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the great controversy-第30章

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of Christ to the world; must expect death at every moment。〃Ibid。; b。 4;
ch。 4。

The tidings of Luther's arrival at Augsburg gave great satisfaction to the
papal legate。 The troublesome heretic who was exciting the attention of the
whole world seemed now in the power of Rome; and the legate determined that
he should not escape。 The Reformer had failed to provide himself with a
safe…conduct。 His friends urged him not to appear before the legate without
one; and they themselves undertook to procure it from the emperor。 The
legate intended to force Luther; if possible; to retract; or; failing in
this; to cause him to be conveyed to Rome; to share the fate of Huss and
Jerome。 Therefore through his agents he endeavored to induce Luther to
appear without a safe…conduct; trusting himself to his mercy。 This the
Reformer firmly declined to do。 Not until he had received the document
pledging him the emperor's protection; did he appear in the presence of the
papal ambassador。

As a matter of policy; the Romanists had decided to attempt to win Luther by
an appearance of gentleness。 The legate; in his interviews with him;
professed great friendliness; but he demanded that Luther submit implicitly
to the authority of the church; and yield every point without argument or
question。 He had not rightly estimated the character of the man with whom he
had to deal。 Luther; in reply; expressed his regard for the church; his
desire for


the truth; his readiness to answer all objections to what he had taught; and
to submit his doctrines to the decision of certain leading universities。 But
at the same time he protested against the cardinal's course in requiring him
to retract without having proved him in error。

The only response was: 〃Retract; retract!〃 The Reformer showed that his
position was sustained by the Scriptures and firmly declared that he could
not renounce the truth。 The legate; unable to reply to Luther's arguments;
overwhelmed him with a storm of reproaches; gibes; and flattery;
interspersed with quotations from tradition and the sayings of the Fathers;
granting the Reformer no opportunity to speak。 Seeing that the conference;
thus continued; would be utterly futile; Luther finally obtained a reluctant
permission to present his answer in writing。

〃In so doing;〃 said he; writing to a friend; 〃the oppressed find double
gain; first; what is written may be submitted to the judgment of others; and
second; one has a better chance of working on the fears; if not on the
conscience; of an arrogant and babbling despot; who would otherwise
overpower by his imperious language。〃Martyn; The Life and Times of Luther;
pages 271; 272。

At the next interview; Luther presented a clear; concise; and forcible
exposition of his views; fully supported by many quotations from Scripture。
This paper; after reading aloud; he handed to the cardinal; who; however;
cast it contemptuously aside; declaring it to be a mass of idle words and
irrelevant quotations。 Luther; fully aroused; now met the haughty prelate on
his own groundthe traditions and teachings of the churchand utterly
overthrew his assumptions。

When the prelate saw that Luther's reasoning was unanswerable; he lost all
self…control; and in a rage cried out: 〃Retract! or I will send you to Rome;
there to appear before the judges commissioned to take cognizance of your
cause。 I will excommunicate you and all your partisans; and all


who shall at any time countenance you; and will cast them out of the
church。〃 And he finally declared; in a haughty and angry tone: 〃Retract; or
return no more。〃D'Aubigne; London ed。; b。 4; ch。 8。

The Reformer promptly withdrew with his friends; thus declaring plainly that
no retraction was to be expected from him。 This was not what the cardinal
had purposed。 He had flattered himself that by violence he could awe Luther
to submission。 Now; left alone with his supporters; he looked from one to
another in utter chagrin at the unexpected failure of his schemes。

Luther's efforts on this occasion were not without good results。 The large
assembly present had opportunity to compare the two men; and to judge for
themselves of the spirit manifested by them; as well as of the strength and
truthfulness of their positions。 How marked the contrast! The Reformer;
simple; humble; firm; stood up in the strength of God; having truth on his
side; the pope's representative; self…important; overbearing; haughty; and
unreasonable; was without a single argument from the Scriptures; yet
vehemently crying: 〃Retract; or be sent to Rome for punishment。〃

Notwithstanding Luther had secured a safe…conduct; the Romanists were
plotting to seize and imprison him。 His friends urged that as it was useless
for him to prolong his stay; he should return to Wittenberg without delay;
and that the utmost caution should be observed in order to conceal his
intentions。 He accordingly left Augsburg before day…break; on horseback;
accompanied only by a guide furnished him by the magistrate。 With many
forebodings he secretly made his way through the dark and silent streets of
the city。 Enemies; vigilant and cruel; were plotting his destruction。 Would
he escape the snares prepared for him? Those were moments of anxiety and
earnest prayer。 He reached a small gate in the wall of the city。 It was
opened for him; and with his guide he passed through without hindrance。 Once
safely outside; the fugitives hastened their flight; and before


the legate learned of Luther's departure; he was beyond the reach of his
persecutors。 Satan and his emissaries were defeated。 The man whom they had
thought in their power was gone; escaped as a bird from the snare of the

At the news of Luther's escape the legate was overwhelmed with surprise and
anger。 He had expected to receive great honor for his wisdom and firmness in
dealing with this disturber of the church; but his hope was disappointed。 He
gave expression to his wrath in a letter to Frederick; the elector of
Saxony; bitterly denouncing Luther and demanding that Frederick send the
Reformer to Rome or banish him from Saxony。

In defense; Luther urged that the legate or the pope show him his errors
from the Scriptures; and pledged himself in the most solemn manner to
renounce his doctrines if they could be shown to contradict the word of God。
And he expressed his gratitude to God that he had been counted worthy to
suffer in so holy a cause。

The elector had; as yet; little knowledge of the reformed doctrines; but he
was deeply impressed by the candor; force; and clearness of Luther's words;
and until the Reformer should be proved to be in error; Frederick resolved
to stand as his protector。 In reply to the legate's demand he wrote: 〃Since
Dr。 Martin has appeared before you at Augsburg; you should be satisfied。 We
did not expect that you would endeavor to make him retract without having
convinced him of his errors。 None of the learned men in our principality
have informed me that Martin's doctrine is impious; anti…christian; or
heretical。' The prince refused; moreover; to send Luther to Rome; or to
expel him from his states。〃 D'Aubigne; b。 4; ch。 10。

The elector saw that there was a general breaking down of the moral
restraints of society。 A great work of reform was needed。 The complicated
and expensive arrangements to restrain and punish crime would be unnecessary
if men but acknowledged and obeyed the requirements of God and the dictates
of an enlightened conscience。 He saw that


Luther was laboring to secure this object; and he secretly rejoiced that a
better influence was making itself felt in the church。

He saw also that as a professor in the university Luther was eminently
successful。 Only a year had passed since the Reformer posted his theses on
the castle church; yet there was already a great falling off in the number
of pilgrims that visited the church at the festival of All Saints。 Rome had
been deprived of worshipers and offerings; but their place was filled by
another class; who now came to Wittenberg; not pilgrims to adore her relics;
but students to fill her halls of learning。 The writings of Luther had
kindled everywhere a new interest in the Holy Scriptures; and not only from
all parts of Germany; but from other lands; students flocked to the
university。 Young men; coming in sight of Wittenberg for the first time;
〃raised their hands to heaven; and praised God for having caused the light
of truth to shine forth from this city; as from Zion in times of old; and
whence it spread even to the most distant countries。〃Ibid。; b。 4; ch。 10。

Luther was as yet but partially converted from the errors of Romanism。 But
as he compared the Holy Oracles with the papal decrees and constitutions; he
was filled with wonder。 〃I am reading;〃 he wrote; 〃the decrees of the
pontiffs; and 。 。 。 I do not know whether the pope is antichrist himself; or
his apostle; so greatly is Christ misrepresented and crucified in
them。〃Ibid。; b。 5; ch。 1。 Yet at this time Luther was still a supporter of
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