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the patchwork girl of oz-第14章

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some branches from a tree and with them

whipped the fire until it was extinguished。

〃We don't want to burn the whole fence

down;〃 said he; 〃for the flames would attract

the attention of the Munchkin farmers; who

would then come and capture the Woozy again。

I guess they'll be rather surprised when they

find he's escaped。〃

〃So they will;〃 declared the Woozy; chuckling

gleefully。 〃When they find I'm gone the farmers

will be badly scared; for they'll expect me to eat

up their honey…bees; as I did before。〃

〃That reminds me;〃 said the boy; 〃that you must

promise not to eat honey…bees while you are in our


〃None at all?〃

〃Not a bee。 You would get us all into trouble;

and we can't afford to have any more trouble than

is necessary。 I'll feed you all the bread and

cheese you want; and that must satisfy you。〃

〃All right; I'll promise;〃 said the Woozy;

cheerfully。 〃And when I promise anything you

can depend on it; 'cause I'm square。〃

〃I don't see what difference that makes;〃

observed the Patchwork Girl; as they found the

path and continued their journey。 〃The shape

doesn't make a thing honest; does it?〃

〃Of course it does;〃 returned the Woozy; very

decidedly。 〃No one could trust that Crooked

Magician; for instance; just because he is

crooked; but a square Woozy couldn't do anything

crooked if he wanted to。〃

〃I am neither square nor crooked;〃 said

Scraps; looking down at her plump body。

〃No; you're round; so you're liable to do

anything;〃 asserted the Woozy。 〃Do not blame me;

Miss Gorgeous; if I regard you with suspicion。

Many a satin ribbon has a cotton back。〃

Scraps didn't understand this; but she had an

uneasy misgiving that she had a cotton back

herself。 It would settle down; at times; and make

her squat and dumpy; and then she had to roll

herself in the road until her body stretched out again。

Chapter Ten

Shaggy Man to the Rescue

They had not gone very far before Bungle; who had

run on ahead; came bounding back to say that the

road of yellow bricks was just before them。 At

once they hurried forward to see what this famous

road looked like。

It was a broad road; but not straight; for it

wandered over hill and dale and picked out the

easiest places to go。 All its length and breadth

was paved with smooth bricks of a bright yellow

color; so it was smooth and level except in a few

places where the bricks had crumbled or been

removed; leaving holes that might cause the unwary

to stumble。

〃I wonder;〃 said Ojo; looking up and down the

road; 〃which way to go。〃

〃Where are you bound for?〃 asked the Woozy。

〃The Emerald City;〃 he replied。

〃Then go west;〃 said the Woozy。 〃I know this

road pretty well; for I've chased many a honey…bee

over it。〃

〃Have you ever been to the Emerald City?〃

asked Scraps。

〃No。 I am very shy by nature; as you may have

noticed; so I haven't mingled much in society。〃

〃Are you afraid of men?〃 inquired the Patchwork


〃Me? With my heart…rending growl…my horrible;

shudderful growl? I should say not。 I am not

afraid of anything;〃 declared the Woozy。

〃I wish I could say the same;〃 sighed Ojo。 〃I

don't think we need be afraid when we get to the

Emerald City; for Unc Nunkie has told me that

Ozma; our girl Ruler; is very lovely and kind; and

tries to help everyone who is in trouble。 But they

say there are many dangers lurking on the road to

the great Fairy City; and so we must be very


〃I hope nothing will break me;〃 said the

Glass Cat; in a nervous voice。 〃I'm a little brittle;

you know; and can't stand many hard knocks。〃

〃If anything should fade the colors of my lovely

patches it would break my heart;〃 said the

Patchwork Girl。

〃I'm not sure you have a heart;〃 Ojo reminded


〃Then it would break my cotton;〃 persisted

Scraps。 〃Do you think they are all fast colors;

Ojo?〃 she asked anxiously。

〃They seem fast enough when you run;〃 he

replied; and then; looking ahead of them; he

exclaimed: 〃Oh; what lovely trees!〃

They were certainly pretty to look upon and

the travelers hurried forward to observe them

more closely。

〃Why; they are not trees at all;〃 said Scraps;

〃they are just monstrous plants。〃

That is what they really were: masses of great

broad leaves which rose from the ground far into

the air; until they towered twice as high as the

top of the Patchwork Girl's head; who was a little

taller than Ojo。 The plants formed rows on both

sides of the road and from each plant rose a dozen

or more of the big broad leaves; which swayed

continually from side to side; although no wind

was blowing。 But the most curious thing about the

swaying leaves was their color。 They seemed to

have a general groundwork of blue; but here and

there other colors glinted at times through the

bluegorgeous yellows; turning to pink; purple;

orange and scarlet; mingled with more sober browns

and grayseach appearing as a blotch or stripe

anywhere on a leaf and then disappearing; to be

replaced by some other color of a different shape。

The changeful coloring of the great leaves was

very beautiful; but it was bewildering; as well;

and the novelty of the scene drew our travelers

close to the line of plants; where they stood

watching them with rapt interest。

Suddenly a leaf bent lower than usual and

touched the Patchwork Girl。 Swiftly it enveloped

her in its embrace; covering her completely in

its thick folds; and then it swayed back upon its


〃Why; she's gone!〃 gasped Ojo; in amazement; and

listening carefully he thought he could hear the

muffled screams of Scraps coming from the center

of the folded leaf。 But; before he could think

what he ought to do to save her; another leaf bent

down and captured the Glass Cat; rolling around

the little creature until she was completely

hidden; and then straightening up again upon its


〃Look out;〃 cried the Woozy。 〃Run! Run

fast; or you are lost。〃

Ojo turned and saw the Woozy running

swiftly up the road。 But the last leaf of the row

of plants seized the beast even as he ran and

instantly he disappeared from sight。

The boy had no chance to escape。 Half a dozen of

the great leaves were bending toward him from

different directions and as he stood hesitating

one of them clutched him in its embrace。 In a

flash he was in the dark。 Then he felt himself

gently lifted until he was swaying in the air;

with the folds of the leaf hugging him on all


At first he struggled hard to escape; crying

out in anger: 〃Let me go! Let me go!〃 But

neither struggles nor protests had any effect

whatever。 The leaf held him firmly and he was

a prisoner。〃

Then Ojo quieted himself and tried to think。

Despair fell upon him when he remembered that all

his little party had been captured; even as he

was; and there was none to save them。

〃I might have expected it;〃 he sobbed;

miserably。 〃I'm Ojo the Unlucky; and something

dreadful was sure to happen to me。〃

He pushed against the leaf that held him and

found it to be soft; but thick and firm。 It was

like a great bandage all around him and he

found it difficult to move his body or limbs in

order to change their position。

The minutes passed and became hours。 Ojo

wondered how long one could live in such a

condition and if the leaf would gradually sap

his strength and even his life; in order to feed

itself。 The little Munchkin boy had never heard

of any person dying in the Land of Oz; but he

knew one could suffer a great deal of pain。 His

greatest fear at this time was that he would

always remain imprisoned in the beautiful leaf

and never see the light of day again。

No sound came to him through the leaf; all

around was intense silence。 Ojo wondered if Scraps

had stopped screaming; or if the folds of the leaf

prevented his hearing her。 By and by he thought he

heard a whis
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