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the wonderful wizard of oz-第24章

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    As he spoke several of the beasts caught sight of him; and at

once the great assemblage hushed as if by magic。  The biggest of

the tigers came up to the Lion and bowed; saying:

    〃Welcome; O King of Beasts!  You have come in good time to

fight our enemy and bring peace to all the animals of the forest

once more。〃

    〃What is your trouble?〃 asked the Lion quietly。

    〃We are all threatened;〃 answered the tiger; 〃by a fierce

enemy which has lately come into this forest。  It is a most

tremendous monster; like a great spider; with a body as big as an

elephant and legs as long as a tree trunk。  It has eight of these

long legs; and as the monster crawls through the forest he seizes

an animal with a leg and drags it to his mouth; where he eats it

as a spider does a fly。  Not one of us is safe while this fierce

creature is alive; and we had called a meeting to decide how to

take care of ourselves when you came among us。〃

    The Lion thought for a moment。

    〃Are there any other lions in this forest?〃 he asked。

    〃No; there were some; but the monster has eaten them all。  And;

besides; they were none of them nearly so large and brave as you。〃

    〃If I put an end to your enemy; will you bow down to me and

obey me as King of the Forest?〃 inquired the Lion。

    〃We will do that gladly;〃 returned the tiger; and all the

other beasts roared with a mighty roar: 〃We will!〃

    〃Where is this great spider of yours now?〃 asked the Lion。

    〃Yonder; among the oak trees;〃 said the tiger; pointing with

his forefoot。

    〃Take good care of these friends of mine;〃 said the Lion; 〃and

I will go at once to fight the monster。〃

    He bade his comrades good…bye and marched proudly away to do

battle with the enemy。

    The great spider was lying asleep when the Lion found him;

and it looked so ugly that its foe turned up his nose in disgust。

Its legs were quite as long as the tiger had said; and its body

covered with coarse black hair。  It had a great mouth; with a row

of sharp teeth a foot long; but its head was joined to the pudgy

body by a neck as slender as a wasp's waist。  This gave the Lion a

hint of the best way to attack the creature; and as he knew it was

easier to fight it asleep than awake; he gave a great spring and

landed directly upon the monster's back。  Then; with one blow of

his heavy paw; all armed with sharp claws; he knocked the spider's

head from its body。  Jumping down; he watched it until the long

legs stopped wiggling; when he knew it was quite dead。

    The Lion went back to the opening where the beasts of the

forest were waiting for him and said proudly:

    〃You need fear your enemy no longer。〃

    Then the beasts bowed down to the Lion as their King; and he

promised to come back and rule over them as soon as Dorothy was

safely on her way to Kansas。

                22。  The Country of the Quadlings

    The four travelers passed through the rest of the forest in

safety; and when they came out from its gloom saw before them a

steep hill; covered from top to bottom with great pieces of rock。

    〃That will be a hard climb;〃 said the Scarecrow; 〃but we must

get over the hill; nevertheless。〃

    So he led the way and the others followed。  They had nearly

reached the first rock when they heard a rough voice cry out;

〃Keep back!〃

    〃Who are you?〃 asked the Scarecrow。

    Then a head showed itself over the rock and the same voice said;

〃This hill belongs to us; and we don't allow anyone to cross it。〃

    〃But we must cross it;〃 said the Scarecrow。  〃We're going to

the country of the Quadlings。〃

    〃But you shall not!〃 replied the voice; and there stepped from

behind the rock the strangest man the travelers had ever seen。

    He was quite short and stout and had a big head; which was

flat at the top and supported by a thick neck full of wrinkles。

But he had no arms at all; and; seeing this; the Scarecrow did not

fear that so helpless a creature could prevent them from climbing

the hill。  So he said; 〃I'm sorry not to do as you wish; but we

must pass over your hill whether you like it or not;〃 and he

walked boldly forward。

    As quick as lightning the man's head shot forward and his neck

stretched out until the top of the head; where it was flat; struck

the Scarecrow in the middle and sent him tumbling; over and over;

down the hill。  Almost as quickly as it came the head went back to

the body; and the man laughed harshly as he said; 〃It isn't as

easy as you think!〃

    A chorus of boisterous laughter came from the other rocks; and

Dorothy saw hundreds of the armless Hammer…Heads upon the

hillside; one behind every rock。

    The Lion became quite angry at the laughter caused by the

Scarecrow's mishap; and giving a loud roar that echoed like thunder;

he dashed up the hill。

    Again a head shot swiftly out; and the great Lion went rolling

down the hill as if he had been struck by a cannon ball。

    Dorothy ran down and helped the Scarecrow to his feet; and the

Lion came up to her; feeling rather bruised and sore; and said;

〃It is useless to fight people with shooting heads; no one can

withstand them。〃

    〃What can we do; then?〃 she asked。

    〃Call the Winged Monkeys;〃 suggested the Tin Woodman。  〃You

have still the right to command them once more。〃

    〃Very well;〃 she answered; and putting on the Golden Cap she

uttered the magic words。  The Monkeys were as prompt as ever; and

in a few moments the entire band stood before her。

    〃What are your commands?〃 inquired the King of the Monkeys;

bowing low。

    〃Carry us over the hill to the country of the Quadlings;〃

answered the girl。

    〃It shall be done;〃 said the King; and at once the Winged Monkeys

caught the four travelers and Toto up in their arms and flew away with them。

As they passed over the hill the Hammer…Heads yelled with vexation; and shot

their heads high in the air; but they could not reach the Winged Monkeys;

which carried Dorothy and her comrades safely over the hill and set them

down in the beautiful country of the Quadlings。

    〃This is the last time you can summon us;〃 said the leader to

Dorothy; 〃so good…bye and good luck to you。〃

    〃Good…bye; and thank you very much;〃 returned the girl; and

the Monkeys rose into the air and were out of sight in a twinkling。

    The country of the Quadlings seemed rich and happy。  There was

field upon field of ripening grain; with well…paved roads running

between; and pretty rippling brooks with strong bridges across them。

The fences and houses and bridges were all painted bright red;

just as they had been painted yellow in the country of the Winkies

and blue in the country of the Munchkins。  The Quadlings themselves;

who were short and fat and looked chubby and good…natured; were

dressed all in red; which showed bright against the green grass

and the yellowing grain。

    The Monkeys had set them down near a farmhouse; and the four

travelers walked up to it and knocked at the door。  It was opened

by the farmer's wife; and when Dorothy asked for something to eat

the woman gave them all a good dinner; with three kinds of cake

and four kinds of cookies; and a bowl of milk for Toto。

    〃How far is it to the Castle of Glinda?〃 asked the child。

    〃It is not a great way;〃 answered the farmer's wife。

〃Take the road to the South and you will soon reach it。

    Thanking the good woman; they started afresh and walked by the

fields and across the pretty bridges until they saw before them a

very beautiful Castle。  Before the gates were three young girls;

dressed in handsome red uniforms trimmed with gold braid; and as

Dorothy approached; one of them said to her:

    〃Why have you come to the South Country?〃

    〃To see the Good Witch who rules here;〃 she answered。

〃Will you take me to her?〃

    〃Let me have your name; and I will ask Glinda if she will

receive you。〃  They told who they were; and the girl soldier went

into the Castle。  After a few moments she came back to say that

Dorothy and the others were to be admitted at once。

          23。  Glinda The Good Witch Grants Dorothy's Wish

    Before they went to see Glinda; however; they were taken to a

room of the Castle; where Dorothy washed her face and combed her

hair; and the Lion shook the dust out of his mane; and the

Scarecrow patted himself into his best shape; and the Woodman

polished his tin and oiled his joints。

    When they were all quite presentable they followed the soldier

girl into a big room where the Witch Glinda sat upon a throne of rubies。

    She was both beautiful and young to their eyes。  Her hair was

a rich red in color and fell in flowing ringlets over her shoulders。

Her dress was pure white
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