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david elginbrod-第105章

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〃What is the matter; dearHugh?〃 she said; rising; and laying her
hand on his shoulder。

〃Hoots! lassie;〃 broke in her mother; 〃are ye makin' love till a
man; a gentleman; afore my verra een?〃

〃He did it first; mother;〃 answered Margaret; with a smile。

A pang of hope shot through Hugh's heart。

〃Ow! that's the gait o't; is't?  The bairn's gane dementit!  Ye're
no efter merryin' a gentleman; Maggy?  Na; na; lass!〃

So saying; the old lady; rather crossly; and very imprudently; left
the room to fill the teapot in the kitchen。

〃Do you remember this?〃 said Margaret;who felt that Hugh must have
misunderstood something or other;taking from her pocket a little
book; and from the book a withered flower。

Hugh saw that it was like a primrose; and hoped against hope that it
was the one which he had given to her; on the spring morning in the
fir…wood。  Still; a feeling very different from his might have made
her preserve it。  He must know all about it。

〃Why did you keep that?〃 he said。

〃Because I loved you。〃

〃Loved me?〃

〃Yes。 Didn't you know?〃

〃Why did you say; then; that you didn't care ifif?〃

〃Because love is enough; Hugh。That was why。〃


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