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men of iron(铁人)-第28章

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seat of hog…skinand bade Myles be seated。 

     It was the first time that Myles had ever heard of such courtesy being 

extended   to   one   of   the   company   of   squires;   and;   much   wondering;   he 

obeyed the invitation; or rather command; and took the seat。 

     The old knight sat regarding him for a while in silence; his one eye; as 

bright   and   as   steady   as   that   of   a   hawk;   looking   keenly   from   under   the 

penthouse of its bushy brows; the while he slowly twirled and twisted his 

bristling wiry mustaches; as was his wont when in meditation。 At last he 

broke the silence。 〃How old art thou?〃 said he; abruptly。 

     〃I   be   turned   seventeen   last   April;〃   Myles   answered;   as   he   had   the 

evening before to Lord Mackworth。 

     〃Humph!〃 said Sir James; 〃thou be'st big of bone and frame for thine 

age。 I would that thy heart were more that of a man likewise; and less that 

of a giddy; hare…brained boy; thinking continually of naught but mischief。〃 

     Again he fell silent; and Myles sat quite still; wondering if it was on 

account     of   any   special   one   of  his  latest  escapades     that  he   had   been 

summoned to the officethe breaking of the window in the Long Hall by 

the stone he had flung at the rook; or the climbing of the South Tower for 


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the jackdaw's nest。 

     〃Thou     hast   a  friend;〃   said   Sir  James;    suddenly     breaking    into  his 

speculations; 〃of such a kind that few in this world possess。 Almost ever 

since   thou   hast   been   here   he   hath   been   watching   over   thee。   Canst   thou 

guess of whom I speak?〃 

     〃Haply   it   is   Lord   George   Beaumont;〃   said   Myles;   〃he   hath   always 

been passing kind to me。 

     〃Nay;〃 said Sir James; 〃it is not of him that I speak; though methinks 

he    liketh  thee   well   enow。   Canst    thou   keep   a  secret;   boy?〃    he  asked; 


     〃Yea;〃 answered Myles。 

     〃And wilt thou do so in this case if I tell thee who it is that is thy best 

friend here?〃 


     〃Then it is my Lord who is that friendthe Earl himself; but see that 

thou breathe not a word of it。〃 

     Myles sat staring at the old knight in utter and profound amazement; 

and presently Sir James continued: 〃Yea; almost ever since thou hast come 

here my Lord hath kept oversight upon all thy doings; upon all thy mad 

pranks   and   thy   quarrels   and   thy   fights;   thy   goings   out   and   comings   in。 

What thinkest thou of that; Myles Falworth?〃 

     Again   the   old   knight   stopped   and   regarded   the   lad;   who   sat   silent; 

finding   no   words   to   answer。   He   seemed   to   find   a   grim   pleasure   in   the 

youngster's   bewilderment   and   wonder。   Then   a   sudden   thought   came   to 


     〃Sir;〃 said he; 〃did my Lord know that I went to the privy garden as I 


     〃Nay;〃 said Sir James; 〃of that he knew naught at first until thy father 

bade thy mother write and tell him。〃 

     〃My father!〃 ejaculated Myles。 

     〃Aye;〃   said   Sir   James;   twisting   his   mustaches   more   vigorously   than 

ever。 〃So soon as thy father heard of that prank; he wrote straightway to 

my    Lord    that   he   should   put   a   stop   to   what   might   in   time   have  bred 


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     〃Sir;〃 said Myles; in an almost breathless voice; 〃I know not how to 

believe all these things; or whether I be awake or a…dreaming。〃 

     〃Thou be'st surely enough awake;〃 answered the old man; 〃but there 

are other matters yet to be told。 My Lord thinketh; as others of us doLord 

George   and   myselfthat   it   is   now   time   for   thee   to   put   away  thy   boyish 

follies;   and   learn   those   things   appertaining   to   manhood。 Thou   hast   been 

here a year now; and hast had freedom to do as thou might list; but; boy〃 

and the old warrior spoke seriously; almost solemnly〃upon thee doth rest 

matters of such great import that did I tell them to thee thou couldst not 

grasp them。 My Lord deems that thou hast; mayhap; promise beyond the 

common of men; ne'theless it remaineth yet to be seen an he be right; it is 

yet to test whether that promise may be fulfilled。 Next Monday I and Sir 

Everard     Willoughby       take  thee   in  hand    to  begin    training   thee   in  the 

knowledge and the use of the jousting lance; of arms; and of horsemanship。 

Thou art to go to Ralph Smith; and have him fit a suit of plain armor to 

thee which he hath been charged to make for thee against this time。 So get 

thee gone; think well over all these matters; and prepare thyself by next 

Monday。   But   stay;   sirrah;〃   he   added;   as   Myles;   dazed   and   bewildered; 

turned   to   obey;   〃breathe   to   no   living   soul   what   I   ha'   told   theethat   my 

Lord is thy friendneither speak of anything concerning him。 Such is his 

own heavy command laid upon thee。〃 

     Then Myles turned again without a word to leave the room。 But as he 

reached the door Sir James stopped him a second time。 

     〃Stay!〃 he called。 〃I had nigh missed telling thee somewhat else。 My 

Lord hath made thee a present this morning that thou wottest not of。 It is〃… 

…then he   stopped   for   a   few  moments;  perhaps to   enjoy  the   full   flavor of 

what   he   had   to   say〃it   is   a   great   Flemish   horse   of   true   breed   and   right 

mettle; a horse such as a knight of the noblest strain might be proud to call 

his own。 Myles Falworth; thou wert born upon a lucky day!〃 

     〃Sir;〃 cried Myles; and then stopped short。 Then; 〃Sir;〃 he cried again; 

〃didst thou say itthe horsewas to be mine?〃 

     〃Aye; it is to be thine。〃 


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     〃My very own?〃 

     〃Thy very own。〃 

     How Myles Falworth left that place he never knew。 He was like one in 

some strange; some wonderful dream。 He walked upon air; and his heart 

was   so   full   of   joy   and   wonder   and   amazement   that   it   thrilled   almost   to 

agony。 Of course his first thought was of Gascoyne。 How he ever found 

him he never could tell; but find him he did。 

     〃Come; Francis!〃 he cried; 〃I have that to tell thee so marvellous that 

had it come upon me from paradise it could not be more strange。〃 

     Then he dragged him away to their Eyryit had been many a long day 

since   they   had    been   thereand    to  all  his  friend's  speeches;    to  all  his 

wondering questions; he answered never a word until they had climbed the 

stairs; and so come to their old haunt。 Then he spoke。 

     〃Sit   thee   down;   Francis;〃   said   he;   〃till   I   tell   thee   that   which   passeth 

wonder。〃 As Gascoyne obeyed; he himself stood looking about him。 〃This 

is the last time I shall ever come hither;〃 said he。 And thereupon he poured 

out his heart to his listening friend in the murmuring solitude of the airy 

height。 He did not speak of the Earl; but of the wonderful new life that had 

thus suddenly opened before him; with its golden future of limitless hopes; 

of dazzling possibilities; of heroic ambitions。 He told everything; walking 

up and down the whilefor he could not remain quiethis cheeks glowing 

and his eyes sparkling。 

     Gascoyne sat quite still; staring straight before him。 He knew that his 

friend was ruffling eagle pinions for a flight in which he could never hope 

to follow; and somehow his heart ached; for he knew that this must be the 

beginning of the end of the dear; delightful friendship of the year past。 


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                               CHAPTER 22 

     And     so  ended    Myles     Falworth's     boyhood。     Three    years   followed; 

during   which   he   passed   through   that   state   which   immediately   follows 

boyhood in all men's livesa time when they are neither lads nor grown 

men; but youths passing from the one to the other period through what is 

often an uncouth and uncomfortable age。 

     He had fancied; when he talked with Gascoyne in the Eyry that time; 

that   he   was   to   become   a   man   all   at   once;   he   felt   just   then   that   he   had 

forever   done   with   boyish   things。   But   that   is   not   the   way   it   happens   in 

men's lives。 Changes do not come so suddenly and swiftly as that; but by 

little and little。 For three or four days; maybe; he went his new way of life 

big with the great change that had co
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