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king henry vi part 1(亨利四世ⅰ)-第19章

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continual strife? Whereas the contrary bringeth bliss; And is a pattern of 

celestial   peace。   Whom   should   we   match   with   Henry;   being   a   king;   But 

Margaret; that is daughter to a king? Her peerless feature; joined with her 

birth; Approves her   fit  for   none   but   for   a   king;   Her   valiant   courage   and 

undaunted spirit; More than in women commonly is seen; Will answer our 

hope in issue of a king; For Henry; son unto a conqueror; Is likely to beget 

more conquerors; If with a lady of so high resolve As is fair Margaret he 

be link'd in love。 Then yield; my lords; and here conclude with me That 

Margaret shall be Queen; and none but she。 KING HENRY。 Whether it be 

through   force   of   your   report;   My  noble   Lord   of   Suffolk;   or   for  that   My 

tender youth was never yet attaint With any passion of inflaming love; I 

cannot tell; but this I am assur'd; I feel such sharp dissension in my breast; 

Such fierce alarums both of hope and fear; As I am sick with working of 

my thoughts。 Take therefore shipping; post; my lord; to France; Agree to 

any covenants; and procure That Lady Margaret do vouchsafe to come To 

cross    the  seas   to  England;     and   be  crown'd     King    Henry's    faithful  and 

anointed     queen。    For   your   expenses     and   sufficient    charge;   Among      the 

people   gather   up   a   tenth。   Be   gone;   I   say;   for   till   you   do   return   I   rest 

perplexed with a thousand cares。 And you; good uncle; banish all offence: 

If you do censure me by what you were; Not what you are; I know it will 

excuse This sudden execution of my will。 And so conduct me where; from 

company; I may revolve and ruminate my grief。 Exit GLOUCESTER。 Ay; 

grief;    I  fear  me;   both    at  first  and   last。  Exeunt    GLOUCESTER            and 

EXETER  SUFFOLK。  Thus   Suffolk hath   prevail'd;   and   thus   he   goes; As 

did the youthful Paris once to Greece; With hope to find the like event in 

love But prosper better than the Troyan did。 Margaret shall now be Queen; 


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                                King Henry VI; Part 1 

and rule the King; But I will rule both her; the King; and realm。 Exit 

    THE END 


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