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the darrow enigma(达罗之迷)-第57章

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newly found light by my shadow; and; … well; … I wanted to see Jeannette; 

so I left。 

     I need not tell you; even though you are a bachelor; how fast Maitland 

improved。      Gwen   would   permit   no   one   else   to   nurse   him;   and   this   had 

much to do with the rapidity of his recovery。             In a month he was able to 

go out; and in another month Gwen became Mrs。 Maitland。 A happier pair; 

or one better suited to each other; it has never been my privilege to know。 


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                                        The Darrow Enigma 

As I visited them in their new home I became more and more dissatisfied 

with bachelor existence; and there were times when I had half a mind to 

go straight to Jeannette and ask her advice in the matter。                Ah; those days! 

They will   never   come   to   me   again。      Never again   will   a pink   and   white 

angel knock so loudly at my heart; or be so warmly welcomed。                       I wonder 

where she is and if she is thinking of me。 

       And   now   I   may   as   well   stop;   for   my   narrative   is   over;   and   I   hear 

someone coming along the hail; doubtless after me。                  It is only Harold; so 

I   may   add   a   word   or   two   more。  I   am   writing   now   with   difficulty;   for 

some   frolicsome   individual   has   placed   a   hand   over   my   eyes   and   says; 

〃Guess。〃      I  can   just  see   to  write    between     the   fingers。    Again     I  am 

commanded;   〃   Guess!〃   so   I   say   carelessly;   〃Alice。〃       Then;   would   you 

believe   it;   someone   kisses   me   and   says:   〃Will   you   ever   have   done   with 

that writing?       The children wish me to inform you that they have some 

small claim upon your time。〃             You see how it is。         I've got to stop; so I 

say; as becomes an obedient gentleman: 〃Very well; I will quit upon one 

condition。 I have been wondering where on earth you were。                     Tell me what 

you have been doing with yourself。               I have been repeating in retrospect 

all the horrors of bachelordom。〃 

     〃Why;      Ned    dear;〃   my    wife    replies;   〃I've   only    been    down…town 

shopping   for   Harold   and   little   Jeannette。      Bless   me;   I   should   think   I'd 

been gone a year!〃 

     〃Bless you; my dear Jeannette;〃 I reply; 〃I should think you had;〃 and I 

draw   her   down   gently   into   my   lap   and   kiss   her   again   and   again   for   the 

sake of the conviction it will carry。          She says I am smothering her; which 

means she is convinced。 

       You see I have learned some things since I was a bachelor。 

     End of Project Gutenberg's Etext The Darrow Enigma; by Melvin L。 



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