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david elginbrod-第77章

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〃Oh!〃 said Mrs。 Appleditch to her husband; 〃but Mr。 Sutherland has
not seen the drawing…room!〃

Hugh wondered what there could be remarkable about the drawing…room;
but he soon found that it was the pride of Mrs。 Appleditch's heart。
She abstained from all use of it except upon great occasionswhen
parties of her friends came to drink tea with her。  She made a
point; however; of showing it to everybody who entered the house for
the first time。  So Hugh was led up…stairs; to undergo the operation
of being shown the drawing…room; and being expected to be astonished
at it。

I asked him what it was like。  He answered: 〃It was just what it
ought to berich and ugly。  Mr。 Appleditch; in his deacon's
uniform; hung over the fire; and Mrs。 Appleditch; in her
wedding…dress; over the piano; for there was a piano; and she could
play psalm…tunes on it with one finger。  The round table in the
middle of the room had books in gilded red and blue covers
symmetrically arranged all round it。  This is all I can recollect。〃

Having feasted his eyes on the magnificence thus discovered to him;
he walked home; more depressed at the prospect of his new employment
than he could have believed possible。

On his way he turned aside into the Regent's Park; where the sight
of the people enjoying themselvesfor it was a fine day for the
seasonpartially dispelled the sense of living corruption and
premature burial which he had experienced all day long。  He kept as
far off from the rank of open…air preachers as possible; and really
was able to thank God that all the world did not keep Scotch
Sabbatha day neither Mosaic; nor Jewish; nor Christian: not
Mosaic; inasmuch as it kills the very essence of the fourth
commandment; which is Rest; transmuting it into what the chemists
would call a mechanical mixture of service and inertia; not Jewish;
inasmuch as it is ten times more severe; and formal; and full of
negations; than that of the Sabbatarian Jews reproved by the Saviour
for their idolatry of the day; and unchristian; inasmuch as it
insists; beyond appeal; on the observance of times and seasons;
abolished; as far as law is concerned; by the word of the chief of
the apostles; and elevates into an especial test of piety a custom
not even mentioned by the founders of christianity at allthat;
namely; of accounting this day more holy than all the rest。

These last are but outside reasons for calling it unchristian。
There are far deeper and more important ones; which cannot well be
produced here。

It is not Hugh; however; who is to be considered accountable for all
this; but the historian of his fortunes; between whom and the vision
of a Lord's Day indeed; there arises too often the nightmare…memory
of a Scotch Saabbathbetween which and its cousin; the English
Sunday; there is too much of a family likeness。  The grand men and
women whom I have known in Scotland; seem to me; as I look back; to
move about in the mists of a Scotch Sabbath; like a company of
way…worn angels in the Limbo of Vanity; in which there is no air
whereupon to smite their sounding wings; that they may rise into the
sunlight of God's presence。



Now resteth in my memory but this point; which indeed is the chief
to you of all others; which is the choice of what men you are to
direct yourself to; for it is certain no vessel can leave a worse
taste in the liquor it contains; than a wrong teacher infects an
unskilful hearer with that which hardly will ever out。。。But you may
say; 〃How shall I get excellent men to take pains to speak with me?〃
Truly; in few words; either by much expense or much humbleness。

Letter of Sir Philip Sidney to his brother Robert。

How many things which; at the first moment; strike us as curious
coincidences; afterwards become so operative on our lives; and so
interwoven with the whole web of their histories; that instead of
appearing any more as strange accidents; they assume the shape of
unavoidable necessities; of homely; ordinary; lawful occurrences; as
much in their own place as any shaft or pinion of a great machine!

It was dusk before Hugh turned his steps homeward。  He wandered
along; thinking of Euphra and the Count and the stolen rings。  He
greatly desired to clear himself to Mr。 Arnold。  He saw that the
nature of the ring tended to justify Mr。 Arnold's suspicions; for a
man who would not steal for money's worth; might yet steal for value
of another sort; addressing itself to some peculiar weakness; and
Mr。 Arnold might have met with instances of this nature in his
position as magistrate。  He greatly desired; likewise; for Euphra's
sake; to have Funkelstein in his power。  His own ring was beyond
recovery; but if; by its means; he could hold such a lash over him
as would terrify him from again exercising his villanous influences
on her; he would he satisfied。

While plunged in this contemplation; he came upon two policemen
talking together。  He recognized one of them as a Scotchman; from
his speech。  It occurred to him at once to ask his advice; in a
modified manner; and a moment's reflection convinced him that it
would at least do no harm。  He would do it。  It was one of those
resolutions at which one arrives by an arrow flight of the

〃You are a countryman of mine; I think;〃 said he; as soon as the two
had parted。

〃If ye're a Scotchman; sirmay be ay; may be no。〃

〃Whaur come ye frae; man?〃

〃Ou; Aberdeen…awa。〃

〃It's mine ain calf…country。  An' what do they ca' ye?〃

〃They ca' me John MacPherson。〃

〃My name's Sutherland。〃

〃Eh; man!  It's my ain mither's name。  Gie's a grup o' yer han';
Maister Sutherlan'。Eh; man!〃 he repeated; shaking Hugh's hand with

〃I have no doubt;〃 said Hugh; relapsing into English; 〃that we are
some cousins or other。  It's very lucky for me to find a relative;
for I wanted someadvice。〃

He took care to say advice; which a Scotchman is generally prepared
to bestow of his best。  Had it been sixpence; the cousinship would
have required elaborate proof; before the treaty could have made
further progress。

〃I'm fully at your service; sir。〃

〃When will you be off duty?〃

〃At nine o'clock preceesely。〃

〃Come to No。 13;Square; and ask for me。  It's not far。〃

〃Wi' pleesir; sir; 'gin 'twar twise as far。〃

Hugh would not have ventured to ask him to his house on Sunday
night; when no refreshments could be procured; had he not remembered
a small pig (Anglic?stone bottle) of real mountain dew; which he
had carried with him when he went to Arnstead; and which had lain
unopened in one of his boxes。

Miss Talbot received her lodger with more show of pleasure than
usual; for he came lapped in the odour of the deacon's sanctity。
But she was considerably alarmed and beyond measure shocked when
the policeman called and requested to see him。  Sally had rushed in
to her mistress in dismay。

〃Please'm; there's a pleaceman wants Mr。 Sutherland。  Oh! lor'm!〃

〃Well; go and let Mr。 Sutherland know; you stupid girl;〃 answered
her mistress; trembling。

〃Oh! lor'm!〃 was all Sally's reply; as she vanished to bear the
awful tidings to Hugh。

〃He can't have been housebreaking already;〃 said Miss Talbot to
herself; as she confessed afterwards。 〃But it may be forgery or
embezzlement。  I told the poor deluded young man that the way of
transgressors was hard。〃

〃Please; sir; you're wanted; sir;〃 said Sally; out of breath; and
pale as her Sunday apron。

〃Who wants me?〃 asked Hugh。

〃Please; sir; the pleaceman; sir;〃 answered Sally; and burst into

Hugh was perfectly bewildered by the girl's behaviour; and said in a
tone of surprise:

〃Well; show him up; then。〃

〃Ooh! sir;〃 said Sally; with a Plutonic sigh; and began to undo the
hooks of her dress; 〃if you wouldn't mind; sir; just put on my frock
and apron; and take a jug in your hand; an' the pleaceman'll never
look at you。  I'll take care of everything till you come back; sir。〃
And again she burst into tears。

Sally was a great reader of the Family Herald; and knew that this
was an orthodox plan of rescuing a prisoner。  The kindness of her
anxiety moderated the expression of Hugh's amusement; and having
convinced her that he was in no danger; he easily prevailed upon her
to bring the policeman upstairs。

Over a tumbler of toddy; the weaker ingredients of which were
procured by Sally's glad connivance; with a lingering idea of
propitiation; and a gentle hint that Missus mustn't knowthe two
Scotchmen; seated at opposite corners of the fire; had a long chat。
They began about the old country; and the places and people they
both knew; and both didn't know。  If they had met on the shores of
the central lake of Africa; they could scarcely have been more
couthy together。  At length Hugh referred to the object of his
application to MacPherson。

〃What plan would you have me pursue; John; to get hold of a man in

〃I could manage that for ye; sir。  I ken maist the haill mengie o'
the detaictives。〃

〃But you see; unfortunately; I don't wish; for particular reasons;
that the police should have anything to do with it。〃

〃Ay! ay!  Hm!  Hm!  I see brawly。  Ye'll be efter a st
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