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the spirit of the border-第14章

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〃Good for anything;〃 answered Joe; with that coolness Wetzel had been quick to

observe in him。

The hunter cast a sharp glance at the lad's haggard face; his bruised temple;

and his hair matted with blood。 In that look he read Joe thoroughly。 Had the

young man known the result of that scrutiny; he would have been pleased as

well as puzzled; for the hunter had said to himself: 〃A brave lad; an' the

border fever's on him。〃

〃Swim close to me;〃 said Wetzel; and he plunged into the river。 The task was

accomplished without accident。

〃See the big cabin; thar; on the hillside? Thar's Colonel Zane in the door;〃

said Wetzel。

As they neared the building several men joined the one who had been pointed

out as the colonel。 It was evident the boys were the subject of their

conversation。 Presently Zane left the group and came toward them。 The brothers

saw a handsome; stalwart man; in the prime of life。

〃Well; Lew; what luck?〃 he said to Wetzel。

〃Not much。 I treed five Injuns; an' two got away;〃 answered the hunter as he

walked toward the fort。

〃Lads; welcome to Fort Henry;〃 said Colonel Zane; a smile lighting his dark

face。 〃The others of your party arrived safely。 They certainly will be

overjoyed to see you。〃

〃Colonel Zane; I had a letter from my uncle to you;〃 replied Jim; 〃but the

Indians took that and everything else we had with us。〃

〃Never mind the letter。 I knew your uncle; and your father; too。 Come into the

house and change those wet clothes。 And you; my lad; have got an ugly knock on

the head。 Who gave you that?〃

〃Jim Girty。〃

〃What?〃 exclaimed the colonel。

〃Jim Girty did that。 He was with a party of Delawares who ran across us。  They

were searching for Wetzel。〃

〃Girty with the Delawares! The devil's to pay now。 And you say hunting Wetzel?

I must learn more about this。 It looks bad。 But tell me; how did Girty come to

strike you?〃

〃I pulled his nose。〃

〃You did? Good! Good!〃 cried Colonel Zane; heartily。

〃By George; that's great! Tell mebut wait until you are more comfortable。

Your packs came safely on Jeff's raft; and you will find them inside。〃

As Joe followed the colonel he heard one of the other men say:

〃Like as two peas in a pod。〃

Farther on he saw an Indian standing a little apart from the others。  Hearing

Joe's slight exclamation of surprise; he turned; disclosing a fine; manly

countenance; characterized by calm dignity。 The Indian read the boy's thought。

〃Ugh! Me friend;〃 he said in English。

〃That's my Shawnee guide; Tomepomehala。 He's a good fellow; although Jonathan

and Wetzel declare the only good Indian is a dead one。 Come right in here。

There are your packs; and you'll find water outside the door。〃

Thus saying; Colonel Zane led the brothers into a small room; brought out

their packs; and left them。 He came back presently with a couple of soft


〃Now you lads fix up a bit; then come out and meet my family and tell us all

about your adventure。 By that time dinner will be ready。〃

〃Geminy! Don't that towel remind you of home?〃 said Joe; when the colonel had

gone。 〃From the looks of things; Colonel Zane means to have comfort here in

the wilderness。 He struck me as being a fine man。〃

The boys were indeed glad to change the few articles of clothing the Indians

had left them; and when they were shaved and dressed they presented an

entirely different appearance。 Once more they were twin brothers; in costume

and feature。 Joe contrived; by brushing his hair down on his forehead; to

conceal the discolored bump。

〃I think I saw a charming girl;〃 observed Joe。

〃Suppose you didwhat then?〃 asked Jim; severely。

〃Whynothingsee here; mayn't I admire a pretty girl if I want?〃

〃No; you may not。 Joe; will nothing ever cure you? I should think the thought

of Miss Wells…〃

〃Look here; Jim; she don't careat least; it's very little she cares。 And

I'mI'm not worthy of her。〃

〃Turn around here and face me;〃 said the young minister sharply。

Joe turned and looked in his brother's eyes。

〃Have you trifled with her; as you have with so many others? Tell me。 I know

you don't lie。〃


〃Then what do you mean?〃

〃Nothing much; Jim; except I'm really not worthy of her。 I'm no good; you

know; and she ought to get a fellow likelike you。〃

〃Absurd! You ought to be ashamed of yourself。〃

〃Never mind me。 See here; don't you admire her?〃

〃Whywhy; yes;〃 stammered Jim; flushing a dark; guilty red at the direct

question。 〃Who could help admiring her?〃

〃That's what I thought。 And I know she admires you for qualities which I lack。

Nell's like a tender vine just beginning to creep around and cling to

something strong。 She cares for me; but her love is like the vine。 It may hurt

her a little to tear that love away; but it won't kill her; and in the end it

will be best for her。 You need a good wife。 What could I do with a woman? Go

in and win her; Jim。〃

〃Joe; you're sacrificing yourself again for me;〃 cried Jim; white to the lips。

〃It's wrong to yourself and wrong to her。 I tell you…〃

〃Enough!〃 Joe's voice cut in cold and sharp。 〃Usually you influence me; but

sometimes you can't; I say this: Nell will drift into your arms as surely as

the leaf falls。 It will not hurt herwill be best for her。  Remember; she is

yours for the winning。〃

〃You do not say whether that will hurt you;〃 whispered Jim。

〃Comewe'll find Colonel Zane;〃 said Joe; opening the door。

They went out in the hallway which opened into the yard as well as the larger

room through which the colonel had first conducted them。 As Jim; who was in

advance; passed into this apartment a trim figure entered from the yard。 It

was Nell; and she ran directly against him。 Her face was flushed; her eyes

were beaming with gladness; and she seemed the incarnation of girlish joy。

〃Oh; Joe;〃 was all she whispered。 But the happiness and welcome in that

whisper could never have been better expressed in longer speech。 Then

slightly; ever so slightly; she tilted her sweet face up to his。

It all happened with the quickness of thought。 In a single instant Jim saw the

radiant face; the outstretched hands; and heard the glad whisper。 He knew that

she had a again mistaken him for Joe; but for his life he could not draw back

his head。 He had kissed her; and even as his lips thrilled with her tremulous

caress he flushed with the shame of his deceit。

〃You're mistaken againI'm Jim;〃 he whispered。

For a moment they stood staring into each other's eyes; slowly awakening to

what had really happened; slowly conscious of a sweet; alluring power。  Then

Colonel Zane's cheery voice rang in their ears。

〃Ah; here's Nellie and your brother! Now; lads; tell me which is which?'

〃That's Jim; and I'm Joe;〃 answered the latter。 He appeared not to notice his

brother; and his greeting to Nell was natural and hearty。 For the moment she

drew the attention of the others from them。

Joe found himself listening to the congratulations of a number of people。 

Among the many names he remembered were those of Mrs。 Zane; Silas Zane; and

Major McColloch。 Then he found himself gazing at the most beautiful girl he

had ever seen in his life。

〃My only sister; Mrs。 Alfred Clarkeonce Betty Zane; and the heroine of Fort

Henry;〃 said Colonel Zane proudly; with his arm around the slender; dark…eyed


〃I would brave the Indians and the wilderness again for this pleasure;〃

replied Joe gallantly; as he bowed low over the little hand she cordially


〃Bess; is dinner ready?〃 inquired Colonel Zane of his comely wife。 She nodded

her head; and the colonel led the way into the adjoining room。  〃I know you

boys must be hungry as bears。〃

During the meal Colonel Zane questioned his guests about their journey; and as

to the treatment they had received at the hands of the Indians。  He smiled at

the young minister's earnestness in regard to the conversion of the redmen;

and he laughed outright when Joe said 〃he guessed he came to the frontier

because it was too slow at home。〃

〃I am sure your desire for excitement will soon be satisfied; if indeed it be

not so already;〃 remarked the colonel。 〃But as to the realization of your

brother's hopes I am not so sanguine。 Undoubtedly the Moravian missionaries

have accomplished wonders with the Indians。 Not long ago I visited the Village

of Peacethe Indian name for the missionand was struck by the friendliness

and industry which prevailed there。 Truly it was a village of peace。 Yet it is

almost to early to be certain of permanent success of this work。 The Indian's

nature is one hard to understand。  He is naturally roving and restless; which;

however; may be owing to his habit of moving from place to place in search of

good hunting grounds。  I believethough I must confess I haven't seen any

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