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the unexpected-第6章

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to mount the barrel。

He bent over so that Edith could adjust the rope about his neck。  

Then he stood upright while Hans drew the rope taut across the 

overhead branch。

〃Michael Dennin; have you anything to say?〃 Edith asked in a clear 

voice that shook in spite of her。

Dennin shuffled his feet on the barrel; looked down bashfully like 

a man making his maiden speech; and cleared his throat。

〃I'm glad it's over with;〃 he said。  〃You've treated me like a 

Christian; an' I'm thankin' you hearty for your kindness。〃

〃Then may God receive you; a repentant sinner;〃 she said。

〃Ay;〃 he answered; his deep voice as a response to her thin one; 

〃may God receive me; a repentant sinner。〃

〃Good…by; Michael;〃 she cried; and her voice sounded desperate。

She threw her weight against the barrel; but it did not overturn。

〃Hans!  Quick!  Help me!〃 she cried faintly。

She could feel her last strength going; and the barrel resisted 

her。  Hans hurried to her; and the barrel went out from under 

Michael Dennin。

She turned her back; thrusting her fingers into her ears。  Then she 

began to laugh; harshly; sharply; metallically; and Hans was 

shocked as he had not been shocked through the whole tragedy。  

Edith Nelson's break…down had come。  Even in her hysteria she knew 

it; and she was glad that she had been able to hold up under the 

strain until everything had been accomplished。  She reeled toward 


〃Take me to the cabin; Hans;〃 she managed to articulate。

〃And let me rest;〃 she added。  〃Just let me rest; and rest; and 


With Hans's arm around her; supporting her weight and directing her 

helpless steps; she went off across the snow。  But the Indians 

remained solemnly to watch the working of the white man's law that 

compelled a man to dance upon the air。

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