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david elginbrod-第45章

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pretended to account for this; in making some confused and
unintelligible remarks about the state of the weather; the
thunder…storm; electricity; &c。; of which things he evidently did
not understand the best known laws。

〃The blundering idiot!〃 growled; close to Hugh's ear; a voice with a
foreign accent。

He looked round sharply。

A tall; powerful; eminently handsome man; with a face as foreign as
his tone and accent; sat beside him。

〃I beg your pardon;〃 he said to Hugh; 〃I thought aloud。〃

〃I should like to know; if you wouldn't mind telling me; what you
detect of the blunderer in him。  I am quite ignorant of these

〃I have had many opportunities of observing them; and I see at once
that this man; though he has the natural power; is excessively
ignorant of the whole subject。〃

This was all the answer he vouchsafed to Hugh's modest inquiry。
Hugh had not yet learned that one will always fare better by
concealing than by acknowledging ignorance。  The man; whatever his
capacity; who honestly confesses even a partial ignorance; will
instantly be treated as more or less incapable; by the ordinary man
who has already gained a partial knowledge; or is capable of
assuming a knowledge which he does not possess。  But; for God's
sake! let the honest and modest man stick to his honesty and
modesty; cost what they may。

Hugh was silent; and fixed his attention once more on what was going
on。  But presently he became aware that the foreigner was
scrutinizing him with the closest attention。  He knew this; somehow;
without having looked round; and the knowledge was accompanied with
a feeling of discomfort that caused him to make a restless movement
on his seat。  Presently he felt that the annoyance had ceased; but
not many minutes had passed; before it again commenced。  In order to
relieve himself from a feeling which he could only compare to that
which might be produced by the presence of the dead; he turned
towards his neighbour so suddenly; that it seemed for a moment to
embarrass him; his eyes being caught in the very act of devouring
the stolen indulgence。  But the stranger recovered himself instantly
with the question:

〃Will you permit me to ask of what country you are?〃

Hugh thought he made the request only for the sake of covering his
rudeness; and so merely answered:

〃Why; an Englishman; of course。〃

〃Ah! yes; it is not necessary to be told that。  But it seems to me;
from your accent; that you are a Scotchman。〃

〃So I am。〃

〃A Highlander?〃

〃I was born in the Highlands。  But if you are very anxious to know
my pedigree; I have no reason for concealing the fact that I am; by
birth; half a Scotchman and half a Welchman。〃

The foreigner riveted his gaze; though but for the briefest moment
sufficient to justify its being called a gaze; once more upon Hugh;
and then; with a slight bow; as of acquiescence; turned towards the

When the lecture was over; and Hugh was walking away in the midst of
the withdrawing audience; the stranger touched him on the shoulder。

〃You said that you would like to know more of this science: will you
come to my lodging?〃 said he。

〃With pleasure;〃 Hugh answered; though the look with which he
accompanied the words; must have been one rather of surprise。

〃You are astonished that a stranger should invite you so。  Ah! you
English always demand an introduction。  There is mine。〃

He handed Hugh a card: Herr von Funkelstein。  Hugh happened to be
provided with one in exchange。

The two walked out of the inn; along the old High Street; full of
gables and all the delightful irregularities of an old country…town;
till they came to a court; down which Herr von Funkelstein led the

He let himself in with a pass…key at a low door; and then conducted
Hugh; by a stair whose narrowness was equalled by its steepness; to
a room; which; though not many yards above the level of the court;
was yet next to the roof of the low house。  Hugh could see nothing
till his conductor lighted a candle。  Then he found himself in a
rather large room with a shaky floor and a low roof。  A
chintz…curtained bed in one corner had the skin of a tiger thrown
over it; and a table in another had a pair of foils lying upon it。
The Germanfor such he seemed to Hughoffered him a chair in the
politest manner; and Hugh sat down。

〃I am only in lodgings here;〃 said the host; 〃so you will forgive
the poverty of my establishment。〃

〃There is no occasion for forgiveness; I assure you;〃 answered Hugh。

〃You wished to know something of the subject with which that
lecturer was befooling himself and the audience at the same time。〃

〃I shall be grateful for any enlightenment。〃

〃Ah! it is a subject for the study of a benevolent scholar; not for
such a clown as that。  He jumps at no conclusions; yet he shares the
fate of one who does: he flounders in the mire between。  No man will
make anything of it who has not the benefit of the human race at
heart。  Humanity is the only safe guide in matters such as these。
This is a dangerous study indeed in unskilful hands。〃

Here a frightful caterwauling interrupted Herr von Funkelstein。  The
room had a storm…window; of which the lattice stood open。  In front
of it; on the roof; seen against a white house opposite; stood a
demon of a cat; arched to half its length; with a tail expanded to
double its natural thickness。  Its antagonist was invisible from
where Hugh sat。  Von Funkelstein started up without making the
slightest noise; trod as softly as a cat to the table; took up one
of the foils; removed the button; and; creeping close to the window;
made one rapid pass at the enemy; which vanished with a shriek of
hatred and fear。  He then; replacing the button; laid the foil down;
and resumed his seat and his discourse。  This; after dealing with
generalities and commonplaces for some time; gave no sign of coming
either to an end or to the point。  All the time he was watching
Hughat least so Hugh thoughtas if speculating on him in general。
Then appearing to have come to some conclusion; he gave his mind
more to his talk; and encouraged Hugh to speak as well。  The
conversation lasted for nearly half an hour。  At its close; Hugh
felt that the stranger had touched upon a variety of interesting
subjects; as one possessed of a minute knowledge of them。  But he
did not feel that he had gained any insight from his conversation。
It seemed rather as if he had been giving him a number of
psychological; social; literary; and scientific receipts。  During
the course of the talk; his eye had appeared to rest on Hugh by a
kind of compulsion; as if by its own will it would have retired from
the scrutiny; but the will of its owner was too strong for it。  In
seemed; in relation to him; to be only a kind of tool; which he used
for a particular purpose。

At length Funkelstein rose; and; marching across the room to a
cupboard; brought out a bottle and glasses; saying; in the most
by…the…bye way; as he went:

〃Have you the second…sight; Mr。 Sutherland?〃

〃Certainly not; as far as I am aware。〃

〃Ah! the Welch do have it; do they not?〃

〃Oh! yes; of course;〃 answered Hugh laughing。 〃I should like to
know; though;〃 he added; 〃whether they inherit the gift as Celts or
as mountaineers。〃

〃Will you take a glass of?〃

〃Of nothing; thank you;〃 answered and interrupted Hugh。 〃It is time
for me to be going。  Indeed; I fear I have stayed too long already。
Good night; Herr von Funkelstein。〃

〃You will allow me the honour of returning your visit?〃

Hugh felt he could do no less; although he had not the smallest
desire to keep up the acquaintance。  He wrote Arnstead on his card。

As he left the house; he stumbled over something in the court。
Looking down; he saw it was a cat; apparently dead。

〃Can it be the cat Herr Funkelstein made the pass at?〃 thought he。
But presently he forgot all about it; in the visions of Euphra
which filled his mind during his moonlight walk home。  It just
occurred to him; however; before those visions had blotted
everything else from his view; that he had learned simply nothing
whatever about biology from his late host。

When he reached home; he was admitted by the butler; and retired to
bed at once; where he slept soundly; for the first time for many

But; as he drew near his own room; he might have seen; though he saw
not; a little white figure gliding away in the far distance of the
long passage。  It was only Harry; who could not lie still in his
bed; till he knew that his big brother was safe at home。



This Eneas is come to Paradise
Out of the swolowe of Hell。

CHAUCER。Legend of Dido。

The next day; Hugh was determined to find or make an opportunity of
speaking to Euphra; and fortune seemed to favour him。Or was it
Euphra herself; in one or other of her inexplicable moods?  At all
events; she had that morning allowed the ladies and her uncle to go
without her; and Hugh met her as he went to his study。

〃May I speak to you for one moment?〃 said he; hurriedly; and with
trembling lips。

Yes; certainly;〃 she replied with a smile; and a glance in his face
as of wonder a
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