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child of storm-第54章

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and; after all is said; it is well to die; who go hence awaited by
thousands upon thousands that I have sent before me; and who shall be
greeted presently by your son; Indhlovu…ene…Sihlonti; and his warriors;
greeted as the Inkosazana of Death; with red; lifted spears and with the
royal salute!

〃Now; I have spoken。  Walk your little road; O King and Prince and
Councillors; till you reach the gulf into which I sink; that yawns for
all of you。  O King; when you meet me again at the bottom of that gulf;
what a tale you will have to tell me; you who are but the shadow of a
king; you whose heart henceforth must be eaten out by a worm that is
called _Love…of…the…Lost_。  O Prince and Conqueror Cetewayo; what a tale
you will have to tell me when I greet you at the bottom of that gulf;
you who will bring your nation to a wreck and at last die as I must
dieonly the servant of others and by the will of others。  Nay; ask me
not how。  Ask old Zikali; my master; who saw the beginning of your House
and will see its end。  Oh; yes; as you say; I am a witch; and I know; I
know!  Come; I am spent。  You men weary me; as men have always done;
being but fools whom it is so easy to make drunk; and who when drunk are
so unpleasing。  Piff!  I am tired of you sober and cunning; and I am
tired of you drunken and brutal; you who; after all; are but beasts of
the field to whom Mvelingangi; the Creator; has given heads which can
think; but which always think wrong。

〃Now; King; before you unchain your dogs upon me; I ask one moment。  I
said that I hated all men; yet; as you know; no woman can tell the
truthquite。  There is a man whom I do not hate; whom I never hated;
whom I think I love because he would not love me。  He sits there;〃 and
to my utter dismay; and the intense interest of that company; she
pointed at me; Allan Quatermain!

〃Well; once by my 'magic;' of which you have heard so much; I got the
better of this man against his will and judgment; and; because of that
soft heart of mine; I let him go; yes; I let the rare fish go when he
was on my hook。  It is well that I should have let him go; since; had I
kept him; a fine story would have been spoiled and I should have become
nothing but a white hunter's servant; to be thrust away behind the door
when the white Inkosikazi came to eat his meatI; Mameena; who never
loved to stand out of sight behind a door。  Well; when he was at my feet
and I spared him; he made me a promise; a very small promise; which yet
I think he will keep now when we part for a little while。  Macumazahn;
did you not promise to kiss me once more upon the lips whenever and
wherever I should ask you?〃

〃I did;〃 I answered in a hollow voice; for in truth her eyes held me as
they had held Saduko。

〃Then come now; Macumazahn; and give me that farewell kiss。  The King
will permit it; and since I have now no husband; who take Death to
husband; there is none to say you nay。〃

I rose。  It seemed to me that I could not help myself。  I went to her;
this woman surrounded by implacable enemies; this woman who had played
for great stakes and lost them; and who knew so well how to lose。  I
stood before her; ashamed and yet not ashamed; for something of her
greatness; evil though it might be; drove out my shame; and I knew that
my foolishness was lost in a vast tragedy。

Slowly she lifted her languid arm and threw it about my neck; slowly she
bent her red lips to mine and kissed me; once upon the mouth and once
upon the forehead。  But between those two kisses she did a thing so
swiftly that my eyes could scarcely follow what she did。  It seemed to
me that she brushed her left hand across her lips; and that I saw her
throat rise as though she swallowed something。  Then she thrust me from
her; saying:

〃Farewell; O Macumazana; you will never forget this kiss of mine; and
when we meet again we shall have much to talk of; for between now and
then your story will be long。  Farewell; Zikali。  I pray that all your
plannings may succeed; since those you hate are those I hate; and I bear
you no grudge because you told the truth at last。  Farewell; Prince
Cetewayo。  You will never be the man your brother would have been; and
your lot is very evil; you who are doomed to pull down a House built by
One who was great。  Farewell; Saduko the fool; who threw away your
fortune for a woman's eyes; as though the world were not full of women。 
Nandie the Sweet and the Forgiving will nurse you well until your
haunted end。  Oh! why does Umbelazi lean over your shoulder; Saduko; and
look at me so strangely?  Farewell; Panda the Shadow。  Now let loose
your slayers。  Oh! let them loose swiftly; lest they should be balked of
my blood!〃

Panda lifted his hand and the executioners leapt forward; but ere ever
they reached her; Mameena shivered; threw wide her arms and fell
backdead。  The poisonous drug she had taken worked well and swiftly。

Such was the end of Mameena; Child of Storm。

A deep silence followed; a silence of awe and wonderment; till suddenly
it was broken by a sound of dreadful laughter。  It came from the lips of
Zikali the Ancient; Zikali; the



That evening at sunset; just as I was about to trek; for the King had
given me leave to go; and at that time my greatest desire in life seemed
to be to bid good…bye to Zululand and the ZulusI saw a strange;
beetle…like shape hobbling up the hill towards me; supported by two big
men。  It was Zikali。

He passed me without a word; merely making a motion that I was to follow
him; which I did out of curiosity; I suppose; for Heaven knows I had
seen enough of the old wizard to last me for a lifetime。  He reached a
flat stone about a hundred yards above my camp; where there was no bush
in which anyone could hide; and sat himself down; pointing to another
stone in front of him; on which I sat myself down。  Then the two men
retired out of earshot; and; indeed; of sight; leaving us quite alone。

〃So you are going away; O Macumazana?〃 he said。

〃Yes; I am;〃 I answered with energy; 〃who; if I could have had my will;
would have gone away long ago。〃

〃Yes; yes; I know that; but it would have been a great pity; would it
not?  If you had gone; Macumazahn; you would have missed seeing the end
of a strange little story; and you; who love to study the hearts of men
and women; would not have been so wise as you are to…day。〃

〃No; nor as sad; Zikali。  Oh! the death of that woman!〃  And I put my
hand before my eyes。

〃Ah! I understand; Macumazahn; you were always fond of her; were you
not; although your white pride would not suffer you to admit that black
fingers were pulling at your heartstrings?  She was a wonderful witch;
was Mameena; and there is this comfort for youthat she pulled at other
heartstrings as well。  Masapo's; for instance; Saduko's; for instance;
Umbelazi's; for instance; none of whom got any luck from her
pullingyes; and even at mine。〃

Now; as I did not think it worth while to contradict his nonsense so far
as I was concerned personally; I went off on this latter point。

〃If you show affection as you did towards Mameena to…day; Zikali; I pray
my Spirit that you may cherish none for me;〃 I said。

He shook his great head pityingly as he answered:

〃Did you never love a lamb and kill it afterwards when you were hungry;
or when it grew into a ram and butted you; or when it drove away your
other sheep; so that they fell into the hands of thieves?  Now; I am
very hungry for the fall of the House of Senzangakona; and the lamb;
Mameena; having grown big; nearly laid me on my back to…day within the
reach of the slayer's spear。  Also; she was hunting my sheep; Saduko;
into an evil net whence he could never have escaped。  So; somewhat
against my will; I was driven to tell the truth of that lamb and her

〃I daresay;〃 I exclaimed; 〃but; at any rate; she is done with; so what
is the use of talking about her?〃

〃Ah! Macumazahn; she is done with; or so you think; though that is a
strange saying for a white man who believes in much that we do not know;
but at least her work remains; and it has been a great work。  Consider
now。  Umbelazi and most of the princes; and thousands upon thousands of
the Zulus; whom I; the Dwande; hate; dead; dead!  _Mameena's work_;
Macumazahn!  Panda's hand grown strengthless with sorrow and his eyes
blind with tears。  _Mameena's work_; Macumazahn!  Cetewayo; king in all
but name; Cetewayo; who shall bring the House of Senzangakona to the
dust。  _Mameena's work_; Macumazahn!  Oh! a mighty work。  Surely she has
lived a great and worthy life; and she died a great and worthy death! 
And how well she did it!  Had you eyes to see her take the poison which
I gave hera good poison; was it not?between her kisses; Macumazahn?〃

〃I believe it was your work; and not hers;〃 I blurted out; ignoring his
mocking questions。  〃You pulled the strings; you were the wind that
caused the grass to bend till the fire caught it and set the town in
flamesthe town of your foes。〃

〃How clever you are; Macumazahn!  If your wits grow so sharp; one day
they will cut your t
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