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the spirit of the border-第7章

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〃Ye've seen thet big curly birch over thatthet 'un as bends kind of

sorrowful like。 Wal; it used to stand straight an' proud。 I've knowed thet

tree all the years I've navigated this river; an' it seems natural like to me

thet it now droops dyin'; fer it shades the grave of as young; an' sweet; an'

purty a lass as yerself; Miss Nell。 Rivermen called this island George's

Island; 'cause Washington onct camped here; but of late years the name's got

changed; an' the men say suthin' like this: 'We'll try an' make Milly's birch

afore sundown;' jest as Bill and me hev done to…day。 Some years agone I was

comin' up from Fort Henry; an' had on board my slow old scow a lass named

Millywe never learned her other name。 She come to me at the fort; an' tells

as how her folks hed been killed by Injuns; an' she wanted to git back to Pitt

to meet her sweetheart。 I was ag'in her comin' all along; an' fust off I said

'No。〃 But when I seen tears in her blue eyes; an' she puts her little hand on

mine; I jest wilted; an' says to Jim Blair; 'She goes。'  Wal; jest as might

hev' been expectedan' fact is I looked fer itwe wus tackled by redskins。

Somehow; Jim Girty got wind of us hevin' a lass aboard; an' he ketched up with

us jest below here。 It's a bad place; called Shawnee Rock; an' I'll show it to

ye termorrer。 The renegade; with his red devils; attacked us thar; an' we had

a time gittin' away。 Milly wus shot。 She lived fer awhile; a couple of days;

an' all the time wus so patient; an' sweet; an' brave with thet renegade's

bullet in herfer he shot her when he seen he couldn't capture herthet thar

wusn't a blame man of us who wouldn't hev died to grant her prayer; which wus

that she could live to onct more see her lover。〃

There was a long silence; during which the old frontiersman sat gazing into

the fire with sad eyes。

〃We couldn't do nuthin'; an' we buried her thar under thet birch; where she

smiled her last sad; sweet smile; an' died。 Ever since then the river has been

eatn' away at this island。 It's only half as big as it wus onct; an' another

flood will take away this sand…bar; these few birchesan' Milly's grave。〃

The old frontiersman's story affected all his listeners。 The elder minister

bowed his head and prayed that no such fate might overtake his nieces。 The

young minister looked again; as he had many times that day; at Nell's winsome

face。 The girls cast grave glances at the drooping birch; and their bright

tears glistened in the fire…glow。 Once more Joe's eyes glinted with that

steely flash; and as he gazed out over the wide; darkening expanse of water

his face grew cold and rigid。

〃I'll allow I might hev told a more cheerful story; an' I'll do so next time;

but I wanted ye all; particular the lasses; to know somethin' of the kind of

country ye're goin' into。 The frontier needs women; but jist yit it deals hard

with them。 An' Jim Girty; with more of his kind; ain't dead yit。〃

〃Why don't some one kill him?〃 was Joe's sharp question。

〃Easier said than done; lad。 Jim Girty is a white traitor; but he's a cunnin'

an' fierce redskin in his ways an' life。 He knows the woods as a crow does;

an' keeps outer sight 'cept when he's least expected。  Then ag'in; he's got

Simon Girty; his brother; an' almost the whole redskin tribe behind him。

Injuns stick close to a white man that has turned ag'inst his own people; an'

Jim Girty hain't ever been ketched。 Howsumever; I heard last trip thet he'd

been tryin' some of his tricks round Fort Henry; an' thet Wetzel is on his

trail。 Wal; if it's so thet Lew Wetzel is arter him; I wouldn't give a pinch

o' powder fer the white…redskin's chances of a long life。〃

No one spoke; and Jeff; after knocking the ashes from his pipe; went down to

the raft; returning shortly afterward with his blanket。 This he laid down and

rolled himself in it。 Presently from under his coon…skin cap came the words:

〃Wal; I've turned in; an' I advise ye all to do the same。〃

All save Joe and Nell acted on Jeff's suggestion。 For a long time the young

couple sat close together on the bank; gazing at the moonlight on the river。

The night was perfect。 A cool wind fanned the dying embers of the fire and

softly stirred the leaves。 Earlier in the evening a single frog had voiced his

protest against the loneliness; but now his dismal croak was no longer heard。

A snipe; belated in his feeding; ran along the sandy shore uttering his

tweet…tweet; and his little cry; breaking in so softly on the silence; seemed

only to make more deeply felt the great vast stillness of the night。

Joe's arm was around Nell。 She had demurred at first; but he gave no heed to

her slight resistance; and finally her head rested against his shoulder。 

There was no need of words。

Joe had a pleasurable sense of her nearness; and there was a delight in the

fragrance of her hair as it waved against his cheek; but just then love was

not uppermost in his mind。 All day he had been silent under the force of an

emotion which he could not analyze。 Some power; some feeling in which the

thought of Nell had no share; was drawing him with irresistible strength。 Nell

had just begun to surrender to him in the sweetness of her passion; and yet

even with that knowledge knocking reproachfully at his heart; he could not

help being absorbed in the shimmering water; in the dark reflection of the

trees; the gloom and shadow of the forest。

Presently he felt her form relax in his arms; then her soft regular breathing

told him she had fallen asleep and he laughed low to himself。  How she would

pout on the morrow when he teased her about it! Then; realizing that she was

tired with her long day's journey; he reproached himself for keeping her from

the needed rest; and instantly decided to carry her to the raft。 Yet such was

the novelty of the situation that he yielded to its charm; and did not go at

once。 The moonlight found bright threads in her wavy hair; it shone

caressingly on her quiet face; and tried to steal under the downcast lashes。

Joe made a movement to rise with her; when she muttered indistinctly as if

speaking to some one。 He remembered then she had once told him that she talked

in her sleep; and how greatly it annoyed her。 He might hear something more

with which to tease her; so he listened。

〃YesuncleI will goKate; we mustgo。 。 。〃

Another interval of silence; then more murmurings。 He distinguished his own

name; and presently she called clearly; as if answering some inward


〃Ilove himyesI love Joehe has mastered me。 Yet I wish he werelike

JimJim who looked at mesowith his deep eyesand I。 。 。 。〃

Joe lifted her as if she were a baby; and carrying her down to the raft;

gently laid her by her sleeping sister。

The innocent words which he should not have heard were like a blow。 What she

would never have acknowledged in her waking hours had been revealed in her

dreams。 He recalled the glance of Jim's eyes as it had rested on Nell many

times that day; and now these things were most significant。

He found at the end of the island a great; mossy stone。 On this he climbed;

and sat where the moonlight streamed upon him。 Gradually that cold bitterness

died out from his face; as it passed from his heart; and once more he became

engrossed in the silver sheen on the water; the lapping of the waves on the

pebbly beach; and in that speaking; mysterious silence of the woods。

When the first faint rays of red streaked over the eastern hill…tops; and the

river mist arose from the water in a vapory cloud; Jeff Lynn rolled out of his

blanket; stretched his long limbs; and gave a hearty call to the morning。 His

cheerful welcome awakened all the voyagers except Joe; who had spent the night

in watching and the early morning in fishing。

〃Wal; I'll be darned;〃 ejaculated Jeff as he saw Joe。 〃Up afore me; an'

ketched a string of fish。〃

〃What are they?〃 asked Joe; holding up several bronze…backed fish。

〃Bassblack bass; an' thet big feller is a lammin' hefty 'un。 How'd ye ketch


〃I fished for them。〃

〃Wal; so it 'pears;〃 growled Jeff; once more reluctantly yielding to his

admiration for the lad。 〃How'd ye wake up so early?〃

〃I stayed up all night。 I saw three deer swim from the mainland; but nothing

else came around。〃

〃Try yer hand at cleanin' 'em fer breakfast;〃 continued Jeff; beginning to

busy himself with preparations for that meal。 〃Wal; wal; if he ain't

surprisin'! He'll do somethin' out here on the frontier; sure as I'm a born

sinner;〃 he muttered to himself; wagging his head in his quaint manner。

Breakfast over; Jeff transferred the horses to the smaller raft; which he had

cut loose from his own; and; giving a few directions to Bill; started

down…stream with Mr。 Wells and the girls。

The rafts remained close together for a while; but as the current quickened

and was more skillfully taken advantage of by Jeff; the larg
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