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  次段首句的perspective意思是“角度”。第四句的onechild policy表示“计划生育的一孩政策”,selfcentered personality表示“以自我为中心的个性”,mutual care and understanding表示“相互关爱和理解”。第五句中的openminded表示“思想开明的”。第六句中的pose great threats to表示“对……构成重大威胁”。    

  第三段中的enhance the sense of responsibility表示“加强责任感”。




  Directions 16    

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the picture;    

  2。 interpret the meaning;    

  3。 suggest possible solutions。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  In the picture; two people are talking about a newly built set of apartment buildings。 One says; “It is too expensive。” The other goes on to say; “How can we afford it?” It is obvious that the drawer of this picture wants to draw our attention towards our real estate industry。    

  Nowadays; our real estate industry has experienced such an unprecedented boom that all of us begin to consider it as too hot in one way or another。 The average price has been soaring for quite a few years。 In some big cities it seems to be out of control—it has been nearly impossible for the mon local citizens to afford a satisfactory apartment in the downtown area。 Consequently; how to create a healthier and more reasonable property market has been a problem of great importance。    

  Among all the possible measures; I believe the following ones are the most appropriate。 In the first place; the legislators should establish a series of policies so as to curb speculation and thus keep the price of houses at a reasonable level。 In the second place; the governments at all levels should make better use of the limited land resources by building theme munities in the suburbs。 Last but by no means the least; more economically affordable housing should be built so as to relieve the burden of mon citizens。    

  Only through the joint efforts of all sides can we realize the healthy development of our housing market。 Until that time; our people will surely possess their own houses and enjoy a better and more harmonious life。    







  文中real estate industry是“房地产行业”,而property market和housing market指的是房地产市场。    



  第三段首句是模板句。第二句中的curb speculation表示“遏制投机”。第三句中的theme munities表示“主题社区”。第四句中的economically affordable housing表示“经济适用房”。    


  Directions 17    

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the picture;    

  2。 interpret the meaning;    

  3。 make your ments。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  As can be seen from the picture; a person is playing the piano—he is so much immersed in the beautiful music that he seems to forget pletely what is going on around him。 The Chinese characters below the picture say: Writing is like playing the piano—first you must learn to play by the rules; then you must forget the rules and play from your heart。 What significant and thoughtprovoking words they are!    

  To me; writing is a lifelong endeavor: it is often hard and frustrating at the beginning; but it often bees enjoyable and fruitful as time goes by。 First; you have to learn the fundamental knowledge and acquire the simple skills; just as you must know the keys on a piano before you can really produce a whole piece of music。 Afterwards; I believe there should a prolonged period of practice; largely characterized by recitation; analysis and imitation。 This is the period when we fully understand and deeply appreciate the beauty and excellence of masterpieces。 This is also the period when we apply the particular skills of manipulating words; fabricating sentences and creating paragraphs by imitating great writers directly。 Finally; when all of this is done; one day we will suddenly forget all those rules and regulations—like a bird flying freely in the sky; we begin to take on our own styles。 We can eventually express our ideas; feelings and emotions smoothly—like beautiful notes; words spring out from our hearts one after another; until they merge into a stream or even a river。 At that time; we can be sure to say that we begin to understand what writing is。    









  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the picture;    

  2。 list the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization;    

  3。 draw your conclusion。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  In the picture; we see a newly emerging munity: there are supermarkets; schools; banks and hospitals。 A resident tells us; “Eight years ago it was still the countryside。” The history of reform and openingup is the history of rapid economic development; it is also the history of largescale urbanization of our nation。    

  I firmly believe that the advantages of urbanization are many。 First; when more and more people flood into cities; the city is often being bigger and bigger and many people move out of the downtown area and into the suburbs。 This trend of urban construction is beneficial to future city development as a whole。 Second; it provides more development opportunities for big cities。 With more and more people ing to the city; urban development is experiencing a new round of leaping forward。    

  Urbanization may also bring a series of unfavorable consequences。 First; the farmland in the country is shrinking。 Second; sometimes; the rural land; rivers and air are polluted。 When more and more new factories are set up; the surrounding environment is likely to decay。 In my mind; it is not necessarily the result。 Finally; the young people who still practice farming are being fewer and fewer。 Some of them go to big cities to pursue a better life。 Some of them stay at home; but begin to do business or work in local factories。    

  All in all; urbanization b
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