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eminent victorians-第26章

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china to look after; and there was her father to be read to after

dinner。 Mrs。 Nightingale could not understand it; and then one

day her perplexity was changed to consternation and alarm。

Florence announced an extreme desire to go to Salisbury Hospital

for several months as a nurse; and she confessed to some

visionary plan of eventually setting up in a house of her own in

a neighbouring village; and there founding 'something like a

Protestant Sisterhood; without vows; for women of educated

feelings'。 The whole scheme was summarily brushed aside as

preposterous; and Mrs。 Nightingale; after the first shock of

terror; was able to settle down again more or less comfortably to

her embroidery。 But Florence; who was now twenty…five and felt

that the dream of her life had been shattered; came near to


And; indeed; the difficulties in her path were great。 For not

only was it an almost unimaginable thing in those days for a

woman of means to make her own way in the world and to live in

independence; but the particular profession for which Florence

was clearly marked out both by her instincts and her capacities

was at that time a peculiarly disreputable one。 A 'nurse' meant

then a coarse old woman; always ignorant; usually dirty; often

brutal; a Mrs。 Gamp; in bunched…up sordid garments; tippling at

the brandy bottle or indulging in worse irregularities。 The

nurses in the hospitals were especially notorious for immoral

conduct; sobriety was almost unknown among them; and they could

hardly be trusted to carry out the simplest medical duties。

Certainly; things HAVE changed since those days; and that they

have changed is due; far more than to any other human being; to

Miss Nightingale herself。 It is not to be wondered at that her

parents should have shuddered at the notion of their daughter

devoting her life to such an occupation。 'It was as if;' she

herself said afterwards; 'I had wanted to be a kitchen…maid。' Yet

the want; absurd and impracticable as it was; not only remained

fixed immovably in her heart; but grew in intensity day by day。

Her wretchedness deepened into a morbid melancholy。 Everything

about her was vile; and she herself; it was clear; to have

deserved such misery; was even viler than her surroundings。 Yes;

she had sinned'standing before God's judgment seat'。 'No one;'

she declared; 'has so grieved the Holy Spirit'; of that she was

quite certain。 It was in vain that she prayed to be delivered

from vanity and hypocrisy; and she could not bear to smile or to

be gay; 'because she hated God to hear her laugh; as if she had

not repented of her sin'。

A weaker spirit would have been overwhelmed by the load of such

distresses would have yielded or snapped。 But this

extraordinary young woman held firm; and fought her way to

victory。 With an amazing persistency; during the eight years that

followed her rebuff over Salisbury Hospital; she struggled and

worked and planned。 While superficially she was carrying on the

life of a brilliant girl in high society; while internally she

was a prey to the tortures of regret and of remorse; she yet

possessed the energy to collect the knowledge and to undergo the

experience which alone could enable her to do what she had

determined she would do in the end。 In secret she devoured the

reports of medical commissions; the pamphlets of sanitary

authorities; the histories of hospitals and homes。 She spent the

intervals of the London season in ragged schools and workhouses。

When she went abroad with her family; she used her spare time so

well that there was hardly a great hospital in Europe with which

she was not acquainted; hardly a great city whose shims she had

not passed through。 She managed to spend some days in a convent

school in Rome; and some weeks as a 'Soeur de Charite' in Paris。

Then; while her mother and sister were taking the waters at

Carlsbad; she succeeded in slipping off to a nursing institution

at Kaiserswerth; where she remained for more than three months。

This was the critical event of her life。 The experience which she

gained as a nurse at Kaiserswerth formed the foundation of all

her future action and finally fixed her in her career。

But one other trial awaited her。 The allurements of the world she

had brushed aside with disdain and loathing; she had resisted the

subtler temptation which; in her weariness; had sometimes come

upon her; of devoting her baffled energies to art or literature;

the last ordeal appeared in the shape of a desirable young man。

Hitherto; her lovers had been nothing to her but an added burden

and a mockery; but now for a moment she wavered。 A new

feeling swept over hera feeling which she had never known

before which she was never to know again。 The most powerful and

the profoundest of all the instincts of humanity laid claim upon

her。 But it rose before her; that instinct; arrayedhow could it

be otherwise? in the inevitable habiliments of a Victorian

marriage; and she had the strength to stamp it underfoot。 'I have

an intellectual nature which requires satisfaction;' she noted;

'and that would find it in him。 I have a passionate nature which

requires satisfaction; and that would find it in him。 I have a

moral; an active nature which requires satisfaction; and that

would not find it in his life。 Sometimes I think that I will

satisfy my passionate nature at all events。 。。。'

But no; she knew in her heart that it could not be。 'To be nailed

to a continuation and exaggeration of my present life 。。。 to put

it out of my power ever to be able to seize the chance of forming

for myself a true and rich life'that would be a suicide。 She

made her choice; and refused what was at least a certain

happiness for a visionary good which might never come to her at

all。 And so she returned to her old life of waiting and

bitterness。 'The thoughts and feelings that I have now;' she

wrote; 'I can remember since I was six years old。 A profession; a

trade; a necessary occupation; something to fill and employ all

my faculties; I have always felt essential to me; I have always

longed for。 The first thought I can remember; and the last; was

nursing work; and in the absence of this; education work; but

more the education of the bad than of the young。。。  Everything

has been tried foreign travel; kind friends; everything。 My

God! What is to become of me?' A desirable young man? Dust and

ashes! What was there desirable in such a thing as that? 'In my

thirty…first year;' she noted in her diary; 'I see nothing

desirable but death。'

Three more years passed; and then at last the pressure of time

told; her family seemed to realise that she was old enough and

strong enough to have her way; and she became the superintendent

of a charitable nursing home in Harley Street。 She had gained her

independence; though it was in a meagre sphere enough; and her

mother was still not quite resigned: surely Florence might at

least spend the summer in the country。 At times; indeed; among

her intimates; Mrs。 Nightingale almost wept。 'We are ducks;' she

said with tears in her eyes; 'who have hatched a wild swan。' But

the poor lady was wrong; it was not a swan that they had hatched;

it was an eagle。


Miss NIGHTINGALE had been a year in her nursing…home in Harley

Street; when Fate knocked at the door。 The Crimean War broke out;

the battle of the Alma was fought; and the terrible condition of

our military hospitals at Scutari began to be known in England。

It sometimes happens that the plans of Providence are a little

difficult to follow; but on this occasion all was plain; there

was a perfect coordination of events。 For years Miss Nightingale

had been getting ready; at last she was prepared experienced;

free; mature; yet still young (she was thirty…four) desirous to

serve; accustomed to command: at that precise moment the

desperate need of a great nation came; and she was there to

satisfy it。 If the war had fallen a few years earlier; she would

have lacked the knowledge; perhaps even the power; for such a

work; a few years later and she would; no doubt; have been fixed

in the routine of some absorbing task; and moreover; she would

have been growing old。

Nor was it only the coincidence of time that was remarkable。 It

so fell out that Sidney Herbert was at the War Office and in the

Cabinet; and Sidney Herbert was an intimate friend of Miss

Nightingale's; convinced; from personal experience in charitable

work; of her supreme capacity。 After such premises; it seems

hardly more than a matter of course that her letter; in which she

offered her services for the East; and Sidney Herbert's letter;

in which he asked for them; should actually have crossed in the

post。 Thus it all happened; without a hitch。 The appointment was

made and even Mrs。 Nightingale; overawed by the magnitude of the

venture; could only approve。 A pair of faithful friends offered

themselves a
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