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king henry viii(亨利八世)-第20章

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marshal's     staff;  DUKE      OF    SUFFOLK;       two    Noblemen      bearing    great 

standing…bowls   for   the   christening   gifts;   then   four   Noblemen   bearing   a 

canopy; under which the DUCHESS OF NORFOLK; godmother; bearing 

the CHILD richly habited in a mantle; etc。; train borne by a LADY; then 

follows     the   MARCHIONESS             DORSET;       the   other    godmother;      and 

LADIES。 The troop pass once about the stage; and GARTER speaks 

       GARTER。 Heaven; from thy endless goodness; send prosperous life; 

long    and    ever…happy;    to   the  high   and    mighty    Princess    of  England; 


       Flourish。   Enter   KING   and   guard   CRANMER。           'Kneeling'   And     to 

your royal Grace and the good Queen! My noble partners and myself thus 

pray: All comfort; joy; in this most gracious lady; Heaven ever laid up to 

make   parents   happy;   May   hourly   fall   upon   ye!   KING。  Thank   you;   good 

Lord Archbishop。 What is her name? CRANMER。 Elizabeth。 KING。 Stand 

up; lord。 'The KING kisses the child' With this kiss take my blessing: God 

protect thee! Into whose hand I give thy life。 CRANMER。 Amen。 KING。 

My noble gossips; y'have been too prodigal; I thank ye heartily。 So shall 

this lady; When she has so much English。 CRANMER。 Let me speak; sir; 

For heaven now bids me; and the words I utter Let none think flattery; for 

they'll   find   'em   truth。   This   royal   infantheaven   still   move   about   her! 

Though      in  her   cradle;  yet   now   promises     Upon    this  land   a  thousand 

blessings; Which time shall bring to ripeness。 She shall be But few now 

living can behold that goodness A pattern to all princes living with her; 

And all that shall succeed。 Saba was never More covetous of wisdom and 

fair virtue Than this pure soul shall be。 All princely graces That mould up 

such a   mighty  piece   as this   is; With   all the virtues   that   attend   the   good; 

Shall   still   be   doubled   on   her。   Truth   shall   nurse   her;   Holy   and   heavenly 

thoughts   still   counsel   her;   She   shall   be   lov'd   and   fear'd。   Her   own   shall 

bless her: Her foes shake like a field of beaten corn; And hang their heads 


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                                KING HENRY THE EIGHTH 

with   sorrow。   Good   grows   with   her;   In   her   days   every   man   shall   eat   in 

safety Under his own vine what he plants; and sing The merry songs of 

peace to all his neighbours。 God shall be truly known; and those about her 

From her shall read the perfect ways of honour; And by those claim their 

greatness; not by blood。 Nor shall this peace sleep with her; but as when 

The bird of wonder dies; the maiden phoenix Her ashes new create another 

heir As great in admiration as herself; So shall she leave her blessedness to 

one When heaven shall call her from this cloud of darkness Who from 

the sacred ashes of her honour Shall star…like rise; as great in fame as she 

was; And   so   stand   fix'd。   Peace;   plenty;   love;   truth;   terror;  That   were   the 

servants to this chosen infant; Shall then be his; and like a vine grow to 

him; Wherever the bright sun of heaven shall shine; His honour and the 

greatness of his name Shall be; and make new nations; he shall flourish; 

And like a mountain cedar reach his branches To all the plains about him; 

our    children's   children    Shall   see  this  and   bless   heaven。    KING。    Thou 

speakest wonders。 CRANMER。 She shall be; to the happiness of England; 

An aged princess; many days shall see her; And yet no day without a deed 

to crown it。 Would I had known no more! But she must die She must; the 

saints must have heryet a virgin; A most unspotted lily shall she pass To 

th' ground; and all the world shall mourn her。 KING。 O Lord Archbishop; 

Thou hast made me now a man; never before This happy child did I get 

anything。   This   oracle   of   comfort   has   so   pleas'd   me   That   when   I   am   in 

heaven I shall desire To see what this child does; and praise my Maker。 I 

thank ye all。 To you; my good Lord Mayor; And you; good brethren; I am 

much beholding; I have receiv'd much honour by your presence; And ye 

shall find me thankful。 Lead the way; lords; Ye must all see the Queen; and 

she   must   thank   ye;   She   will   be   sick   else。   This   day;   no   man   think   Has 

business at his house; for all shall stay。 This little one shall make it holiday。 



       'Tis   ten   to   one   this   play   can   never   please   All   that   are   here。   Some 

come to take their ease And sleep an act or two; but those; we fear; W'have 

frighted with our trumpets; so; 'tis clear; They'll say 'tis nought; others to 

hear the city Abus'd extremely; and to cry 'That's witty!' Which we have 


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                               KING HENRY THE EIGHTH 

not done neither; that; I fear; All the expected good w'are like to hear For 

this play at this time is only in The merciful construction of good women; 

For   such   a   one   we   show'd   'em。   If   they   smile And   say   'twill   do;   I   know 

within a while All the best men are ours; for 'tis ill hap If they hold when 

their ladies bid 'em clap。 

     THE END 


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