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the patchwork girl of oz-第23章

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or going from one place or another。 All these

seemed  happy…faced;  pleasant  people;  who

nodded graciously to the strangers as they

Passed; and exchanged words of greeting。

At last they reached the great gateway; just

as the sun was setting and adding its red glow

to the glitter of the emeralds on the green walls

and spires。 Somewhere inside the city a band

could be heard playing sweet music; a soft;

subdued hum; as of many voices; reached their

ears; from the neighboring yards came the low

mooing of cows waiting to be milked。

They were almost at the gate when the golden

bars slid back and a tall soldier stepped out and

faced them。 Ojo thought he had never seen so

tall a man before。 The soldier wore a handsome

green and gold uniform; with a tall hat in which

was a waving plume; and he had a belt thickly

encrusted with jewels。 But the most peculiar

thing about him was his long green beard;

which fell far below his waist and perhaps

made him seem taller than he really was。

〃Halt!〃 said the Soldier with the Green

Whiskers; not in a stern voice but rather in a

friendly tone。

They halted before he spoke and stood looking at


〃Good evening; Colonel;〃 said the Shaggy

Man。 〃What's the news since I left? Anything


〃Billina has hatched out thirteen new chickens;〃

replied the Soldier with the Green Whiskers; 〃and

they're the cutest little fluffy yellow balls you

ever saw。 The Yellow Hen is mighty proud of those

children; I can tell you。〃

〃She has a right to be;〃 agreed the Shaggy

Man。 〃Let me see; that's about seven thousand

chicks she has hatched out; isn't it; General?〃

〃That; at least;〃 was the reply。 〃You will have

to visit Billina and congratulate her。〃

〃It will give me pleasure to do that;〃 said the

Shaggy Man。 〃But you will observe that I have

brought some strangers home with me。 I am

going to take them to see Dorothy。〃

〃One moment; please;〃 said the soldier; barring

their way as they started to enter the gate。 〃I am

on duty; and I have orders to execute。 Is anyone

in your party named Ojo the Unlucky?〃

〃Why; that's me!〃 cried Ojo; astonished at

hearing his name on the lips of a stranger。

The Soldier with the Green Whiskers nodded。 〃I

thought so;〃 said he; 〃and I am sorry to announce

that it is my painful duty to arrest you。〃

〃Arrest me!〃 exclaimed the boy。 〃What for?〃

〃I haven't looked to see;〃 answered the soldier。

Then he drew a paper from his breast pocket and

glanced at it。 〃Oh; yes; you are to be arrested

for willfully breaking one of the Laws of Oz。〃

〃Breaking a law!〃 said Scraps。 〃Nonsense;

Soldier; you're joking。〃

〃Not this time;〃 returned the soldier; with a

sigh。 〃My dear child what are you; a rummage sale

or a guess…me quick?in me you be hold the Body

Guard of our gracious Ruler; Princess Ozma; as

well as the Royal Army of Oz and the Police Force

of the Emerald City。〃

〃And only one man!〃 exclaimed the Patchwork Girl。

〃Only one; and plenty enough。 In my official

positions I've had nothing to do for a good many

yearsso long that I began to fear I was

absolutely uselessuntil today。 An hour ago I was

called to the presence of her Highness; Ozma of

Oz; and told to arrest a boy named Ojo the

Unlucky; who was journeying from the Munchkin

Country to the Emerald City and would arrive in a

short time。 This command so astonished me that I

nearly fainted; for it is the first time anyone

has merited arrest since I can remember。 You are

rightly named Ojo the Unlucky。 my poor boy; since

you have broken a Law of Oz。

〃But you are wrong;〃 said Scraps。 〃Ozma is

wrongyou are all wrongfor Ojo has broken no


〃Then he will soon be free again;〃 replied the

Soldier with the Green Whiskers。 〃Anyone accused

of crime is given a fair trial by our Ruler and

has every chance to prove his innocence。 But just

now Ozma's orders must be obeyed。〃

With this he took from his pocket a pair of

handcuffs made of gold and set with rubies and

diamonds; and these he snapped over Ojo's wrists。

Chapter Fifteen

Ozma's Prisoner

The boy was so bewildered by this calamity that he

made no resistance at all。 He knew very well he

was guilty; but it surprised him that Ozma also

knew it。 He wondered how she had found out so soon

that he had picked the six…leaved clover。 He

handed his basket to Scraps and said:

〃Keep that; until I get out of prison。 If I

never get out; take it to the Crooked Magician; to

whom it belongs。〃

The Shaggy Man had been gazing earnestly in the

boy's face; uncertain whether to defend him or

not; but something he read in Ojo's expression

made him draw back and refuse to interfere to save

him。 The Shaggy Man was greatly surprised and

grieved; but he knew that Ozma never made mistakes

and so Ojo must really have broken the Law of Oz。

The Soldier with the Green Whiskers now led them

all through the gate and into a little room built

in the wall。 Here sat a jolly little man; richly

dressed in green and having around his neck a

heavy gold chain to which a number of great golden

keys were attached。 This was the Guardian of the

Gate and at the moment they entered his room he

was playing a tune upon a mouth…organ。

〃Listen!〃 he said; holding up his hand for

silence。 〃I've just composed a tune called 'The

Speckled Alligator。' It's in patch…time; which is

much superior to rag…time; and I've composed it in

honor of the Patchwork Girl; who has just


〃How did you know I had arrived?〃 asked Scraps;

much interested。

〃It's my business to know who's coming; for I'm

the Guardian of the Gate。 Keep quiet while I play

you 'The Speckled Alligator。'〃

It wasn't a very bad tune; nor a very good one;

but all listened respectfully while he shut his

eyes and swayed his head from side to side and

blew the notes from the little instrument。 When it

was all over the Soldier with the Green Whiskers


〃Guardian; I have here a prisoner。〃

〃Good gracious! A prisoner?〃 cried the little

man; jumping up from his chair。 〃Which one? Not

the Shaggy Man?〃

〃No; this boy。〃

〃Ah; I hope his fault is as small as himself;〃

said the Guardian of the Gate。 〃But what can he

have done; and what made him do it?〃

〃Can't say;〃 replied the soldier。 〃All I know

is that he has broken the Law。〃

〃But no one ever does that!〃

〃Then he must be innocent; and soon will be

released。 I hope you are right; Guardian。 Just now

I am ordered to take him to prison。 Get me a

prisoner's robe from your Official Wardrobe。〃

The Guardian unlocked a closet and took

from it a white robe; which the soldier threw

over Ojo。 It covered him from head to foot; but

had two holes just in front of his eyes; so he

could see where to go。 In this attire the boy

presented a very quaint appearance。

As the Guardian unlocked a gate leading

from his room into the streets of the Emerald

City; the Shaggy Man said to Scraps:

〃I think I shall take you directly to Dorothy;

as the Scarecrow advised; and the Glass Cat

and the Woozy may come with us。 Ojo must

go to prison with the Soldier with the Green

Whiskers; but he will he well treated and you

need not worry about him。〃

〃What will they do with him?〃 asked Scraps。

〃That I cannot tell。 Since I came to the Land of

Oz no one has ever been arrested or imprisoned

until Ojo broke the Law。〃

〃Seems to me that girl Ruler of yours is making

a big fuss over nothing;〃 remarked Scraps; tossing

her yarn hair out of her eyes with a jerk of her

patched head。 〃I don't know what Ojo has done; but

it couldn't be anything very; bad; for you and I

were with him all the time。〃

The Shaggy Man made no reply to this speech and

presently the Patchwork Girl forgot all about Ojo

in her admiration of the wonderful city she had


They soon separated from the Munchkin boy; who

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