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the life of charlotte bronte-1-第51章

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ccasions。  I own; I was astonished the first time I was left alone thus; when everybody else was enjoying the pleasures of a fete day with their friends; and she knew I was quite by myself; and never took the least notice of me。  Yet; I understand; she praises me very much to everybody; and says what excellent lessons I give。  She is not colder to me than she is to the other teachers; but they are less dependent on her than I am。  They have relations and acquaintances in Bruxelles。  You remember the letter she wrote me; when I was in England?  How kind and affectionate that was? is it not odd?  In the meantime; the complaints I make at present are a sort of relief which I permit myself。  In all other respects I am well satisfied with my position; and you may say so to people who inquire after me (if any one does)。  Write to me; dear; whenever you can。  You do a good deed when you send me a letter; for you comfort a very desolate heart。〃

One of the reasons for the silent estrangement between Madame Heger and Miss Bronte; in the second year of her residence at Brussels; is to be found in the fact; that the English Protestant's dislike of Romanism increased with her knowledge of it; and its effects upon those who professed it; and when occasion called for an expression of opinion from Charlotte Bronte; she was uncompromising truth。  Madame Heger; on the opposite side; was not merely a Roman Catholic; she was DEVOTE。  Not of a warm or impulsive temperament; she was naturally governed by her conscience; rather than by her affections; and her conscience was in the hands of her religious guides。  She considered any slight thrown upon her Church as blasphemy against the Holy Truth; and; though she was not given to open expression of her thoughts and feelings; yet her increasing coolness of behaviour showed how much her most cherished opinions had been wounded。  Thus; although there was never any explanation of Madame Heger's change of manner; this may be given as one great reason why; about this time; Charlotte was made painfully conscious of a silent estrangement between them; an estrangement of which; perhaps; the former was hardly aware。  I have before alluded to intelligence from home; calculated to distress Charlotte exceedingly with fears respecting Branwell; which I shall speak of more at large when the realisation of her worst apprehensions came to affect the daily life of herself and her sisters。  I allude to the subject again here; in order that the reader may remember the gnawing; private cares; which she had to bury in her own heart; and the pain of which could only be smothered for a time under the diligent fulfilment of present duty。  Another dim sorrow was faintly perceived at this time。  Her father's eyesight began to fail; it was not unlikely that he might shortly become blind; more of his duty must devolve on a curate; and Mr。 Bronte; always liberal; would have to pay at a higher rate than he had heretofore done for this assistance。

She wrote thus to Emily:…

〃Dec。1st; 1843。

〃This is Sunday morning。  They are at their idolatrous 'messe;' and I am here; that is in the Refectoire。  I should like uncommonly to be in the dining…room at home; or in the kitchen; or in the back kitchen。  I should like even to be cutting up the hash; with the clerk and some register people at the other table; and you standing by; watching that I put enough flour; not too much pepper; and; above all; that I save the best pieces of the leg of mutton for Tiger and Keeper; the first of which personages would be jumping about the dish and carving…knife; and the latter standing like a devouring flame on the kitchen…floor。  To complete the picture; Tabby blowing the fire; in order to boil the potatoes to a sort of vegetable glue!  How divine are these recollections to me at this moment!  Yet I have no thought of coming home just now。  I lack a real pretext for doing so; it is true this place is dismal to me; but I cannot go home without a fixed prospect when I get there; and this prospect must not be a situation; that would be jumping out of the frying…pan into the fire。  YOU call yourself idle! absurd; absurd! 。 。 。 Is papa well?  Are you well? and Tabby?  You ask about Queen Victoria's visit to Brussels。  I saw her for an instant flashing through the Rue Royale in a carriage and six; surrounded by soldiers。  She was laughing and talking very gaily。  She looked a little stout; vivacious lady; very plainly dressed; not much dignity or pretension about her。  The Belgians liked her very well on the whole。  They said she enlivened the sombre court of King Leopold; which is usually as gloomy as a conventicle。  Write to me again soon。  Tell me whether papa really wants me very much to come home; and whether you do likewise。  I have an idea that I should be of no use therea sort of aged person upon the parish。  I pray; with heart and soul; that all may continue well at Haworth; above all in our grey half… inhabited house。  God bless the walls thereof!  Safety; health; happiness; and prosperity to you; papa; and Tabby。  Amen。

〃C。 B。〃

Towards the end of this year (1843) various reasons conspired with the causes of anxiety which have been mentioned; to make her feel that her presence was absolutely and imperatively required at home; while she had acquired all that she proposed to herself in coming to Brussels the second time; and was; moreover; no longer regarded with the former kindliness of feeling by Madame Heger。 In consequence of this state of things; working down with sharp edge into a sensitive mind; she suddenly announced to that lady her immediate intention of returning to England。  Both M。 and Madame Heger agreed that it would be for the best; when they learnt only that part of the case which she could reveal to them namely; Mr。 Bronte's increasing blindness。  But as the inevitable moment of separation from people and places; among which she had spent so many happy hours; drew near; her spirits gave way; she had the natural presentiment that she saw them all for the last time; and she received but a dead kind of comfort from being reminded by her friends that Brussels and Haworth were not so very far apart; that access from one place to the other was not so difficult or impracticable as her tears would seem to predicate; nay; there was some talk of one of Madame Heger's daughters being sent to her as a pupil; if she fulfilled her intention of trying to begin a school。  To facilitate her success in this plan; should she ever engage in it; M。 Heger gave her a kind of diploma; dated from; and sealed with the seal of the Athenee Royal de Bruxelles; certifying that she was perfectly capable of teaching the French language; having well studied the grammar and composition thereof; and; moreover; having prepared herself for teaching by studying and practising the best methods of instruction。  This certificate is dated December 29th 1843; and on the 2nd of January; 1844; she arrived at Haworth。

On the 23rd of the month she writes as follows:…

〃Every one asks me what I am going to do; now that I am returned home; and every one seems to expect that I should immediately commence a school。  In truth; it is what I should wish to do。  I desire it above all things。  I have sufficient money for the undertaking; and I hope now sufficient qualifications to give me a fair chance of success; yet I cannot yet permit myself to enter upon lifeto touch the object which seems now within my reach; and which I have been so long straining to attain。  You will ask me why?  It is on papa's account; he is now; as you know; getting old; and it grieves me to tell you that he is losing his sight。  I have felt for some months that I ought not to be away from him; and I feel now that it would be too selfish to leave him (at least; as long as Branwell and Anne are absent); in order to pursue selfish interests of my own。  With the help of God; I will try to deny myself in this matter; and to wait。

〃I suffered much before I left Brussels。  I think; however long I live; I shall not forget what the parting with M。 Heger cost me。 It grieved me so much to grieve him who has been so true; kind; and disinterested a friend。  At parting he gave me a kind of diploma certifying my abilities as a teacher; sealed with the seal of the Athenee Royal; of which he is professor。  I was surprised also at the degree of regret expressed by my Belgian pupils; when they knew I was going to leave。  I did not think it had been in their phlegmatic nature 。 。 。 I do not know whether you feel as I do; but there are times now when it appears to me as if all my ideas and feelings; except a few friendships and affections; are changed from what they used to be; something in me; which used to be enthusiasm; is tamed down and broken。  I have fewer illusions; what I wish for now is active exertiona stake in life。  Haworth seems such a lonely; quiet spot; buried away from the world。  I no longer regard myself as youngindeed; I shall soon be twenty… eight; and it seems as if I ought to be working and braving the rough realities of the world; as other people do。  It is; however; my duty to restrain this feeling at present; and I will endeavour to do so。〃

Of course her absent sister and brother obtained a
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