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child of storm-第7章

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Once; long years before; I had heard that laugh; when I was a prisoner
in Dingaan's kraal; after the massacre of Retief and his company; and I
recognised it again。

While I was searching for some answer in the same vein; and not finding
it; though I thought of plenty afterwards; ceasing of a sudden from his
unseemly mirth; he went on:

〃Do not let us waste time in jests; for it is a precious thing; and
there is but little of it left for any one of us。  Your business; son

〃Baba!〃 (that is the Zulu for father); said Saduko; 〃this white Inkoosi;
for; as you know well enough; he is a chief by nature; a man of a great
heart and doubtless of high blood 'this; I believe; is true; for I have
been told that my ancestors were more or less distinguished; although;
if this is so; their talents did not lie in the direction of
money…making'; has offered to take me upon a shooting expedition and to
give me a good gun with two mouths in payment of my services。  But I
told him I could not engage in any fresh venture without your leave;
andhe is come to see whether you will grant it; my father。〃

〃Indeed;〃 answered the dwarf; nodding his great head。  〃This clever
white man has taken the trouble of a long walk in the sun to come here
to ask me whether he may be allowed the privilege of presenting you with
a weapon of great value in return for a service that any man of your
years in Zululand would love to give for nothing in such company?

〃Son Saduko; because my eye…holes are hollow; do you think it your part
to try to fill them up with dust?  Nay; the white man has come because
he desires to see him who is named Opener…of…Roads; of whom he heard a
great deal when he was but a lad; and to judge whether in truth he has
wisdom; or is but a common cheat。  And you have come to learn whether or
no your friendship with him will be fortunate; whether or no he will aid
you in a certain enterprise that you have in your mind。〃

〃True; O Zikali;〃 I said。  〃That is so far as I am concerned。〃

But Saduko answered nothing。

〃Well;〃 went on the dwarf; 〃since I am in the mood I will try to answer
both your questions; for I should be a poor Nyanga〃 'that is doctor' 〃if
I did not when you have travelled so far to ask them。  Moreover; O
Macumazana; be happy; for I seek no fee who; having made such fortune as
I need long ago; before your father was born across the Black Water;
Macumazahn; no longer work for a rewardunless it be from the hand of
one of the House of Senzangakonaand therefore; as you may guess; work
but seldom。〃

Then he clapped his hands; and a servant appeared from somewhere behind
the hut; one of those fierce…looking men who had stopped us at the gate。
 He saluted the dwarf and stood before him in silence and with bowed

〃Make two fires;〃 said Zikali; 〃and give me my medicine。〃

The man fetched wood; which he built into two little piles in front of
Zikali。  These piles he fired with a brand brought from behind the hut。 
Then he handed his master a catskin bag。

〃Withdraw;〃 said Zikali; 〃and return no more till I summon you; for I am
about to prophesy。  If; however; I should seem to die; bury me to…morrow
in the place you know of and give this white man a safe…conduct from my

The man saluted again and went without a word。

When he had gone the dwarf drew from the bag a bundle of twisted roots;
also some pebbles; from which he selected two; one white and the other

〃Into this stone;〃 he said; holding up the white pebble so that the
light from the fire shone on itsince; save for the lingering red glow;
it was now growing dark〃into this stone I am about to draw your
spirit; O Macumazana; and into this one〃and he held up the black
pebble〃yours; O Son of Matiwane。  Why do you look frightened; O brave
White Man; who keep saying in your heart; 'He is nothing but an ugly old
Kafir cheat'?  If I am a cheat; why do you look frightened?  Is your
spirit already in your throat; and does it choke you; as this little
stone might do if you tried to swallow it?〃 and he burst into one of his
great; uncanny laughs。

I tried to protest that I was not in the least frightened; but failed;
for; in fact; I suppose my nerves were acted on by his suggestion; and I
did feel exactly as though that stone were in my throat; only coming
upwards; not going downwards。  〃Hysteria;〃 thought I to myself; 〃the
result of being overtired;〃 and as I could not speak; sat still as
though I treated his gibes with silent contempt。

〃Now;〃 went on the dwarf; 〃perhaps I shall seem to die; and if so do not
touch me lest you should really die。  Wait till I wake up again and tell
you what your spirits have told me。  Or if I do not wake upfor a time
must come when I shall go on sleepingwellfor as long as I have
livedafter the fires are quite out; not before; lay your hands upon my
breast; and if you find me turning cold; get you gone to some other
Nyanga as fast as the spirits of this place will let you; O ye who would
peep into the future。〃

As he spoke he threw a big handful of the roots that I have mentioned on
to each of the fires; whereon tall flames leapt up from them; very
unholy…looking flames which were followed by columns of dense; white
smoke that emitted a most powerful and choking odour quite unlike
anything that I had ever smelt before。  It seemed to penetrate all
through me; and that accursed stone in my throat grew as large as an
apple and felt as though someone were poking it upwards with a stick。

Next he threw the white pebble into the right…hand fire; that which was
opposite to me; saying:

〃Enter; Macumazahn; and look;〃 and the black pebble he threw into the
left…hand fire saying: 〃Enter; Son of Matiwane; and look。  Then come
back both of you and make report to me; your master。〃

Now it is a fact that as he said these words I experienced a sensation
as though a stone had come out of my throat; so readily do our nerves
deceive us that I even thought it grated against my teeth as I opened my
mouth to give it passage。  At any rate the choking was gone; only now I
felt as though I were quite empty and floating on air; as though I were
not I; in short; but a mere shell of a thing; all of which doubtless was
caused by the stench of those burning roots。  Still I could look and
take note; for I distinctly saw Zikali thrust his huge head; first into
the smoke of what I will call my fire; next into that of Saduko's fire;
and then lean back; blowing the stuff in clouds from his mouth and
nostrils。  Afterwards I saw him roll over on to his side and lie quite
still with his arms outstretched; indeed; I noticed that one of his
fingers seemed to be in the left…hand fire and reflected that it would
be burnt off。  In this; however; I must have been mistaken; since I
observed subsequently that it was not even scorched。

Thus Zikali lay for a long while till I began to wonder whether he were
not really dead。  Dead enough he seemed to be; for no corpse could have
stayed more stirless。  But that night I could not keep my thoughts fixed
on Zikali or anything。  I merely noted these circumstances in a
mechanical way; as might one with whom they had nothing whatsoever to
do。  They did not interest me at all; for there appeared to be nothing
in me to be interested; as I gathered according to Zikali; because I was
not there; but in a warmer place than I hope ever to occupy; namely; in
the stone in that unpleasant…looking; little right…hand fire。

So matters went as they might in a dream。  The sun had sunk completely;
not even an after…glow was left。  The only light remaining was that from
the smouldering fires; which just sufficed to illumine the bulk of
Zikali; lying on his side; his squat shape looking like that of a dead
hippopotamus calf。  What was left of my consciousness grew heartily sick
of the whole affair; I was tired of being so empty。

At length the dwarf stirred。  He sat up; yawned; sneezed; shook himself;
and began to rake among the burning embers of my fire with his naked
hand。  Presently he found the white stone; which was now red…hotat any
rate it glowed as though it wereand after examining it for a moment
finally popped it into his mouth!  Then he hunted in the other fire for
the black stone; which he treated in a similar fashion。  The next thing
I remember was that the fires; which had died away almost to nothing;
were burning very brightly again; I suppose because someone had put fuel
on them; and Zikali was speaking。

〃Come here; O Macumazana and O Son of Matiwane;〃 he said; 〃and I will
repeat to you what your spirits have been telling me。〃

We drew near into the light of the fires; which for some reason or other
was extremely vivid。  Then he spat the white stone from his mouth into
his big hand; and I saw that now it was covered with lines and patches
like a bird's egg。

〃You cannot read the signs?〃 he said; holding it towards me; and when I
shook my head went on: 〃Well; I can; as you white men read a book。  All
your history is written here; Macumazahn; but there is no need to tell
you that; since you know it; as I do well enough; having learned it in
other days; the days of Dingaan; Macumazahn。 
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