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men of iron(铁人)-第8章

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     Myles hesitated。 Sir James held a stout staff in his hand; but otherwise 

he was unarmed。 

     〃Strike; I say!〃 said Sir James。 〃What stayest thou for? Art afeard?〃 


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     It   was   Myles's   answer   that   set   the   seal   of   individuality   upon   him。 

〃Nay;〃 said he; boldly; 〃I am not afeard。 I fear not thee nor any man!〃 So 

saying; he delivered the stroke at Sir James with might and main。 It was 

met with a jarring blow that made his wrist and arm tingle; and the next 

instant he received a stroke upon the bascinet that caused his ears to ring 

and the sparks to dance。 and fly before his eyes。 

     〃Pardee!〃 said Sir James; grimly。 〃An I had had a mace in my hand; I 

would have   knocked   thy  cockerel   brains out that   time。 Thou   mayst   take 

that blow for answering me so pertly。 And now we are quits。 Now strike 

me the stroke again an thou art not afeard。〃 

     Myles's eyes watered in spite of himself; and he shut the lids tight to 

wink the dimness away。 Nevertheless he spoke up undauntedly as before。 

〃Aye; marry; will I strike it again;〃 said he; and this time he was able to 

recover   guard   quickly   enough   to   turn   Sir   James's   blow   with   his   shield; 

instead of receiving it upon his head。 

     〃So!〃 said Sir James。 〃Now mind thee of this; that when thou strikest 

that lower cut at the legs; recover thyself more quickly。 Now; then; strike 

me it at the pel。〃 

     Gascoyne and other of the lads who were just then lying stretched out 

upon the grass beneath; a tree at the edge of the open court where stood 

the pels; were interested spectators of the whole scene。 Not one of them in 

their memory had heard Sir James so answered face to face as Myles had 

answered him; and; after all; perhaps the lad himself would not have done 

so had he been longer a resident in the squires' quarters at Devlen。 

     〃By   'r   Lady!   thou   art   a   cool   blade;   Myles;〃   said   Gascoyne;   as   they 

marched back to the armory again。 〃Never heard I one bespeak Sir James 

as thou hast done this day。〃 

     〃And; after all;〃 said another of the young squires; 〃old Bruin was not 

so ill…pleased; methinks。 That was a shrewd blow he fetched thee on the 

crown; Falworth。 Marry; I would not have had it on my own skull for a 

silver penny。〃 


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                                CHAPTER 7 

     So little does it take to make a body's reputation。 

     That night   all the  squires' quarters   buzzed   with   the story  of   how  the 

new boy; Falworth; had answered Sir James Lee to his face without fear; 

and   had   exchanged   blows   with   him   hand   to   hand。  Walter   Blunt   himself 

was moved to some show of interest。 

     〃What said he to thee; Falworth?〃 asked he。 

     〃He said naught;〃 said Myles; brusquely。 〃He only sought to show me 

how to recover from the under cut。〃 

     〃It is passing strange that he should take so much notice of thee as to 

exchange blows with thee with his own hand。 Haply thou art either very 

quick or parlous slow at arms。〃 

     〃It   is   quick   that   he   is;〃   said   Gascoyne;   speaking   up   in   his   friend's 

behalf。 〃For the second time that Falworth delivered the stroke; Sir James 

could not reach him to return; so I saw with mine own eyes。〃 

     But    that  very   sterling   independence       that  had   brought     Myles    so 

creditably through this adventure was certain to embroil him with the rude; 

half…savage      lads   about   him;    some    of   whom;     especially    among     the 

bachelors; were his superiors as well in age as in skill and training。 As said 

before; the bachelors had enforced from the younger boys a fagging sort of 

attendance on their various personal needs; and it was upon this point that 

Myles first came to grief。 As it chanced; several days passed before any 

demand was made upon him for service to the heads of the squirehood; but 

when that demand was made; the bachelors were very quick to see that the 

boy who was bold enough to speak up to Sir James Lee was not likely to 

be a willing fag for them。 

     〃I   tell   thee;   Francis;〃   he   said;   as   Gascoyne   and   he   talked   over   the 

matter one day〃I tell thee I will never serve them。 Prithee; what shame 

can   be   fouler   than   to   do   such   menial   service;   saving   for   one's   rightful 


     〃Marry!〃 quoth Gascoyne; 〃I reason not of shame at this or that。 All I 


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know is that others serve them who are haply as good and maybe better 

than I be; and that if I do not serve them I get knocked i' th' head therefore; 

which same goeth soothly against my stomach。〃 

     〃I judge not for thee;〃 said Myles。 〃Thou art used to these castle ways; 

but only I know that I will not serve them; though they be thirty against 

me instead of thirteen。〃 

     〃Then thou art a fool;〃 said Gascoyne; dryly。 

     Now in this matter of service there was one thing above all others that 

stirred   Myles     Falworth's   ill…liking。   The   winter     before   he   had   come     to 

Devlen; Walter  Blunt;   who   was somewhat   of  a  Sybarite   in   his   way;   and 

who had a repugnance to bathing in the general tank in the open armory 

court   in   frosty   weather;   had   had   Dick   Carpenter   build   a   trough   in   the 

corner of the dormitory for the use of the bachelors; and every morning it 

was the duty of two of the younger squires to bring three pails of water to 

fill this private tank for the use of the head esquires。 It was seeing two of 

his fellow…esquires fetching and carrying this water that Myles disliked so 

heartily; and every morning his bile was stirred anew at the sight。 

     〃Sooner would I die than yield to such vile service;〃 said he。 

     He did not know how soon his protestations would be put to the test。 

     One   nightit   was   a   week   or   two   after   Myles   had   come   to   Devlen 

Blunt was called to attend the Earl at livery。 The livery was the last meal 

of   the   day;   and   was   served   with   great   pomp   and   ceremony   about   nine 

o'clock at night to the head of the house as he lay in bed。 Curfew had not 

yet   rung;   and   the   lads   in   the   squires'   quarters   were   still   wrestling   and 

sparring and romping boisterously in and out around the long row of rude 

cots in the great dormitory as they made ready for the night。 Six or eight 

flaring links in wrought…iron brackets that stood out from the wall threw a 

great ruddy glare through the barrack…like room a light of all others to 

romp   by。   Myles   and   Gascoyne   were   engaged   in   defending   the   passage… 

way   between   their   two   cots   against   the   attack   of   three   other   lads;   and 

Myles held his sheepskin coverlet rolled up into a ball and balanced in his 

hand;  ready  for   launching   at   the head   of one of the others so soon   as   it 

should     rise  from   behind     the  shelter   of   a  cot。  Just  then   Walter    Blunt; 


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dressed   with   more   than   usual   care;   passed   by   on   his   way   to   the   Earl's 

house。 He stopped for a moment and said; 〃Mayhaps I will not be in until 

late to…night。 Thou and Falworth; Gascoyne; may fetch water to…morrow。 

     Then he was gone。 Myles stood staring after his retreating figure with 

eyes open and mouth agape; still holding the ball of sheepskin balanced in 

his hand。 Gascoyne burst into a helpless laugh at his blank; stupefied face; 

but the next moment he laid his hand on his friend's shoulder。 

     〃Myles;〃 he said; 〃thou wilt not make trouble; wilt thou?〃 

     Myles   made   no   answer。   He   flung   down   his   sheepskin   and   sat   him 

gloomily down upon the side of the cot。 

     〃I said that I would sooner die than fetch water for them;〃 said he。 

     〃Aye; aye;〃 said Gascoyne; 〃but that was spoken in haste。〃 

     Myles said nothing; but shook his head。 

     But; after all; circumstances shape themselves。 The next morning when 

he   rose   up   through   the   dark   waters   of   sleep   it   was   to   feel   some   one 

shaking him violently by the shoulder。 

     〃Come!〃      cried   Gascoyne;      as  Myles     opened    his   eyes〃come;     time 

passeth; and we are late。〃 

     Myles; bewildered with his sudden awakening; and still fuddled with 

the   fumes   of   sleep;   huddled   into   his   doublet   and   hose;   hardly
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