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than they will ever dream in the time to come。 All parents are glad to
have a little child; and children are so pleased with a little brother
or sister。 Now we will fly to the pond and fetch a little baby for
each of the children who did not sing that naughty song to make game
of the storks。〃

〃But the naughty boy; who began the song first; what shall we do
to him?〃 cried the young storks。

〃There lies in the pond a little dead baby who has dreamed
itself to death;〃 said the mother。 〃We will take it to the naughty
boy; and he will cry because we have brought him a little dead
brother。 But you have not forgotten the good boy who said it was a
shame to laugh at animals: we will take him a little brother and
sister too; because he was good。 He is called Peter; and you shall all
be called Peter in future。〃

So they all did what their mother had arranged; and from that day;
even till now; all the storks have been called Peter。



Written By Anderson

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