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the wonderful wizard of oz-第16章

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but he knew the little girl was unhappy; and that made him unhappy too。

    Now the Wicked Witch had a great longing to have for her own

the Silver Shoes which the girl always wore。  Her bees and her

crows and her wolves were lying in heaps and drying up; and she

had used up all the power of the Golden Cap; but if she could

only get hold of the Silver Shoes; they would give her more power

than all the other things she had lost。  She watched Dorothy carefully;

to see if she ever took off her shoes; thinking she might steal them。

But the child was so proud of her pretty shoes that she never took

them off except at night and when she took her bath。  The Witch was

too much afraid of the dark to dare go in Dorothy's room at night

to take the shoes; and her dread of water was greater than her

fear of the dark; so she never came near when Dorothy was bathing。

Indeed; the old Witch never touched water; nor ever let water

touch her in any way。

    But the wicked creature was very cunning; and she finally thought of

a trick that would give her what she wanted。  She placed a bar of iron

in the middle of the kitchen floor; and then by her magic arts made the

iron invisible to human eyes。  So that when Dorothy walked across the floor

she stumbled over the bar; not being able to see it; and fell at full length。

She was not much hurt; but in her fall one of the Silver Shoes came off; and

before she could reach it; the Witch had snatched it away and put it on her

own skinny foot。

    The wicked woman was greatly pleased with the success of her trick;

for as long as she had one of the shoes she owned half the power of

their charm; and Dorothy could not use it against her; even had she

known how to do so。

    The little girl; seeing she had lost one of her pretty shoes;

grew angry; and said to the Witch; 〃Give me back my shoe!〃

    〃I will not;〃 retorted the Witch; 〃for it is now my shoe; and

not yours。〃

    〃You are a wicked creature!〃 cried Dorothy。  〃You have no right

to take my shoe from me。〃

    〃I shall keep it; just the same;〃 said the Witch; laughing at her;

〃and someday I shall get the other one from you; too。〃

    This made Dorothy so very angry that she picked up the bucket

of water that stood near and dashed it over the Witch; wetting her

from head to foot。

    Instantly the wicked woman gave a loud cry of fear; and then; as

Dorothy looked at her in wonder; the Witch began to shrink and fall away。

    〃See what you have done!〃 she screamed。  〃In a minute I shall melt away。〃

    〃I'm very sorry; indeed;〃 said Dorothy; who was truly frightened to

see the Witch actually melting away like brown sugar before her very eyes。

    〃Didn't you know water would be the end of me?〃 asked the

Witch; in a wailing; despairing voice。

    〃Of course not;〃 answered Dorothy。  〃How should I?〃

    〃Well; in a few minutes I shall be all melted; and you will

have the castle to yourself。  I have been wicked in my day; but I

never thought a little girl like you would ever be able to melt me

and end my wicked deeds。  Look outhere I go!〃

    With these words the Witch fell down in a brown; melted;

shapeless mass and began to spread over the clean boards of the

kitchen floor。  Seeing that she had really melted away to nothing;

Dorothy drew another bucket of water and threw it over the mess。

She then swept it all out the door。  After picking out the silver

shoe; which was all that was left of the old woman; she cleaned

and dried it with a cloth; and put it on her foot again。  Then;

being at last free to do as she chose; she ran out to the

courtyard to tell the Lion that the Wicked Witch of the West had

come to an end; and that they were no longer prisoners in a

strange land。

                         13。  The Rescue

    The Cowardly Lion was much pleased to hear that the Wicked

Witch had been melted by a bucket of water; and Dorothy at once

unlocked the gate of his prison and set him free。  They went in

together to the castle; where Dorothy's first act was to call all

the Winkies together and tell them that they were no longer slaves。

    There was great rejoicing among the yellow Winkies; for they

had been made to work hard during many years for the Wicked Witch;

who had always treated them with great cruelty。  They kept this

day as a holiday; then and ever after; and spent the time in

feasting and dancing。

    〃If our friends; the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman; were only

with us;〃 said the Lion; 〃I should be quite happy。〃

    〃Don't you suppose we could rescue them?〃 asked the girl anxiously。

    〃We can try;〃 answered the Lion。

    So they called the yellow Winkies and asked them if they would

help to rescue their friends; and the Winkies said that they would

be delighted to do all in their power for Dorothy; who had set them

free from bondage。  So she chose a number of the Winkies who looked

as if they knew the most; and they all started away。  They traveled

that day and part of the next until they came to the rocky plain

where the Tin Woodman lay; all battered and bent。  His axe was near him;

but the blade was rusted and the handle broken off short。

    The Winkies lifted him tenderly in their arms; and carried him

back to the Yellow Castle again; Dorothy shedding a few tears by

the way at the sad plight of her old friend; and the Lion looking

sober and sorry。  When they reached the castle Dorothy said to the


    〃Are any of your people tinsmiths?〃

    〃Oh; yes。  Some of us are very good tinsmiths;〃 they told her。

    〃Then bring them to me;〃 she said。  And when the tinsmiths came;

bringing with them all their tools in baskets; she inquired;

〃Can you straighten out those dents in the Tin Woodman; and bend him

back into shape again; and solder him together where he is broken?〃

    The tinsmiths looked the Woodman over carefully and then

answered that they thought they could mend him so he would be as

good as ever。  So they set to work in one of the big yellow rooms

of the castle and worked for three days and four nights; hammering

and twisting and bending and soldering and polishing and pounding

at the legs and body and head of the Tin Woodman; until at last he

was straightened out into his old form; and his joints worked as

well as ever。  To be sure; there were several patches on him; but

the tinsmiths did a good job; and as the Woodman was not a vain

man he did not mind the patches at all。

    When; at last; he walked into Dorothy's room and thanked her

for rescuing him; he was so pleased that he wept tears of joy;

and Dorothy had to wipe every tear carefully from his face with

her apron; so his joints would not be rusted。  At the same time

her own tears fell thick and fast at the joy of meeting her old

friend again; and these tears did not need to be wiped away。  As

for the Lion; he wiped his eyes so often with the tip of his tail

that it became quite wet; and he was obliged to go out into the

courtyard and hold it in the sun till it dried。

    〃If we only had the Scarecrow with us again;〃 said the

Tin Woodman; when Dorothy had finished telling him everything

that had happened; 〃I should be quite happy。〃

    〃We must try to find him;〃 said the girl。

    So she called the Winkies to help her; and they walked all that day

and part of the next until they came to the tall tree in the branches of

which the Winged Monkeys had tossed the carecrow's clothes。

    It was a very tall tree; and the trunk was so smooth that no

one could climb it; but the Woodman said at once; 〃I'll chop it

down; and then we can get the Scarecrow's clothes。〃

    Now while the tinsmiths had been at work mending the Woodman

himself; another of the Winkies; who was a goldsmith; had made an

axe…handle of solid gold and fitted it to the Woodman's axe;

instead of the old broken handle。  Others polished the blade until

all the rust was removed and it glistened like burnished silver。

    As soon as he had spoken; the Tin Woodman began to chop; and in a

short time the tree fell over with a crash; whereupon the Scarecrow's

clothes fell out of the branches and rolled off on the ground。

    Dorothy picked them up and had the Winkies carry them back to

the castle; where they were stuffed with nice; clean straw; and

behold! here was the Scarecrow; as good as ever; thanking them

over and over again for saving him。

    Now that they were reunited; Dorothy and her friends spent a

few happy days at the Yellow Castle; where they found everything

they needed to make them comfortable。

    But one day the girl thought of Aunt Em; and said; 〃We must go

back to Oz; and claim his promise。〃

    〃Yes;〃 said the Woodman; 〃at last I shall get my heart。〃

    〃And I shall get my brains;〃 added the Scarecrow joyfully。

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