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shut up; and then let the air carry it all out with a blast of gunpowder;

others caused large fires to be made all day and all night for several

days and nights; by the same token that two or three were pleased to

set their houses on fire; and so effectually sweetened them by burning

them down to the ground; as particularly one at Ratcliff; one in

Holbourn; and one at Westminster; besides two or three that were set

on fire; but the fire was happily got out again before it went far

enough to bum down the houses; and one citizen's servant; I think it

was in Thames Street; carried so much gunpowder into his master's

house; for clearing it of the infection; and managed it so foolishly; that

he blew up part of the roof of the house。  But the time was not fully

come that the city was to he purged by fire; nor was it far off; for

within nine months more I saw it all lying in ashes; when; as some of

our quacking philosophers pretend; the seeds of the plague were

entirely destroyed; and not before; a notion too ridiculous to speak of

here: since; had the seeds of the plague remained in the houses; not to

be destroyed but by fire; how has it been that they have not since

broken out; seeing all those buildings in the suburbs and liberties; all

in the great parishes of Stepney; Whitechappel; Aldgate; Bishopsgate;

Shoreditch; Cripplegate; and St Giles; where the fire never came; and

where the plague raged with the greatest violence; remain still in the

same condition they were in before?

But to leave these things just as I found them; it was certain that

those people who were more than ordinarily cautious of their health;

did take particular directions for what they called seasoning of their

houses; and abundance of costly things were consumed on that

account which I cannot but say not only seasoned those houses; as

they desired; but filled the air with very grateful and wholesome

smells which others had the share of the benefit of as well as those

who were at the expenses of them。

And yet after all; though the poor came to town very precipitantly;

as I have said; yet I must say the rich made no such haste。  The men of

business; indeed; came up; but many of them did not bring their

families to town till the spring came on; and that they saw reason to

depend upon it that the plague would not return。

The Court; indeed; came up soon after Christmas; but the nobility

and gentry; except such as depended upon and had employment under

the administration; did not come so soon。

I should have taken notice here that; notwithstanding the violence of

the plague in London and in other places; yet it was very observable

that it was never on board the fleet; and yet for some time there was a

strange press in the river; and even in the streets; for seamen to man

the fleet。  But it was in the beginning of the year; when the plague was

scarce begun; and not at all come down to that part of the city where

they usually press for seamen; and though a war with the Dutch was

not at all grateful to the people at that time; and the seamen went with

a kind of reluctancy into the service; and many complained of being

dragged into it by force; yet it proved in the event a happy violence to

several of them; who had probably perished in the general calamity;

and who; after the summer service was over; though they had cause to

lament the desolation of their families … who; when they came back;

were many of them in their graves … yet they had room to be thankful

that they were carried out of the reach of it; though so much against

their wills。  We indeed had a hot war with the Dutch that year; and

one very great engagement at sea in which the Dutch were worsted;

but we lost a great many men and some ships。  But; as I observed; the

plague was not in the fleet; and when they came to lay up the ships in

the river the violent part of it began to abate。

I would be glad if I could close the account of this melancholy year

with some particular examples historically; I mean of the thankfulness

to God; our preserver; for our being delivered from this dreadful

calamity。  Certainly the circumstance of the deliverance; as well as the

terrible enemy we were delivered from; called upon the whole nation

for it。  The circumstances of the deliverance were indeed very

remarkable; as I have in part mentioned already; and particularly the

dreadful condition which we were all in when we were to the surprise

of the whole town made joyful with the hope of a stop of the infection。

Nothing but the immediate finger of God; nothing but omnipotent

power; could have done it。  The contagion despised all medicine;

death raged in every corner; and had it gone on as it did then; a few

weeks more would have cleared the town of all; and everything that

had a soul。  Men everywhere began to despair; every heart failed them

for fear; people were made desperate through the anguish of their

souls; and the terrors of death sat in the very faces and countenances

of the people。

In that very moment when we might very well say; 'Vain was the

help of man'; … I say; in that very moment it pleased God; with a most

agreeable surprise; to cause the fury of it to abate; even of itself; and

the malignity declining; as I have said; though infinite numbers were

sick; yet fewer died; and the very first weeks' bill decreased 1843; a

vast number indeed!

It is impossible to express the change that appeared in the very

countenances of the people that Thursday morning when the weekly

bill came out。  It might have been perceived in their countenances that

a secret surprise and smile of joy sat on everybody's face。  They shook

one another by the hands in the streets; who would hardly go on the

same side of the way with one another before。  Where the streets were

not too broad they would open their windows and call from one house

to another; and ask how they did; and if they had heard the good news

that the plague was abated。  Some would return; when they said good

news; and ask; 'What good news?' and when they answered that the

plague was abated and the bills decreased almost two thousand; they

would cry out; 'God be praised I' and would weep aloud for joy; telling

them they had heard nothing of it; and such was the joy of the people

that it was; as it were; life to them from the grave。  I could almost set

down as many extravagant things done in the excess of their joy as of

their grief; but that would be to lessen the value of it。

I must confess myself to have been very much dejected just before

this happened; for the prodigious number that were taken sick the

week or two before; besides those that died; was such; and the

lamentations were so great everywhere; that a man must have seemed

to have acted even against his reason if he had so much as expected to

escape; and as there was hardly a house but mine in all my

neighbourhood but was infected; so had it gone on it would not have

been long that there would have been any more neighbours to be

infected。  Indeed it is hardly credible what dreadful havoc the last

three weeks had made; for if I might believe the person whose

calculations I always found very well grounded; there were not less

than 30;000 people dead and near 100。000 fallen sick in the three

weeks I speak of; for the number that sickened was surprising; indeed

it was astonishing; and those whose courage upheld them all the time

before; sank under it now。

In the middle of their distress; when the condition of the city of

London was so truly calamitous; just then it pleased God … as it were

by His immediate hand to disarm this enemy; the poison was taken

out of the sting。  It was wonderful; even the physicians themselves

were surprised at it。  Wherever they visited they found their patients

better; either they had sweated kindly; or the tumours were broke; or

the carbuncles went down and the inflammations round them changed

colour; or the fever was gone; or the violent headache was assuaged;

or some good symptom was in the case; so that in a few days

everybody was recovering; whole families that were infected and

down; that had ministers praying with them; and expected death every

hour; were revived and healed; and none died at all out of them。

Nor was this by any new medicine found out; or new method of cure

discovered; or by any experience in the operation which the

physicians or surgeons attained to; but it was evidently from the secret

invisible hand of Him that had at first sent this disease as a judgement

upon us; and let the atheistic part of mankind call my saying what

they please; it is no enthusiasm; it was acknowledged at that time by

all mankind。  The disease was enervated and its malignity spent; and

let it proceed from whencesoever it will; let the philosophers search

for reasons in nature to account for it by; and labour as much as they

will to lessen the debt they owe to their Make
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