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ircles reciprocity was sought as a homeopathic cure for the desire for annexation。 William Hamilton Merritt; a Niagara border business man and the most persistent advocate of closer trade relations; met little difficulty in securing almost unanimous backing in Canada; while the Maritime Provinces lent their support。
It was more difficult to win over the United States。 There the people showed the usual indifference of a big and prosperous country to the needs or opportunities of a small and backward neighbor。 The division of power between President and Congress made it difficult to carry any negotiation through to success。 Yet these obstacles were overcome。 The depletion of the fisheries along the Atlantic coast of the United States made it worth while; as I。D。 Andrews; a United States consul in New Brunswick; urged persistently; to gain access to the richer grounds to the north and; if necessary; to offer trade concessions in exchange。 At Washington; the South was in the saddle。 Its sympathies were strongly for freer trade; but this alone would not have counted had not the advocates of reciprocity convinced the Democratic leaders of the bearing of their policy on the then absorbing issue of slavery。 If reciprocity were not arranged; the argument ran; annexation would be sure to come and that would mean the addition to the Union of a group of freesoil States which would definitely tilt the balance against slavery for all time。 With the ground thus prepared; Lord Elgin succeeded by adroit and capable diplomacy in winning over the leaders of Congress as well as the Executive to his proposals。 The Reciprocity Treaty was passed by the Senate in August; 1854; and by the Legislatures of the United Kingdom; Canada; Prince Edward Island; New Brunswick; and Nova Scotia in the next few months; and of Newfoundland in 1855。 This treaty provided for free admission into each country of practically all the products of the farm; forest; mine; and fishery; threw open the Atlantic fisheries; and gave American vessels the use of the St。 Lawrence and Canadian vessels the use of Lake Michigan。 The agreement was to last for ten years and indefinitely thereafter; subject to termination on one year's notice by either party。
To both countries reciprocity brought undoubted good。 Trade doubled and trebled。 Each country gained by free access to the nearest sources of supply。 The same goods figured largely in the traffic in both directions; the United States importing grain and flour from Canada and exporting it to the Maritime Provinces。 In short the benefits which had come to the United States from free and unfettered trade throughout half a continent were now extended to practically a whole continent。
Yet criticism of the new economic regime was not lacking。 The growth of protectionist feeling in both countries after 1857 brought about incidents and created an atmosphere which were dangerous to the continuance of close trade relations。 In 1858 and 1859 the Canadian Government raised substantially the duties on manufactured goods in order to meet the bills for its lavish railway policy。 This increase hit American manufacturers and led to loud complaints that the spirit of the Reciprocity Treaty had been violated。 Alexander T。 Galt; Canadian Minister of Finance; had no difficulty in showing that the tariff increases were the only feasible sources of revenue; that the agreement with the United States did not cover manufactures; and that the United States itself; faced by war demands and no longer controlled by free trade Southerners; had raised duties still higher。 The exports of the United States to the Provinces in the reciprocity period were greater; contrary to the later traditions; than the imports。 On economic grounds the case for the continuance of the reciprocity agreement was strong; and probably the treaty would have remained in force indefinitely had not the political passions roused by the Civil War made sanity and neighborliness in trade difficult to maintain。
When the Civil War broke out; the sympathies of Canadians were overwhelmingly on the side of the North。 The railway and freer trade had been bringing the two peoples closer together; and time was healing old sores。 Slavery was held to be the real issue; and on that issue there were scarcely two opinions in the British Provinces。
Yet in a few months sympathy had given way to angry and suspicious bickering; and the possibility of invasion of Canada by the Northern forces was vigorously debated。 This sudden shift of opinion and the danger in which it involved the provinces were both incidents in the quarrel which sprang up between the United States and Great Britain。 In Britain as in Canada; opinion; so far as it found open expression; was at first not unfriendly to the North。 Then came the anger of the North at Great Britain's legitimate and necessary; though perhaps precipitate; action in acknowledging the South as a belligerent。 This action ran counter to the official Northern theory that the revolt of the Southern States was a local riot; of merely domestic concern; and was held to foreshadow a recognition of the independence of the Confederacy。 The angry taunts were soon returned。 The ruling classes in Great Britain made the discovery that the war was a struggle between chivalrous gentlemen and mercenary counterhoppers and cherished the hope that the failure of the North would discredit; the world over; the democracy which was making uncomfortable claims in England itself。 The English trading classes resented the shortage of cotton and the high duties which the protectionist North was imposing。 With the defeat of the Union forces at Bull Run the prudent hesitancy of aristocrat and merchant in expressing their views disappeared。 The responsible statesmen of both countries; especially Lincoln and Lord John Russell; refused to be stampeded; but unfortunately the leading newspapers served them ill。 The 〃Times〃; with its constant sneers and its still more irritating patronizing advice; and the New York 〃Herald〃; bragging and blustering in the frank hope of forcing a war with Britain and France which would reunite South and North and subordinate the slavery issue; did more than any other factors to bring the two countries to the verge of war。
In Canada the tendency in some quarters to reflect English opinion; the disappointment in others that the abolition of slavery was not explicitly pledged by the North; and above all resentment against the threats of the 〃Herald〃 and its followers; soon cooled the early friendliness。 The leading Canadian newspaper; for many years a vigorous opponent of slavery; thus summed up the situation in August; 1861:
〃The insolent bravado of the Northern press towards Great Britain and the insulting tone assumed toward these Provinces have unquestionably produced a marked change in the feelings of our people。 When the war commenced; there was only one feeling; of hearty sympathy with the North; but now it is very different。 People have lost sight of the character of the struggle in the exasperation excited by the injustice and abuse showered upon us by the party with which we sympathized。〃*
* Toronto 〃Globe〃; August 7; 1861。
The Trent affair brought matters to a sobering climax。* When it was settled; resentment lingered; but the tension was never again so acute。 Both Great Britain and in Canada the normal sympathy with the cause of the Union revived as the war went on。 In England the classes continued to be pro…Southern in sympathy; but the masses; in spite of cotton famines; held resolutely to their faith in the cause of freedom。 After Lincoln's emancipation of the slaves; the view of the English middle classes more and more became the view of the nation。 In Canada; pro…Southern sentiment was strong in the same classes and particularly in Montreal and Toronto; where there were to be found many Southern refugees; some of whom made a poor return for hospitality by endeavoring to use Canada as a base for border raids。 Yet in the smaller towns and in the country sympathy was decidedly on the other side; particularly after the 〃Herald〃 had ceased its campaign of bluster and after Lincoln's proclamation had brought the moral issue again to the fore。 The fact that a large number of Canadians; popularly set at forty thousand; enlisted in the Northern armies; is to be explained in part by the call of adventure and the lure of high bounties; but it must also be taken to reflect the sympathy of the mass of the people。
* See 〃Abraham Lincoln and the Union〃; by Nathaniel W。 Stephenson (in 〃The Chronicles of America〃)。
In the United States resentment was slower in passing。 While the war was on; prudence forbade any overt act。 When it was over; the bill for the Alabama raids and the taunts of the 〃Times〃 came in。 Great Britain paid in the settlement of the Alabama claims。* Canada suffered by the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty at the first possible date; and by the connivance of the American authorities in the Fenian raids of 1866 and 1870。 Yet for Canada the outcome was by no means ill。 If the Civil War did not bring forth a new nation in the South; it helped to make one in the far North。 A common danger drew the scattered British Provinces toget