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His own accord; that; after you have been skinning and scraping for
a long time; He will pronounce such a blessing on your gains that your
grain in the garner; your beer in the cellar; your cattle in the stalls
shall perish; yea; where you have cheated and overcharged any one to
the amount of a florin; your entire pile shall be consumed with rust;
so that you shall never enjoy it。
And indeed; we see and experience this being fulfilled daily before our
eyes; that no stolen or dishonestly acquired possession thrives。 How
many there are who rake and scrape day and night; and yet grow not a
farthing richer! And though they gather much; they must suffer so many
plagues and misfortunes that they cannot relish it with cheerfulness
nor transmit it to their children。 But as no one minds it; and we go on
as though it did not concern us; God must visit us in a different way
and teach us manners by imposing one taxation after another; or
billeting a troop of soldiers upon us; who in one hour empty our
coffers and purses; and do not quit as long as we have a farthing
left; and in addition; by way of thanks; burn and devastate house and
home; and outrage and kill wife and children。
And; in short; if you steal much; depend upon it that again as much
will be stolen from you; and he who robs and acquires with violence and
wrong will submit to one who shall deal after the same fashion with
him。 For God is master of this art; that since every one robs and
steals from the other; He punishes one thief by means of another。 Else
where should we find enough gallows and ropes?
Now; whoever is willing to be instructed let him know that this is the
commandment of God; and that it must not be treated as a jest。 For
although you despise us; defraud; steal; and rob; we will indeed manage
to endure your haughtiness; suffer; and; according to the Lord's
Prayer; forgive and show pity; for we know that the godly shall
nevertheless have enough; and you injure yourself more than another。
But beware of this: When the poor man comes to you (of whom there are
so many now) who must buy with the penny of his daily wages and live
upon it; and you are harsh to him; as though every one lived by your
favor; and you skin and scrape to the bone; and; besides; with pride
and haughtiness turn him off to whom you ought to give for nothing; he
will go away wretched and sorrowful; and since he can complain to no
one he will cry and call to heaven; then beware (I say again) as of
the devil himself。 For such groaning and calling will be no jest; but
will have a weight that will prove too heavy for you and all the
world。 For it will reach Him who takes care of the poor sorrowful
hearts; and will not allow them to go unavenged。 But if you despise
this and become defiant; see whom you have brought upon you: if you
succeed and prosper; you may before all the world call God and me a
We have exhorted; warned; and protested enough; he who will not heed or
believe it may go on until he learns this by experience Yet it must be
impressed upon the young that they may be careful not to follow the old
lawless crowd; but keep their eyes fixed upon God's commandment; lest
His wrath and punishment come upon them too。 It behooves us to do no
more than to instruct and reprove with God's Word; but to check such
open wantonness there is need of the princes and government; who
themselves would have eyes and the courage to establish and maintain
order in all manner of trade and commerce; lest the poor be burdened
and oppressed nor they themselves be loaded with other men's sins。
Let this suffice as an explanation of what stealing is; that it be not
taken too narrowly but made to extend as far as we have to do with our
neighbors。 And briefly; in a summary; as in the former commandments; it
is herewith forbidden; in the first place; to do our neighbor any
injury or wrong (in whatever manner supposable; by curtailing;
forestalling; and withholding his possessions and property); or even to
consent or allow such a thing; but to interpose and prevent it。 And; on
the other hand; it is commanded that we advance and improve his
possessions; and in case he suffers want; that we help; communicate;
and lend both to friends and foes。
Whoever now seeks and desires good works will find here more than
enough such as are heartily acceptable and pleasing to God; and in
addition are favored and crowned with excellent blessings; that we are
to be richly compensated for all that we do for our neighbor's good and
from friendship; as King Solomon also teaches Prov。 19; 17: He that
hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath
given will He pay him again。 Here; then you have a rich Lord; who is
certainly sufficient for you; and who will not suffer you to come short
in anything or to want; thus you can with a joyful conscience enjoy a
hundred times more than you could scrape together with unfaithfulness
and wrong。 Now; whoever does not desire the blessing will find wrath
and misfortune enough。
The Eighth Commandment。
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor。
Over and above our own body; spouse; and temporal possessions; we have
yet another treasure; namely; honor and good report 'the illustrious
testimony of an upright and unsullied name and reputation'; with which
we cannot dispense。 For it is intolerable to live among men in open
shame and general contempt。 Therefore God wishes the reputation; good
name; and upright character of our neighbor to be taken away or
diminished as little as his money and possessions; that every one may
stand in his integrity before wife; children; servants; and neighbors。
And in the first place; we take the plainest meaning of this
commandment according to the words (Thou shalt not bear false witness);
as pertaining to the public courts of justice; where a poor innocent
man is accused and oppressed by false witnesses in order to be punished
in his body; property; or honor。
Now; this appears as if it were of little concern to us at present; but
with the Jews it was quite a common and ordinary matter。 For the people
were organized under an excellent and regular government; and where
there is still such a government; instances of this sin will not be
wanting。 The cause of it is that where judges; burgomasters; princes;
or others in authority sit in judgment; things never fail to go
according to the course of the world; namely; men do not like to offend
anybody; flatter; and speak to gain favor; money; prospects; or
friendship; and in consequence a poor man and his cause must be
oppressed; denounced as wrong; and suffer punishment。 And it is a
common calamity in the world that in courts of justice there seldom
preside godly men。
For to be a judge requires above all things a godly man; and not only a
godly; but also a wise; modest; yea; a brave and bold man; likewise; to
be a witness requires a fearless and especially a godly man。 For a
person who is to judge all matters rightly and carry them through with
his decision will often offend good friends; relatives; neighbors; and
the rich and powerful; who can greatly serve or injure him。 Therefore
he must be quite blind; have his eyes and ears closed; neither see nor
hear; but go straight forward in everything that comes before him; and
decide accordingly。
Therefore this commandment is given first of all that every one shall
help his neighbor to secure his rights; and not allow them to be
hindered or twisted; but shall promote and strictly maintain them; no
matter whether he be judge or witness; and let it pertain to whatsoever
it will。 And especially is a goal set up here for our jurists that they
be careful to deal truly and uprightly with every case; allowing right
to remain right; and; on the other hand; not perverting anything 'by
their tricks and technical points turning black into white and making
wrong out to be right'; nor glossing it over or keeping silent
concerning it; irrespective of a person's money; possession; honor; or
power。 This is one part and the plainest sense of this commandment
concerning all that takes place in court。
Next; it extends very much further; if we are to apply it to spiritual
jurisdiction or administration; here it is a common occurrence that
every one bears false witness against his neighbor。 For wherever there
are godly preachers and Christians; they must bear the sentence before
the world that they are called heretics; apostates; yea; seditious and
desperately wicked miscreants。 Besides the Word of God must suffer in
the most shameful and malicious manner; being persecuted blasphemed;
contradicted; perverted and falsely cited and interpreted。 But let this
pass; for it is the way of the blind world that she condemns and
persecutes the truth and the children of God; and yet esteems it no
In the third place; what concerns us all; this commandment forbids all
sins of the tongue whereby we may injure or approach too closely to our
neighbor。 For to bear false witness is nothing else than a work of the
tongue。 Now; whatever is done with the tongue against a fellow…man God
would have prohibited; whether