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david elginbrod-第104章

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and God will overcome sin。

He drew night to the door; trembling。  It seemed strange to him that
his nerves only; and not his mind; should feel。In moments of
unusual excitement; it sometimes happens that the only consciousness
a strong man has of emotion; lies in an unwonted physical vibration;
the mind itself refusing to be disturbed。  It is; however; but a
seeming: the emotion is so deep; that consciousness can lay hold of
its physical result only。The cottage looked the same as ever; only
the peat…stack outside was smaller。  In the shadowiness of the firs;
the glimmer of a fire was just discernible on the kitchen window。
He trembled so much that he could not enter。  He would go into the
fir…wood first; and see Margaret's tree; as he always called it in
his thoughts and dreams。

Very poor and stunted and meagre looked the fir…trees of
Turriepuffit; after the beeches and elms of Arnstead。  The evening
wind whistled keen and cold through their dry needles; and made them
moan; as if because they were fettered; and must endure the winter
in helpless patience。  Here and there amongst them; rose the Titans
of the little forestthe huge; old; contorted; wizard…like; yet
benevolent beingsthe Scotch firs。  Towards one of these he bent
his way。  It was the one under which he had seen Margaret; when he
met her first in the wood; with her whole soul lost in the waving of
its wind…swung; sun…lighted top; floating about in the sea of air
like a golden nest for some silvery bird of heaven。  To think that
the young girl to whom he had given the primrose he had just found;
the then first…born of the Spring; should now be the queen of his
heart!  Her childish dream of the angel haunting the wood had been
true; only she was the angel herself。  He drew near the place。  How
well he knew it!  He seated himself; cold as it was in the February
of Scotland; at the foot of the blessed tree。  He did not know that
it was cold。

While he sat with his eyes fixed on the ground; a light rustle in
the fallen leaves made him raise them suddenly。  It was all winter
and fallen leaves about him; but he lifted his eyes; and in his soul
it was summer: Margaret stood before him。  He was not in the least
surprised。  For how can one wonder to see before his eyes; the form
of which his soul is full?there is no shock。  She stood a little
way off; lookingas if she wanted to be sure before she moved a
step。  She was dressed in a grey winsey gown; close to her throat
and wrists。  She had neither shawl nor bonnet。  Her fine health kept
her warm; even in a winter wood at sun…down。  She looked just the
same;at home everywhere; most at home in Nature's secret chamber。
Like the genius of the place; she made the winter…wood look homely。
What were the oaks and beeches of Arnstead now?  Homeliness and
glory are Heaven。

She came nearer。

〃Margaret!〃 he murmured; and would have risen。

〃No; no; sit still;〃 she rejoined; in a pleading tone。 〃I thought it
was the angel in the picture。  Now I know it。  Sit still; dear Mr。
Sutherland; one moment more。〃

Humbled by his sense of unworthiness; and a little distressed that
she could so quietly reveal the depth of her feeling towards him; he

〃Ah; Margaret!  I wish you would not praise one so little deserving

〃Praise?〃 she repeated; with an accent of wonder。 〃I praise you!
No; Mr。 Sutherland; that I am not guilty of。  Next to my father;
you made me know and feel。  And as I walked here; I was thinking of
the old times; and older times still; and all at once I saw the very
picture out of the old Bible。〃

She came close to him now。  He rose; trembling; but held out no
hand; uttered no greeting。

〃Margaret; dare I love you?〃 he faltered。

She looked at him with wide…open eyes。

〃Me?〃 she said; and her eyes did not move from his。  A slight
rose…flush bloomed out on her motionless face。

〃Will you be my wife?〃 he said; trembling yet more。

She made no answer; but looked at him still; with parted lips;

〃I am very poor; Margaret。  I could not marry now。〃

It was a stupid speech; but he made it。

〃I don't care;〃 she answered; with a voice like thinking; 〃if you
never marry me。〃

He misunderstood her; and turned cold to the very heart。  He
misunderstood her stillness。  Her heart lay so deep; that it took a
long time for its feelings to reach and agitate the surface。  He
said no more; but turned away with a sigh。

〃Come home to my mother;〃 she said。

He obeyed mechanically; and walked in silence by her side。  They
reached the cottage and entered。  Margaret said: 〃Here he is;
mother;〃 and disappeared。

Janet was seatedin her widow's mutch; with the plain black ribbon
down both sides; and round the backin the arm…chair by the fire;
pondering on the past; or gently dreaming of him that was gone。  She
turned her head。  Sorrow had baptized her face with a new
gentleness。  The tender expression which had been but occasional
while her husband lived; was almost constant now。  She did not
recognize Hugh。 He saw it; and it added weight to his despair。  He
was left outside。

〃Mother!〃 he said; involuntarily。

She started to her feet; cried: 〃My bairn! my bairn!〃 threw her arms
around him; and laid her head on his bosom。  Hugh sobbed as if his
heart would break。  Janet wept; but her weeping was quiet as a
summer rain。  He led her to her chair; knelt by her side; and hiding
his face in her lap like a child; faltered out; interrupted by
convulsive sobs:

〃Forgive me; forgive me。  I don't deserve it; but forgive me。〃

〃Hoot awa! my bairn! my bonny man!  Dinna greet that gait。  The Lord
preserve's! what are ye greetin' for?  Are na ye come hame to yer
ain?  Didna Dawvid aye say'Gie the lad time; woman。  It's unco
chaip; for the Lord's aye makin't。  The best things is aye the maist
plentifu'。  Gie the lad time; my bonny woman!'didna he say that?
Ay; he ca'd me his bonny woman; ill as I deserved it at his han'。
An' it's no for me to say ae word agen you; Maister Sutherlan'; gin
ye had been a hantle waur nor a young thochtless lad cudna weel help
bein'。  An' noo ye're come hame; an' nothing cud glaidden my heart
mair; 'cep'; maybe; the Maister himsel' was to say to my man:
'Dawvid! come furth。'〃

Hugh could make no reply。  He got hold of Margaret's creepie; which
stood in its usual place; and sat down upon it; at the old woman's
feet。  She gazed in his face for a while; and then; putting her arm
round his neck; drew his head to her bosom; and fondled him as if he
had been her own first…born。

〃But eh! yer bonnie face is sharp an' sma' to what it used to be;
Maister Sutherlan'。  I doot ye hae come through a heap o' trouble。〃

〃I'll tell you all about it;〃 said Hugh。

〃Na; na; bide still a wee。  I ken a' aboot it frae Maggy。  An' guid
preserve's! ye're clean perished wi' cauld。  Lat me up; my bairn。〃

Janet rose; and made up the fire; which soon cast a joyful glow
throughout the room。  The peat…fire in the little cottage was a good
symbol of the heart of its mistress: it gave far more heat than
light。  And for my part; dear as light is; I like heat better。  She
then put on the kettle;or the boiler I think she called

〃I'm jist gaein' to mak' ye a cup o' tay; Mr。 Sutherlan'。  It's the
handiest thing; ye ken。  An' I doot ye're muckle in want o'
something。  Wad ye no tak' a drappy oot o' the bottle; i' the mane

〃No; thank you;〃 said Hugh; who longed to be alone; for his heart
was cold as ice; 〃I would rather wait for the tea; but I should be
glad to have a good wash; after my journey。〃

〃Come yer wa's; than; ben the hoose。  I'll jist gang an' get a
drappy o' het water in a decanter。  Bide ye still by the fire。〃

Hugh stood; and gazed into the peat…fire。  But he saw nothing in it。
A light step passed him several times; but he did not heed it。  The
loveliest eyes looked earnestly towards him as they passed; but his
were not lifted to meet their gaze。

〃Noo; Maister Sutherlan'; come this way。〃

Hugh was left alone at length; in the room where David had slept;
where David had used to pray。  He fell on his knees; and rose
comforted by the will of God。 A few things of Margaret's were about
the room。  The dress he had seen her in at Mrs。 Elton's; was hanging
by the bed。  He kissed the folds of the garment; and said: 〃God's
will be done。〃  He had just finished a hasty ablution when Janet
called him。

〃Come awa'; Maister Sutherlan'; come ben to yer ain chaumer;〃 said
she; leading the way to the room she still called the study。
Margaret was there。  The room was just as he had left it。  A bright
fire was on the hearth。  Tea was on the table; with eggs; and
oatcakes; and flour…scons in abundance; for Janet had the best she
could get for Margaret; who was only her guest for a little while。
But Hugh could not eat。  Janet looked distressed; and Margaret
glanced at him uneasily。

〃Do eat something; Mr。 Sutherland;〃 said Margaret。

Hugh looked at her involuntarily。  She did not understand his look;
and it alarmed her。  His countenance was changed。

〃What is the matter; dearHugh?〃 she said; rising; and laying her
hand on his shoulder。

〃Hoots! lassie;〃 broke in her 
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