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men of iron(铁人)-第51章

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now;〃 said she; twisting his strong; sinewy fingers in and out。 

     〃If thou thoughtst me so then; what a very fool I must have looked to 

thee   when   I   so   clumsily   besought   thee   for   thy   favor   for   my   jousting   at 

Devlen。 Did I not so?〃 

     〃Thou didst look to me the most noble; handsome young knight that 

did   ever   live;   thou   didst   look   to   me   Sir   Galahad;   as   they   did   call   thee; 

withouten taint or stain。〃 

     Myles did not even smile in answer; but looked at his wife with such a 

look that she blushed a rosy red。 Then; laughing; she slipped from his hold; 

and before he could catch her again was gone。 

     I am glad that he was to be rich and happy and honored and beloved 

after all his hard and noble fighting。 


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