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magic and real detectives-第9章

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good or bad so long as it circulated。  He could put thousands of

counterfeits afloat without the slightest fear of detection。  His

constituency believed in him and would stand by him。  Currency was

very scarce in that congressional district; and it would really be

doing his people a great favor to give them more。  After setting

forth the mutual benefits to accrue from trusting him; he appealed

to Wogan & Co。 with the vehemence and energy of the sewing…machine

man; or life…insurance agent; to send on the goods without further

delay。  They should never regret dealing with him; his character

and standing being a sufficient guaranty that he could not play

false。  He was acting in good faith; and expected like treatment in


Unfortunately for the political aspirations of 〃Hon。〃 John Whimpery

Brass; the authorities not long after made a descent upon the den

of Wogan & Co。; finding a great many letters from credulous fools;

and a large supply of sawdusttheir only stock in trade。  The

missives of the prospective congressman were published; thus

gaining much more extensive currency than he proposed to give to

the imitation greenbacks。  It was supposed that the noisy fellow

would slink away to some cave in his native mountains; and never

show his brazen face among honest people again。  But the impudence

of 〃Hon。〃 John Whimpery Brass rose to the level of the emergency。

Instead of hiding or hanging himself; he published a card

representing that he embarked in the scheme for the purpose of

entrapping Wogan & Co。 and bringing them to justice。

Pathetic was the spectacle; showing the confidence of an ingenuous

soul in its own prowess; of the volunteer detective; digging

parallels on the southern spurs of the Blue Ridge for the capture

of the wily swindler a thousand miles away!  Armed with a kernel of

corn; the doughty gosling sets forth to catch the wicked fox that

is preying on the flock!  If the bold mountaineers; the

constituency of 〃Hon。〃 John Whimpery Brass; cannot commend the

discretion displayed by the projector of the enterprise; they must

certainly admire his pluck。  In face of the odds; few goslings

would volunteer。

Perhaps the card might have been accepted by the more trustful

class of adherents as a satisfactory explanation of the letters;

had not the aspiring statesman in course of time fallen under the

ban of the law for defrauding widows of their pensions; the

campaign against Wogan & Co。 having so completely exhausted the

virtue of the amateur who planned it as to leave no residue to

fructify in subsequent operations。


At one time the bogus…lottery men drove a thrifty business; but the

efforts; virtually co…operative; of the post…office department and

of the legislatures of the older states; have latterly pretty

effectually forced them into the wilderness。  The managers forage

on the same class of people as the sawdust swindlers; procuring

lists of names in the same way。  A common method of procedure is to

inclose with advertisements announcing the prizes; together with

the place and date of drawing; one or more tickets duly numbered。

Great confidence is expressed in the personal fitness of the party

addressed; who is requested to act as agent for the sale of the

tickets。  A few weeks later another letter is sent to the intended

victim; informing him that the ticket of a given number forwarded

to him at such a date had drawn a prize; the value of which is

variously stated from a few hundred to many thousand dollars。  He

is then requested to send immediately ten dollarsmore or less

for the ticket; perhaps ten or twenty more for additional charges;

when the full face value of the prize will be forwarded promptly by

express; check on New York; or in any other way the recipient may

direct。  He is also told to antedate the letter; the intermediary

promising to blur the postmark to correspond; so that the

remittance may appear to have been made prior to the drawing。  In

conclusion the writer adroitly suggests that he desires the

fortunate man to exhibit the money to his neighbors; stating how he

obtained it; and mentioning particularly the address of the agent

from whom the ticket was purchased; the object being to create an

excitement in the place with a view to large sales for the next


Even of a trick as transparent as this the victims are counted by

thousands; exposures and warnings being alike disregarded。  The

infatuation of a certain class of ignorant and credulous people is

well illustrated by the case of Seth Savage; a poor man possessed

of a few acres in the vicinity of a small village in Vermont。  One

day; when a special agent of wide experience happened to be

visiting the post…office; Seth received a letter; the perusal of

which threw him into a frenzy of excitement。

〃What is the matter?〃 inquired the postmaster。  〃You seem to have

good news。〃

〃Look a…here;〃 replied Seth; holding forth the missive in his

shriveled and bony fingers; 〃for nigh on to sixty…five year; Mr。

Martin; I've fit and work'd and work'd and fit jest for my vittles

and drink。  Neow when I'm tew old tew 'joy it; a fortin comes to


〃Is that so?〃 answered Mr。 Martin。  〃I am very glad; but tell me;

what is it?  Your neighbors will all be glad to hear of your good


〃Read that;〃 said Seth; handing him the letter triumphantly。

The postmaster read the manuscript。  One Dewitt of New York City

assured Mr。 Savage that a certain ticket sent to him a month before

had drawn a prize of three thousand dollars; that on receipt of

thirty…five dollars in a letter antedated according to directions;

the full amount would be forwarded to him。

〃Surely; Seth;〃 expostulated the postmaster; 〃you are not going to

be fooled in this way。  Dewitt is a humbug; a swindler。〃

〃Neow; heow dew yeou know that?〃 inquired Seth。  〃Has he ever

fool'd yeou?〃

〃I don't deal with that sort of people;〃 replied Mr。 Martin mildly。

〃I dislike to see anyone wronged; especially a neighbor。  Here is a

gentleman who knows all about such matters。〃  And Seth was formally

introduced to the special agent; who took pains to explain the

character of the swindle fully。

The officer left the village with the pleasant assurance that his

brief visit had contributed at least toward the rescue of one poor

object from the jaws of the devourer。

After all; however; Seth was not convinced。  By selling his only

cow he managed to swell his scanty stock of cash to the requisite

sum; which he sent to Dewitt; fully expecting to be able in a few

days to confound the postmaster by the actual display of his newly

gotten wealth。  The dupe; who had invested a goodly portion of his

scanty means in the venture; waited long if not patiently。  At

length; after the expiration of the last hope; Mr。 Martin inquired;

〃How did it happen; Seth; that you threw away your money on that

lottery scamp; when we showed you that the whole thing was a


〃Wall; neow; arter it's all lost;〃 replied Seth; 〃I'll tell yeou

jest heow 'twas。  Human natur' is naturally suspectin'。  I tho't

yeou and that ar' t'other postoffis fellah want'd to git the prize

for yeourselfs; an' I didn't mean to be beat so。〃


When the bogus…lottery men were driven out of the large cities by

the vigor of the postal authorities; they tried for a while to

operate from small country towns by collusion with dishonest

postmasters。  As the delinquencies of the offenders were

successively brought to light; their heads rolled into the basket

at the foot of the official guillotine。  The swindlers; however;

succeeded in bribing fresh victims; and for a time cunning and

duplicity managed with tolerable success to maintain a foothold

against the power of the department。

Among other similar swindles; sealed circulars were at one time

scattered broadcast over the more remote states; announcing that on

a given date the drawing for a series of magnificent prizes would

take place at Livingston Hall; No。 42 Elm Avenue; Wington Junction;

Connecticut。  Patrons were urged to remit the purchase…money for

tickets promptly; as there would be no postponement of the grand

event under any circumstances。  〃Fortune;〃 continued the glittering

advertisement; 〃knocks once at every one's door; and she is now

knocking at yours。〃

As usual; multitudes swallowed the bait; but some; instead of

sending the greenbacks to Highfalutin & Co。; forwarded the

circulars to the department。  Thereupon special agent Sharretts was

instructed to visit Wington Junction; with the view of learning

whether the postmaster was properly discharging his duties。  Taking

an early opportunity to perform the mission; he alighted at the

station one morning; and proceeded to survey the town; which

consisted of four or five houses scat
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