fire; fire; plenty of fire!  Wizards dead here;
there; and everywhere!  Oh; a merry sight!  I have seen many such; one
at the kraal of your grandmother; for instanceyour grandmother the
great Inkosikazi; when myself I escaped with my life because I was so
old; but never do I remember a merrier than that which this moon shines
on;' and he pointed to the White Lady who just then broke through the
clouds。  'But; great Chief Bangu; lord loved by the son of Senzangakona;
brother of the Black One (Chaka) who has ridden hence on the assegai;
what is the meaning of _this_ play?' and he pointed to me and to the two
soldiers who held out my little arms。

〃'I kill the wizard's cub; Zikali; that is all;' answered Bangu。

〃'I see; I see;' laughed Zikali。  'A gallant deed!  You have butchered
the father and the mother; and now you would butcher the child who has
slain one of your grown warriors in fair fight。  A very gallant deed;
well worthy of the chief of the Amakoba! Well; loose his spiritonly'
He stopped and took a pinch of snuff from a box which he drew from a
slit in the lobe of his great ear。

〃'Only what?' asked Bangu; hesitating。

〃'Only I wonder; Bangu; what you will think of the world in which you
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