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the great controversy-第23章

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him; and the rich dresses of the cardinals and nobles made an imposing

Meanwhile another traveler was approaching Constance。 Huss was conscious of
the dangers which threatened him。


He parted from his friends as if he were never to meet them again; and went
on his journey feeling that it was leading him to the stake。 Notwithstanding
he had obtained a safe…conduct from the king of Bohemia; and received one
also from the emperor Sigismund while on his journey; he made all his
arrangements in view of the probability of his death。

In a letter addressed to his friends at Prague he said: 〃My brethren; 。 。 。
I am departing with a safe…conduct from the king to meet my numerous and
mortal enemies。 。 。 。 I confide altogether in the all…powerful God; in my
Saviour; I trust that He will listen to your ardent prayers; that He will
infuse His prudence and His wisdom into my mouth; in order that I may resist
them; and that He will accord me His Holy Spirit to fortify me in His truth;
so that I may face with courage; temptations; prison; and; if necessary; a
cruel death。 Jesus Christ suffered for His well…beloved; and therefore ought
we to be astonished that He has left us His example; in order that we may
ourselves endure with patience all things for our own salvation? He is God;
and we are His creatures; He is the Lord; and we are His servants; He is
Master of the world; and we are contemptible mortalsyet He suffered! Why;
then; should we not suffer also; particularly when suffering is for us a
purification? Therefore; beloved; if my death ought to contribute to His
glory; pray that it may come quickly; and that He may enable me to support
all my calamities with constancy。 But if it be better that I return amongst
you; let us pray to God that I may return without stainthat is; that I may
not suppress one tittle of the truth of the gospel; in order to leave my
brethren an excellent example to follow。 Probably; therefore; you will
nevermore behold my face at Prague; but should the will of the all…powerful
God deign to restore me to you; let us then advance with a firmer heart in
the knowledge and the love of His law。〃Bonnechose; vol。 1; pp。 147; 148。

In another letter; to a priest who had become a disciple of the gospel; Huss
spoke with deep humility of his own errors; accusing himself 〃of having felt
pleasure in wearing


rich apparel and of having wasted hours in frivolous occupations。〃 He then
added these touching admonitions: 〃May the glory of God and the salvation of
souls occupy thy mind; and not the possession of benefices and estates。
Beware of adorning thy house more than thy soul; and; above all; give thy
care to the spiritual edifice。 Be pious and humble with the poor; and
consume not thy substance in feasting。 Shouldst thou not amend thy life and
refrain from superfluities; I fear that thou wilt be severely chastened; as
I am myself。 。 。 。 Thou knowest my doctrine; for thou hast received my
instructions from thy childhood; it is therefore useless for me to write to
thee any further。 But I conjure thee; by the mercy of our Lord; not to
imitate me in any of the vanities into which thou hast seen me fall。〃 On the
cover of the letter he added: 〃I conjure thee; my friend; not to break this
seal until thou shalt have acquired the certitude that I am dead。〃Ibid。;
vol。 1; pp。 148; 149。

On his journey; Huss everywhere beheld indications of the spread of his
doctrines and the favor with which his cause was regarded。 The people
thronged to meet him; and in some towns the magistrates attended him through
their streets。

Upon arriving at Constance; Huss was granted full liberty。 To the emperor's
safe…conduct was added a personal assurance of protection by the pope。 But;
in violation of these solemn and repeated declarations; the Reformer was in
a short time arrested; by order of the pope and cardinals; and thrust into a
loathsome dungeon。 Later he was transferred to a strong castle across the
Rhine and there kept a prisoner。 The pope; profiting little by his perfidy;
was soon after committed to the same prison。 Ibid。; vol。 1; p。 247。 He had
been proved before the council to be guilty of the basest crimes; besides
murder; simony; and adultery; 〃sins not fit to be named。〃 So the council
itself declared; and he was finally deprived of the tiara and thrown into
prison。 The antipopes also were deposed; and a new pontiff was chosen。


Though the pope himself had been guilty of greater crimes than Huss had ever
charged upon the priests; and for which he had demanded a reformation; yet
the same council which degraded the pontiff proceeded to crush the Reformer。
The imprisonment of Huss excited great indignation in Bohemia。 Powerful
noblemen addressed to the council earnest protests against this outrage。 The
emperor; who was loath to permit the violation of a safe…conduct; opposed
the proceedings against him。 But the enemies of the Reformer were malignant
and determined。 They appealed to the emperor's prejudices; to his fears; to
his zeal for the church。 They brought forward arguments of great length to
prove that 〃faith ought not to be kept with heretics; nor persons suspected
of heresy; though they are furnished with safe…conducts from the emperor and
kings。〃Jacques Lenfant; History of the Council of Constance; vol。 1; p。
516。 Thus they prevailed。

Enfeebled by illness and imprisonment;for the damp; foul air of his
dungeon had brought on a fever which nearly ended his life;Huss was at
last brought before the council。 Loaded with chains he stood in the presence
of the emperor; whose honor and good faith had been pledged to protect him。
During his long trial he firmly maintained the truth; and in the presence of
the assembled dignitaries of church and state he uttered a solemn and
faithful protest against the corruptions of the hierarchy。 When required to
choose whether he would recant his doctrines or suffer death; he accepted
the martyr's fate。

The grace of God sustained him。 During the weeks of suffering that passed
before his final sentence; heaven's peace filled his soul。 〃I write this
letter;〃 he said to a friend; 〃in my prison; and with my fettered hand;
expecting my sentence of death tomorrow。 。 。 。 When; with the assistance of
Jesus Christ; we shall again meet in the delicious peace of the future life;
you will learn how merciful God has shown Himself toward me; how effectually
He has supported me in the midst of my temptations and trials。〃Bonnechose;
vol。 2; p。 67。


In the gloom of his dungeon he foresaw the triumph of the true faith。
Returning in his dreams to the chapel at Prague where he had preached the
gospel; he saw the pope and his bishops effacing the pictures of Christ
which he had painted on its walls。 〃This vision distressed him: but on the
next day he saw many painters occupied in restoring these figures in greater
number and in brighter colors。 As soon as their task was ended; the
painters; who were surrounded by an immense crowd; exclaimed; 'Now let the
popes and bishops come; they shall never efface them more!'〃 Said the
Reformer; as he related his dream: 〃I maintain this for certain; that the
image of Christ will never be effaced。 They have wished to destroy it; but
it shall be painted afresh in all hearts by much better preachers than
myself。〃D'Aubigne; b。 1; ch。 6。

For the last time; Huss was brought before the council。 It was a vast and
brilliant assemblythe emperor; the princes of the empire; the royal
deputies; the cardinals; bishops; and priests; and an immense crowd who had
come as spectators of the events of the day。 From all parts of Christendom
had been gathered the witnesses of this first great sacrifice in the long
struggle by which liberty of conscience was to be secured。

Being called upon for his final decision; Huss declared his refusal to
abjure; and; fixing his penetrating glance upon the monarch whose plighted
word had been so shamelessly violated; he declared: 〃I determined; of my own
free will; to appear before this council; under the public protection and
faith of the emperor here present。〃Bonnechose; vol。 2; p。
84。 A deep flush crimsoned the face of Sigismund as the eyes
of all in the assembly turned upon him。

Sentence having been pronounced; the ceremony of degradation began。 The
bishops clothed their prisoner in the sacerdotal habit; and as he took the
priestly robe; he said: 〃Our Lord Jesus Christ was covered with a white
robe; by way of


insult; when Herod had Him conducted before Pilate。〃 Ibid。; vol。 2; p。 86。
Being again exhorted to retract; he replied; turning toward the people:
〃With what face; then; should I behold the heavens? How should I look on
those multitudes of men to whom I have preached the pure gospel? No; I
esteem their salvation more than this poor body; now appointed unto death。〃
The vestments were removed one by one; each bishop pronouncing a curse as he
performed his part of the ceremony。 Final
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