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david elginbrod-第91章

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At length; one day; she came into the room where Hugh was more busy
in teaching than his pupils were in learning; and seated herself by
the fire to watch for an opportunity。  This was soon found。  For the
boys; rendered still more inattentive by the presence of their
mother; could not be induced to fix the least thought upon the
matter in hand; so that Hugh was compelled to go over the same thing
again and again; without success。  At last he said:

〃I am afraid; Mrs。 Appleditch; I must ask you to interfere; for I
cannot get any attention from the boys to…day。〃

〃And how could it be otherwise; Mr。 Sutherland; when you keep
wearing them out with going over and over the same thing; till they
are sick of it?  Why don't you go on?〃

〃How can I go on when they have not learned the thing they are at?
That would be to build the chimneys before the walls。〃

〃It is very easy to be witty; sir; but I beg you will behave more
respectfully to me in the presence of my children; innocent lambs!〃

Looking round at the moment; Hugh caught in his face what the elder
lamb had intended for his back; a grimace hideous enough to have
procured him instant promotion in the kingdom of apes。  The mother
saw it too; and added:

〃You see you cannot make them respect you。  Really; Mr。 Sutherland!〃

Hugh was about to reply; to the effect that it was useless; in such
circumstances; to attempt teaching them at all; some utterance of
which sort was watched for as the occasion for his instant
dismission; but at that very moment a carriage and pair pulled
sharply up at the door; with more than the usual amount of
quadrupedation; and mother and sons darted simultaneously to the

〃My!〃 cried Johnnie; 〃what a rum go!  Isn't that a jolly carriage;

〃Papa's bought a carriage!〃 shouted Peetie。

〃Be quiet; children;〃 said their mother; as she saw a footman get
down and approach the door。

〃Look at that buffer;〃 said Johnnie。 〃Do come and see this grand
footman; Mr。 Sutherland。  He's such a gentleman!〃

A box on the ear from his mother silenced him。  The servant entering
with some perturbation a moment after; addressed her mistress; for
she dared not address any one else while she was in the room:

〃Please 'm; the carriage is astin' after Mr。 Sutherland。〃

〃Mr。 Sutherland?〃

〃Yes 'm。〃

The lady turned to Mr。 Sutherland; who; although surprised as well;
was not inclined to show his surprise to Mrs。 Appleditch。

〃I did not know you had carriage…friends; Mr。 Sutherland;〃 said she;
with a toss of her head。

〃Neither did I;〃 answered Hugh。 〃But I will go and see who it is。〃

When he reached the street; he found Harry on the pavement; who
having got out of the carriage; and not having been asked into the
house; was unable to stand still for impatience。  As soon as he saw
his tutor; he bounded to him; and threw his arms round his neck;
standing as they were in the open street。  Tears of delight filled
his eyes。

〃Come; come; come;〃 said Harry; 〃we all want you。〃

〃Who wants me?〃

〃Mrs。 Elton and Euphra and me。  Come; get in。〃

〃And he pulled Hugh towards the carriage。

〃I cannot go with you now。  I have pupils here。〃

Harry's face fell。

〃When will you come?〃

〃In half…an…hour。〃

〃Hurrah!  I shall be back exactly in half…an…hour then。  Do be
ready; please; Mr。 Sutherland。〃

〃I will。〃

Harry jumped into the carriage; telling the coachman to drive where
he pleased; and be back at the same place in half…an…hour。  Hugh
returned into the house。

As may be supposed; Margaret was the means of this happy meeting。
Although she saw plainly enough that Euphra would like to see Hugh;
she did not for some time make up her mind to send for him。  The
circumstances which made her resolve to do so were these。

For some days Euphra seemed to be gradually regaining her health and
composure of mind。  One evening; after a longer talk than usual;
Margaret had left her in bed; and had gone to her own room。  She was
just preparing to get into bed herself; when a knock at her door
startled her; and going to it; she saw Euphra standing there; pale
as death; with nothing on but her nightgown; notwithstanding the
bitter cold of an early and severe frost。  She thought at first she
must be walking in her sleep; but the scared intelligence of her
open eyes; soon satisfied her that it was not so。

〃What is the matter; dear Miss Cameron?〃 she said; as calmly as she

〃He is coming。  He wants me。  If he calls me; I must go。〃

〃No; you shall not go;〃 rejoined Margaret; firmly。

〃I must; I must;〃 answered Euphra; wringing her hands。

〃Do come in;〃 said Margaret; 〃you must not stand there in the cold。〃

〃Let me get into your bed。〃

〃Better let me go with you to yours。  That will be more comfortable
for you。〃

〃Oh! yes; please do。〃

Margaret threw a shawl round Euphra; and went back with her to her

〃He wants me。  He wants me。  He will call me soon;〃 said Euphra; in
an agonised whisper; as soon as the door was shut。 〃What shall I

〃Come to bed first; and we will talk about it there。〃

As soon as they were in bed; Margaret put her arm round Euphra; who
was trembling with cold and fear; and said:

〃Has this man any right to call you?〃

〃No; no;〃 answered Euphra; vehemently。

〃Then don't go。〃

〃But I am afraid of him。〃

〃Defy him in God's name。〃

〃But besides the fear; there is something that I can't describe;
that always keeps telling meno; not telling me; pushing meno;
drawing me; as if I could not rest a moment till I go。  I cannot
describe it。  I hate to go; and yet I feel that if I were cold in my
grave; I must rise and go if he called me。  I wish I could tell you
what it is like。  It is as if some demon were shaking my soul till I
yielded and went。  Oh! don't despise me。  I can't help it。〃

〃My darling; I don't; I can't despise you。  You shall not go to

〃But I must;〃 answered she; with a despairing faintness more
convincing than any vehemence; and then began to weep with a slow;
hopeless weeping; like the rain of a November eve。

Margaret got out of bed。  Euphra thought she was offended。  Starting
up; she clasped her hands; and said:

〃Oh Margaret!  I won't cry。  Don't leave me。  Don't leave me。〃

She entreated like a chidden child。

〃No; no; I didn't mean to leave you for a moment。  Lie down again;
dear; and cry as much as you like。  I am going to read a little bit
out of the New Testament to you。〃

〃I am afraid I can't listen to it。〃

〃Never mind。  Don't try。  I want to read it。〃

Margaret got a New Testament; and read part of that chapter of St。
John's Gospel which speaks about human labour and the bread of life。
She stopped at these words:

〃For I came down from heaven; not to do mine own will; but the will
of him that sent me。〃

Euphra's tears had ceased。  The sound of Margaret's voice; which; if
it lost in sweetness by becoming more Scotch when she read the
Gospel; yet gained thereby in pathos; and the power of the blessed
words themselves; had soothed the troubled spirit a little; and she
lay quiet。

〃The count is not a good man; Miss Cameron?〃

〃You know he is not; Margaret。  He is the worst man alive。〃

〃Then it cannot be God's will that you should go to him。〃

〃But one does many things that are not God's will。〃

〃But it is God's will that you should not go to him。〃

Euphra lay silent for a few moments。  Suddenly she exclaimed:

〃Then I must not go to him;〃got out of bed; threw herself on her
knees by the bedside; and holding up her clasped hands; said; in low
tones that sounded as if forced from her by agony:

〃I won't!  I won't!  O God; I will not。  Help me; help me!〃

Margaret knelt beside her; and put her arm round her。  Euphra spoke
no more; but remained kneeling; with her extended arms and clasped
hands lying on the bed; and her head laid between them。  At length
Margaret grew alarmed; and looked at her。  But she found that she
was in a sweet sleep。  She gently disengaged herself; and covering
her up soft and warm; left her to sleep out her God…sent sleep
undisturbed; while she sat beside; and watched for her waking。

She slept thus for an hour。  Then lifting her head; and seeing
Margaret; she rose quietly; as if from her prayers; and said with a

〃Margaret; I was dreaming that I had a mother。〃

〃So you have; somewhere。〃

〃Yes; so I have; somewhere;〃 she repeated; and crept into bed like a
child; lay down; and was asleep again in a moment。

Margaret watched her for another hour; and then seeing no signs of
restlessness; but that on the contrary her sleep was profound; lay
down beside her; and soon shared in that repose which to weary women
and men is God's best gift。

She rose at her usual hour the next day; and was dressed before
Euphra awoke。  It was a cold grey December morning; with the
hoar…frost lying thick on the roofs of the houses。  Euphra opened
her eyes while Margaret was busy lighting the fire。  Seeing that she
was there; she closed them again; and fell once more fast asleep。
Before she woke again; Margaret had some tea ready for her; after
taking which; she felt able to get up。  She rose looking more bright
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