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the great controversy-第12章

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Revelation 12:6。

The accession of the Roman Church to power marked the beginning of the Dark
Ages。 As her power increased; the darkness deepened。 Faith was transferred
from Christ; the true foundation; to the pope of Rome。 Instead of trusting
in the Son of God for forgiveness of sins and for eternal salvation; the
people looked to the pope; and to the priests and prelates to whom he
delegated authority。 They were taught that the pope was their earthly
mediator and that none could approach God except through him; and; further;
that he stood in the place of God to them and was therefore to be implicitly
obeyed。 A deviation from his requirements was sufficient cause for the
severest punishment to be visited upon the bodies and souls of the
offenders。 Thus the minds of the people were turned away from God to
fallible; erring; and cruel men; nay; more; to the prince of darkness
himself; who exercised his power through them。 Sin was disguised in a garb
of sanctity。 When the Scriptures are suppressed; and man comes to regard
himself as supreme; we need look only for fraud; deception; and debasing
iniquity。 With the elevation of human laws and traditions was manifest the
corruption that ever results from setting aside the law of God。

Those were days of peril for the church of Christ。 The faithful
standard…bearers were few indeed。 Though the truth was not left without
witnesses; yet at times it seemed that error and superstition would wholly
prevail; and true religion would be banished from the earth。 The gospel was
lost sight of; but the forms of religion were multiplied; and the people
were burdened with rigorous exactions。

They were taught not only to look to the pope as their mediator; but to
trust to works of their own to atone for sin。 Long pilgrimages; acts of
penance; the worship of relics; the


erection of churches; shrines; and altars; the payment of large sums to the
churchthese and many similar acts were enjoined to appease the wrath of
God or to secure His favor; as if God were like men; to be angered at
trifles; or pacified by gifts or acts of penance!

Notwithstanding that vice prevailed; even among the leaders of the Roman
Church; her influence seemed steadily to increase。 About the close of the
eighth century; papists put forth the claim that in the first ages of the
church the bishops of Rome had possessed the same spiritual power which they
now assumed。 To establish this claim; some means must be employed to give it
a show of authority; and this was readily suggested by the father of lies。
Ancient writings were forged by monks。 Decrees of councils before unheard of
were discovered; establishing the universal supremacy of the pope from the
earliest times。 And a church that had rejected the truth greedily accepted
these deceptions。 (See Appendix。)

The few faithful builders upon the true foundation。 (1 Corinthians 3:10; 11)
were perplexed and hindered as the rubbish of false doctrine obstructed the
work。 Like the builders upon the wall of Jerusalem in Nehemiah's day; some
were ready to say: 〃The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed; and
there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build。〃 Nehemiah 4:10。
Wearied with the constant struggle against persecution; fraud; iniquity; and
every other obstacle that Satan could devise to hinder their progress; some
who had been faithful builders became disheartened; and for the sake of
peace and security for their property and their lives; they turned away from
the true foundation。 Others; undaunted by the opposition of their enemies;
fearlessly declared: 〃Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord; which is
great and terrible〃 (verse 14); and they proceeded with the work; everyone
with his sword girded by his side。 Ephesians 6:17。

The same spirit of hatred and opposition to the truth has inspired the
enemies of God in every age; and the same


vigilance and fidelity have been required in His servants。 The words of
Christ to the first disciples are applicable to His followers to the close
of time: 〃What I say unto you I say unto all; Watch。〃 Mark 13:37。

The darkness seemed to grow more dense。 Image worship became more general。
Candles were burned before images; and prayers were offered to them。 The
most absurd and superstitious customs prevailed。 The minds of men were so
completely controlled by superstition that reason itself seemed to have lost
its sway。 While priests and bishops were themselves pleasure…loving;
sensual; and corrupt; it could only be expected that the people who looked
to them for guidance would be sunken in ignorance and vice。

Another step in papal assumption was taken; when; in the eleventh century;
Pope Gregory VII proclaimed the perfection of the Roman Church。 Among the
propositions which he put forth was one declaring that the church had never
erred; nor would it ever err; according to the Scriptures。 But the Scripture
proofs did not accompany the assertion。 The proud pontiff also claimed the
power to depose emperors; and declared that no sentence which he pronounced
could be reversed by anyone; but that it was his prerogative to reverse the
decisions of all others。 (See Appendix。)

A striking illustration of the tyrannical character of this advocate of
infallibility was given in his treatment of the German emperor; Henry IV。
For presuming to disregard the pope's authority; this monarch was declared
to be excommunicated and dethroned。 Terrified by the desertion and threats
of his own princes; who were encouraged in rebellion against him by the
papal mandate; Henry felt the necessity of making his peace with Rome。 In
company with his wife and a faithful servant he crossed the Alps in
midwinter; that he might humble himself before the pope。 Upon reaching the
castle whither Gregory had withdrawn; he was conducted; without his guards;
into an outer court; and there; in the severe cold of winter; with uncovered
head and naked


feet; and in a miserable dress; he awaited the pope's permission to come
into his presence。 Not until he had continued three days fasting and making
confession; did the pontiff condescend to grant him pardon。 Even then it was
only upon condition that the emperor should await the sanction of the pope
before resuming the insignia or exercising the power of royalty。 And
Gregory; elated with his triumph; boasted that it was his duty to pull down
the pride of kings。

How striking the contrast between the overbearing pride of this haughty
pontiff and the meekness and gentleness of Christ; who represents Himself as
pleading at the door of the heart for admittance; that He may come in to
bring pardon and peace; and who taught His disciples: 〃Whosoever will be
chief among you; let him be your servant。〃 Matthew 20:27。

The advancing centuries witnessed a constant increase of error in the
doctrines put forth from Rome。 Even before the establishment of the papacy
the teachings of heathen philosophers had received attention and exerted an
influence in the church。 Many who professed conversion still clung to the
tenets of their pagan philosophy; and not only continued its study
themselves; but urged it upon others as a means of extending their influence
among the heathen。 Serious errors were thus introduced into the Christian
faith。 Prominent among these was the belief in man's natural immortality and
his consciousness in death。 This doctrine laid the foundation upon which
Rome established the invocation of saints and the adoration of the Virgin
Mary。 From this sprang also the heresy of eternal torment for the finally
impenitent; which was early incorporated into the papal faith。

Then the way was prepared for the introduction of still another invention of
paganism; which Rome named purgatory; and employed to terrify the credulous
and superstitious multitudes。 By this heresy is affirmed the existence of a
place of torment; in which the souls of such as have not merited eternal
damnation are to suffer punishment for their sins;


and from which; when freed from impurity; they are admitted to heaven。 (See

Still another fabrication was needed to enable Rome to profit by the fears
and the vices of her adherents。 This was supplied by the doctrine of
indulgences。 Full remission of sins; past; present; and future; and release
from all the pains and penalties incurred; were promised to all who would
enlist in the pontiff's wars to extend his temporal dominion; to punish his
enemies; or to exterminate those who dared deny his spiritual supremacy。 The
people were also taught that by the payment of money to the church they
might free themselves from sin; and also release the souls of their deceased
friends who were confined in the tormenting flames。 By such means did Rome
fill her coffers and sustain the magnificence; luxury; and vice of the
pretended representatives of Him who had not where to lay His head。 (See

The Scriptural ordinance of the Lord's Supper had been supplanted by the
idolatrous sacrifice of the mass。 Papal prie
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