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the essays of montaigne, v10-第13章

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according to reason; he commanded his son and the senators who
accompanied him to take another course in their affairs:

          〃Catoni; quum incredibilem natura tribuisset gravitatem;
          eamque ipse perpetue constantia roboravisset; semperque
          in proposito consilio permansisset; moriendum potius;
          quam tyranni vultus aspiciendus; erat。〃

     '〃Cato; whom nature had given incredible dignity; which he had
     fortified by perpetual constancy; ever remaining of his
     predetermined opinion; preferred to die rather than to look
     on the countenance of a tyrant。〃Cicero; De Ofc。; i。 31。'

Every death ought to hold proportion with the life before it; we do not
become others for dying。  I always interpret the death by the life
preceding; and if any one tell me of a death strong and constant in
appearance; annexed to a feeble life; I conclude it produced by some
feeble cause; and suitable to the life before。  The easiness then of his
death and the facility of dying he had acquired by the vigour of his
soul; shall we say that it ought to abate anything of the lustre of his
virtue?  And who; that has his brain never so little tinctured with the
true philosophy; can be content to imagine Socrates only free from fear
and passion in the accident of his prison; fetters; and condemnation?
and that will not discover in him not only firmness and constancy (which
was his ordinary condition); but; moreover; I know not what new
satisfaction; and a frolic cheerfulness in his last words and actions?
In the start he gave with the pleasure of scratching his leg when his
irons were taken off; does he not discover an equal serenity and joy in
his soul for being freed from past inconveniences; and at the same time
to enter into the knowledge of the things to come?  Cato shall pardon me;
if he please; his death indeed is more tragical and more lingering; but
yet this is; I know not how; methinks; finer。  Aristippus; to one that
was lamenting this death: 〃The gods grant me such an one;〃 said he。
A man discerns in the soul of these two great men and their imitators
(for I very much doubt whether there were ever their equals) so perfect a
habitude to virtue; that it was turned to a complexion。  It is no longer
a laborious virtue; nor the precepts of reason; to maintain which the
soul is so racked; but the very essence of their soul; its natural and
ordinary habit; they have rendered it such by a long practice of
philosophical precepts having lit upon a rich and fine nature; the
vicious passions that spring in us can find no entrance into them; the
force and vigour of their soul stifle and extinguish irregular desires;
so soon as they begin to move。

Now; that it is not more noble; by a high and divine resolution; to
hinder the birth of temptations; and to be so formed to virtue; that the
very seeds of vice are rooted out; than to hinder by main force their
progress; and; having suffered ourselves to be surprised with the first
motions of the passions; to arm ourselves and to stand firm to oppose
their progress; and overcome them; and that this second effect is not
also much more generous than to be simply endowed with a facile and
affable nature; of itself disaffected to debauchery and vice; I do not
think can be doubted; for this third and last sort of virtue seems to
render a man innocent; but not virtuous; free from doing ill; but not apt
enough to do well: considering also; that this condition is so near
neighbour to imperfection and cowardice; that I know not very well how to
separate the confines and distinguish them: the very names of goodness
and innocence are; for this reason; in some sort grown into contempt。
I very well know that several virtues; as chastity; sobriety; and
temperance; may come to a man through personal defects。  Constancy in
danger; if it must be so called; the contempt of death; and patience in
misfortunes; may ofttimes be found in men for want of well judging of
such accidents; and not apprehending them for such as they are。  Want of
apprehension and stupidity sometimes counterfeit virtuous effects as I
have often seen it happen; that men have been commended for what really
merited blame。  An Italian lord once said this; in my presence; to the
disadvantage of his own nation: that the subtlety of the Italians; and
the vivacity of their conceptions were so great; and they foresaw the
dangers and accidents that might befall them so far off; that it was not
to be thought strange; if they were often; in war; observed to provide
for their safety; even before they had discovered the peril; that we
French and the Spaniards; who were not so cunning; went on further; and
that we must be made to see and feel the danger before we would take the
alarm; but that even then we could not stick to it。  But the Germans and
Swiss; more gross and heavy; had not the sense to look about them; even
when the blows were falling about their ears。  Peradventure; he only
talked so for mirth's sake; and yet it is most certain that in war raw
soldiers rush into dangers with more precipitancy than after they have
been cudgelled* (The original has eschauldexscalded)

         〃Haud ignarus 。  。  。  。  quantum nova gloria in armis;
          Et praedulce decus; primo certamine possit。〃

     '〃Not ignorant how much power the fresh glory of arms and sweetest
     honour possess in the first contest。〃AEneid; xi。 154'

For this reason it is that; when we judge of a particular action; we are
to consider the circumstances; and the whole man by whom it is performed;
before we give it a name。

To instance in myself: I have sometimes known my friends call that
prudence in me; which was merely fortune; and repute that courage and
patience; which was judgment and opinion; and attribute to me one title
for another; sometimes to my advantage and sometimes otherwise。  As to
the rest; I am so far from being arrived at the first and most perfect
degree of excellence; where virtue is turned into habit; that even of the
second I have made no great proofs。  I have not been very solicitous to
curb the desires by which I have been importuned。  My virtue is a virtue;
or rather an innocence; casual and accidental。  If I had been born of a
more irregular complexion; I am afraid I should have made scurvy work;
for I never observed any great stability in my soul to resist passions;
if they were never so little vehement: I know not how to nourish quarrels
and debates in my own bosom; and; consequently; owe myself no great
thanks that I am free from several vices:

              〃Si vitiis mediocribus et mea paucis
               Mendosa est natura; alioqui recta; velut si
               Egregio inspersos reprehendas corpore naevos:〃

     '〃If my nature be disfigured only with slight and few vices; and is
     otherwise just; it is as if you should blame moles on a fair body。〃
     Horatius; Sat。; i。 6; 65。'

I owe it rather to my fortune than my reason。  She has caused me to be
descended of a race famous for integrity and of a very good father; I
know not whether or no he has infused into me part of his humours; or
whether domestic examples and the good education of my infancy have
insensibly assisted in the work; or; if I was otherwise born so:

                    〃Seu Libra; seu me Scorpius adspicit
                    Formidolosus; pars violentior
                    Natalis hors; seu tyrannus
                    Hesperive Capricornus undae:〃

     '〃Whether the Balance or dread Scorpio; more potent over my natal
     hour; aspects me; or Capricorn; supreme over the Hesperian sea。〃
     Horace; Od。; ii。 117。'

but so it is; that I have naturally a horror for most vices。  The answer
of Antisthenes to him who asked him; which was the best apprenticeship
〃to unlearn evil;〃 seems to point at this。  I have them in horror; I say;
with a detestation so natural; and so much my own; that the same instinct
and impression I brought of them with me from my nurse; I yet retain; and
no temptation whatever has had the power to make me alter it。  Not so
much as my own discourses; which in some things lashing out of the common
road might seem easily to license me to actions that my natural
inclination makes me hate。  I will say a prodigious thing; but I will say
it; however: I find myself in many things more under reputation by my
manners than by my opinion; and my concupiscence less debauched than my
reason。  Aristippus instituted opinions so bold in favour of pleasure and
riches as set all the philosophers against him: but as to his manners;
Dionysius the tyrant; having presented three beautiful women before him;
to take his choice; he made answer; that he would choose them all; and
that Paris got himself into trouble for having preferred one before the
other two: but; having taken them home to his house; he sent them back
untouched。  His servant finding himself overladen upon the way; with the
money he carried after him; he ordered him to pour out and throw away
that which troubled him。  And Epicurus; whose doctrines were so
irreligious and effeminate; was in his life very laborious and devout;
he wrote to a friend of his that
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