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the life of flavius josephus-第17章

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his power; did only reproach him in words; and so let him go
without further punishment。 He says also; that the history which
this man wrote is; for the main; fabulous; and chiefly as to
those parts where he describes the Roman war with the Jews; and
the taking of Jerusalem。〃

(25) Here Josephus; a priest; honestly confesses that he did that
at the command of Vespasian; which he had before told us was not
lawful for a priest to do by the law of Moses; Antiq。 B。 III。 ch。
12。 sect。 2。 I mean; the taking a captive woman to wife。 See also
Against Apion; B。 I。 sect。 7。 But he seems to have been quickly
sensible that his compliance with the commands of an emperor
would not excuse him; for he soon put her away; as Reland justly
observes here。

(27) Of this most remarkable clause; and its most important
consequences; see Essay on the Old Testament; page 193195。

(28) Of this Epaphroditus; see the note on the Preface to the

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