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  Dear Ellen;    

  How delighted I am when I hear that you are going to graduate from Fudan University and get a Master’s Degree! Though I cannot go to Shanghai to join in the celebration of your graduation owing to the long distance between the two cities; yet I wish to express my most earnest and ardent congratulations through this letter。    

  For years you have made unremitting efforts in your specialized field and your diligence and intelligence at last win you honor。 I am not only happy for but also proud of you from the bottom of my heart。    

  I believe as an upanding person; you will use your head and hands to develop your career to a higher level after the graduation。    

  May you achieve greater success in the future。    

  Yours sincerely;    

  Li Ming    




  Directions 12    

  Suppose your friend Mr。 Zhao has recently got a promotion。 Write a letter in about 100 words to congratulate him。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using Li Ming instead。    


  Dear Mr。 Zhao;    

  I am extremely glad to hear that you have got a promotion in your pany。 Congratulations!    

  It is excellent of you to get a promotion; for after all you have just been in the pany for six months。 As we all know; you are always a both hardworking and creative person; which is essential to achieve your goals in work。 Moreover; your strong sense of responsibility enables you to win trust from people around you and thus win yourself various opportunities。 I think that is why you can make achievements in such a short time。    

  There is no doubt that you deserve the promotion。 Having you as a friend; I really feel both proud and lucky because I can often learn so much from you。    

  Best wishes。    

  Yours faithfully;    

  Li Ming    




  1. 邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点;    

  2. 与该活动有关的注意事项;    

  3. 期待对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。    

  Directions 13    

  Write a letter to one of your high school classmates who is in a nearby city; and invite him/her to your city at this weekend。 Some necessary details must be included。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using “Li Ming” instead。    


  Dear Linda;    

   We haven’t seen each other for six years after graduation。 I am so glad to hear that you have graduated from UCLA and e back to work in Suzhou。 If you are free this Saturday; please e to Shanghai and have a good time with me。    

   We can first go to the Century Park; where the flowers are all in blossom。 Let’s go boating on the lake —isn’t it pleasant in the cool breeze? Then I will treat you to dinner at a western restaurant on Huaihai Road—it is small but really nice—I’m sure you will enjoy it。 After dinner; let’s go to a concert—you are a music lover; aren’t you?    

   If you couldn’t e; please notify me before Friday。 If you can; please tell me which train you will take and I will meet you at the railway station。    

   I am looking forward to meeting you。    

  Sincerely yours;    

  Li Ming    




  Directions 14    

  Write a letter to invite a famous professor to give a lecture to the English postgraduate students in your university。 Some necessary details must be included。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using “Li Ming” instead。    


  Dear Professor Michael Hutchison;    

   We are very glad to hear that you are attending an international conference in Beijing。 We are writing this letter to inquiry the possibility of inviting you to deliver a lecture on American literature for our postgraduate students on the evening of June 16。    

   We have long been noticed that you have done a lot of substantial and creative work in this field。 Two of your books have bee textbooks for our students for several years。 So all of us believe your lecture will benefit our students and teaching staff alike。    

   If you can manage to e; please tell us the number of your flight and we will meet you at the airport。 If you can’t make it; please also let us know。    

  We are looking forward to your ing。    

  Sincerely yours;    

  Li Ming    




  1. 提出投诉内容;    

  2. 说明具体情况;    

  3. 提出解决办法。    

  Directions 15    

  Suppose that you ordered a television but later found that it has worrying problems。 Write a letter of plaint to describe the matter and require settlement。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using “Li Ming” instead。    


  Dear Sir;    

  The television I ordered from your store arrived on time last Friday; but only three days later I found it could not work properly。    

   On Tuesday evening; when I turned on the television; I was surprised to find that it became a blackandwhite television—all of the other colors were simply gone。 What made matters worse; the remote control was also out of order。 I dialed your service number for several times; but the line was always busy。    

  This problem has affected our normal life。 Can you get it repaired as soon as possible? Thank you for your consideration。    

  I am looking forward to your early reply。    

  Yours faithfully;    

  Li Ming    




  Directions 16    

  Write a letter to plain about an unhappy experience in about 100 words to describe the matter and ask for the mistake to be corrected。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using “Li Ming” instead。    


  Dear Sir;    

   I am writing to you about a most unhappy experience。 Last Tuesday morning; we took a longroute bus of your pany from Dukou to Lijiang。 The bus was scheduled to arrive in Lijiang at 7 o’clock in the evening; but it stopped midway at four p。m。 for mechanical problems。 The driver and the ticket seller could neither solve the problem by themselves nor seek help from others。    

   Where we stopped was nowhere near a village。 Up until 8 o’clock; another bus finally carried us to a shabby rural motel。 We had to pay for our acmodation。 The room was too small and the quilt was so dirty。 To our surprise; when we just managed to sleep at around 2 a。m。; the driver came to wake us up—the bus had been fixed!    

  I suggest that you look into this matter immediately and deal with it quickly and properly。    

  Looking forward to your reply。    


  Li Ming    




  1. 说明自己的计划或目的,也就是询问信息的原因;    

  2. 征询具体信息;    

  3. 期待回复并表示感谢。    

  Directions 17    

  Write a letter inquiring about a hotel。 Some necessary details must be included。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using “Li Ming” instead。    


  Dear Mr。 Guo;    

   I am going to visit Songpan on July 30 and wish to stay at your hotel。 My friend has just e back and warmly remended it to me。    

  My wife and I want to go horse trekking with the Happy Trails Horse Team。 We will choose to go to the Ice Mountain; so it will take four days。 We want a double room with a private bath for two nights; July 30 and August 3。    

   Would you please tell us whether we could have such a room and how much it will cost us?    

   I am looking forward to your reply。    

  Sincerely yours;    

  Li Ming    




  Directions 18    

  You are a tourist and you want to experience a new way of traveling。 Write a letter inquiring about such a traveling program。 Some necessary details must be included。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter; using “Li Ming” instead。    


  Dear Mr。 Guo Chang;    

   My wife and I have read in the traveling book Lonely Planet about your Happy Trails Horse Team。 We are very much interested in going horse trekking with your team。    

  We want to choose the Ice Mountain route; which will take four days; from July 31 to August 3。 What should we take with us? Will the guides provide acmodation for us? How much will the tour cost each of us?    

   We will reach Songpan on the afternoon of July 30 at about 5 o’clock。 I hope it will not be too late when w
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