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  In the picture; a young man is lying in bed and says to himself; “If I do nothing; I will make no mistakes。”    

  How ridiculous this statement is! To err is human—who can avoid making mistakes all the time? If we are careful and cautious enough; we can always learn from our mistakes and failures。 So when we meet the same problem for the second time; we can tackle it from another angle and by another approach。 After repeated attempts; we can reduce or even eliminate mistakes。    

  We can’t help thinking of the inaction of some government officials。 Their chief aim in their daily work is to make no mistakes。 Whenever emergency happens; they never take immediate action。 Instead; they always report it to his superior and ask him what can be done。 In many cases; time has been wasted and the best opportunities to make remedies have been lost。 If government officials cannot make decisions and take actions; why do we need them?    

  Like the government officials; people of other professions should also take on their responsibility to do what they are required to do without hesitation。 Mistakes are not a bad thing so long as we are determined to learn from them and make constant progress。    







  Direction 29    

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the picture;    

  2。 point out the serious consequences of this phenomenon;    

  3。 suggest possible solutions。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  In the net bar; those who are present are obviously all school children。 Different are the things they are doing on puters—some are playing games and some are chatting online; but the same are the expressions they wear before the puters—attentive and addicted。 It seems that they are so absorbed in the unreal world that they may not notice anything around them in the real world。    

   As is known to all; the addiction to net games and chat can do great harm to children。 First of all; it will affect their study by taking up a lot of time and energy。 Secondly; radiation from puters will harm their health; especially their eyes。 In addition; their indulging in the unreal world will have negative influence on their munication with people in the real world; and thus will hamper the development of their personality and mental health。    

   From my point of view; in order to solve this problem; the primary responsibility falls on parents; who are supposed to have more significant influence on the growth of children。 By improving mutual munication; they can establish a better relationship with the children; make them feel they are cared and understood; and reasonably direct their interests。 Next e teachers and schools; who; undoubtedly; play an important role in children’s education。 Besides teaching knowledge in class; they should help children develop various interests to fill their afterclass time; such as sports and scientific invention。 In my belief; the problem of children’s addiction in net games and chat can be solved through efficient munication and proper guidance。    







  Direction 30    

  Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should    

  1) describe the drawing,    

  2) give possible reasons for the phenomenon; and    

  3) suggest possible solutions for the problem。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  In the picture; we can see clearly that two small children are showing off their father’s business cards。 One says proudly; “My father is the manager of his department。” And the other immediately laughs at him and utters; “Oh; that’s nothing。 My father is the CEO of a multinational corporation。”    

  The reasons why such a worrying phenomenon arises; in my belief; are as follows。 First; in the social transformation period; some people pay more and more attention to wealth and status; and link success to such superficial factors; thus making a destructive pact on children。 Second; today’s media; to some extent; have actually aggravated such an unfavorable situation。 In films and TV series a happy and ideal life is often depicted as a luxurious one; which will inevitably have an adverse effect on young people who are still not mature enough to distinguish between right and wrong。 Third; teachers; on many occasions; have not done a satisfactory job。 The present education system sometimes attaches too much attention to the scores and grades of students and overlooks their personality development。    

  To change the present unfavorable situation all of us must make immediate and substantial efforts。 The government should try it best to create a social atmosphere in which people cherish diligence; conscience and simplicity。 Teachers and schools should make every effort to teach the students to grow up into responsible and enterprising citizens who are determined to contribute to the development of the munity; the nation and the whole world。 Parents should let students get in touch with the society; helping them know that a meaningful life is one that brings significance to others。 Only in this way can we hope to solve such a disturbing problem and ensure the brilliant future of our nation。    










  Direction 21    

  Read the following story carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 retell the story briefly;    

  2。 interpret the meaning;    

  3。 make your ments。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    


  Where are we going?    

  A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village。 An American tour
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