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  文章第一段非常简洁。第二段的首句是过渡性的句子,次句直接对图画的意义做出总结——无论我们想在哪个领域获得成功,都必须付出艰辛的努力。接着采用了语气非常强烈的反问句——没有长时间的实践和不断的努力,一个人又怎能实现最终的目标?第三段包括了两个例子,一个是登山,一个是科学研究。第四段是结尾段落,首先与第三段是相对的,其次又呼应了文章的首段,非常精妙。该段共有两句话,第一句话说如果一个人下定决心要过闲散的生活,等着上天在他手中放上某样东西,那么这样东西就只能是贫穷。第二句话进一步说,如果一个人既没有理想也没有决心让自己和别人过得更好,那么他的存在就失去了意义。第二句话与第一句采用了同样的句式,语气却更加强烈,给人留下了很深刻的印象。该段第一句话中的should and could be。。。是一个高级用法,意思是“将会是而且只能是”。    




  Direction 24    

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the picture;    

  2。 interpret the meaning of the picture;    

  3。 make your ments。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    





  The picture describes a match of kicking the ball: the person on the left has just kicked the ball toward the person on the right; who has already been ready to kick the ball back。 A close examination will help us find out that this is a match between the producer and the seller—both of them refuse to take on the responsibility whenever the customer reports a problem。    

  We can’t forget those days in the past when we went shopping。 The shop assistant was so cold and indifferent that we usually had to wait for long。 We often had no right of paring and selecting。 Later when we found there was something wrong with the product; the chance of getting it exchanged was slim; not to mention returning it to the shop。 The shop always said the producer was to blame; and if we went to the producer directly; the latter would say that it was not mon practice for a customer to contact the producer。 Even if we finally succeeded in exchanging the product; it always took too much time and wasted too much energy。    

  In the present environment of market economy; we are happy to see that the situation in our nation has improved significantly。 When a customer is not satisfied with a product; he is entitled to return it to the store and get refunded during a certain period of time。 If that time limit has passed; the customer still has the right to get the product exchanged。    

  In this era of fast economic development; both the producer and the seller should first cater to the needs of the customer。 Anyone who fails to do so will be driven out of the market sooner or later。    




  第三段说现在的情况已大幅改善。顾客有权在一段时间内退货,如果期限已过,也可以换货。段中be entitled to表示“有权利做某事”,refund表示“退款”。    




  Direction 25    

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the picture;    

  2。 interpret the meaning of the picture;    

  3。 make your ments。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  We can see from the picture that several people are condemning a person so violently that it seems that some of them even want to beat him hard。 The person has crouched down; with virtually no possibility of striking back。 After looking at the picture carefully; we realize that the lowprice drugstore has evoked anger and even hatred in many drug factories; various dealers; traditional drugstores and hospitals。    

  As we all know; the price of drugs in our nation has been too high for quite a long time。 After drugs are produced in factories; they go first to the chief dealer; then the subsidiary dealer; and then finally to the hospitals and drugstores。 Such a traditional mode of drug circulation drove the total medical expenses higher; putting a heavy burden on urban and rural residents alike。    

  The rise of lowprice drugstores changes the situation pletely。 When drugs succeed in flowing to such drugstores immediately after production; the cost of management bees much lower; thus selling drugs at a much lower and reasonable price also bees possible。 But such operation irritates many parties who feel that their interests have been hurt in the process。 Among them are dealers; traditional drugstores; hospitals and even some factories。 When all of them bine to oppose the newers; the existence of these new drugstores is at risk。    

  I believe that the government should endeavor first to foster such drugstores and then to reform the drug circulation and the medical system as a whole。 When we give priority to the interests of the mon people; the making of a harmonious society will not be difficult。    










  第二段中的drug circulation意思是“药品流通”。    

  第三段第二句中flow的意思是“流通”,the cost of management表示“管理成本”。第三句中的irritate表示“激怒”。末句的at risk表示“受到威胁”。    

  末段首句的endeavor表示“努力”,后接不定式。次句中的give priority to表示“优先考虑”,harmonious society表示“和谐社会”。







  1. 点明要祝贺的事情,并向对方道贺;    

  2. 详述祝贺的事情;    

  3. 再次祝贺。    

  Directions 11    

  Suppose your friend Ellen is going to graduate from Fudan University and get a Masters Degree。 Write a letter in about 100 words to congratulate her。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using Li Ming instead。    


  Dear Ellen;    

  How delighted I am when I hear that you are going to graduate from Fudan University and get 
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