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latter-day pamphlets-第10章

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ries of pain on their and your part;is the demand which you; Captives; make of all men that are not Captive; but are still Free。  Free men;alas; had you ever any notion who the free men were; who the not…free; the incapable of freedom!  The free men; if you could have understood it; they are the wise men; the patient; self…denying; valiant; the Nobles of the World; who can discern the Law of this Universe; what it is; and piously _obey_ it; these; in late sad times; having cast you loose; you are fallen captive to greedy sons of profit…and…loss; to bad and ever to worse; and at length to Beer and the Devil。  Algiers; Brazil or Dahomey hold nothing in them so authentically _slave_ as you are; my indigent incompetent friends!

〃Good Heavens; and I have to raise some eight or nine millions annually; six for England itself; and to wreck the morals of my working population beyond all money's worth; to keep the life from going out of you:  a small service to you; as I many times bitterly repeat!  Alas; yes; before high Heaven I must declare it such。  I think the old Spartans; who would have killed you instead; had shown more 'humanity;' more of manhood; than I thus do!  More humanity; I say; more of manhood; and of sense for what the dignity of man demands imperatively of you and of me and of us all。  We call it charity; beneficence; and other fine names; this brutish Workhouse Scheme of ours; and it is but sluggish heartlessness; and insincerity; and cowardly lowness of soul。  Not 'humanity' or manhood; I think; perhaps _ape_hood rather;paltry imitancy; from the teeth outward; of what our heart never felt nor our understanding ever saw; dim indolent adherence to extraneous and extinct traditions; traditions now really about extinct; not living now to almost any of us; and still haunting with their spectralities and gibbering _ghosts_ (in a truly baleful manner) almost all of us! Making this our struggling 'Twelfth Hour of the Night' inexpressibly hideous!…

〃But as for you; my indigent incompetent friends; I have to repeat with sorrow; but with perfect clearness; what is plainly undeniable; and is even clamorous to get itself admitted; that you are of the nature of slaves;or if you prefer the word; of _nomadic; and now even vagrant and vagabond; servants that can find no master on those terms_; which seems to me a much uglier word。  Emancipation?  You have been 'emancipated' with a vengeance! Foolish souls; I say the whole world cannot emancipate you。  Fealty to ignorant Unruliness; to gluttonous sluggish Improvidence; to the Beer…pot and the Devil; who is there that can emancipate a man in that predicament? Not a whole Reform Bill; a whole French Revolution executed for his behoof alone:  nothing but God the Maker can emancipate him; by making him anew。

〃To forward which glorious consummation; will it not be well; O indigent friends; that you; fallen flat there; shall henceforth learn to take advice of others as to the methods of standing?  Plainly I let you know; and all the world and the worlds know; that I for my part mean it so。  Not as glorious unfortunate sons of freedom; but as recognized captives; as unfortunate fallen brothers requiring that I should command you; and if need were; control and compel you; can there henceforth be a relation between us。  Ask me not for Indian meal; you shall be compelled to earn it first; know that on other terms I will not give you any。  Before Heaven and Earth; and God the Maker of us all; I declare it is a scandal to see _such_ a life kept in you; by the sweat and heart's…blood of your brothers; and that; if we cannot

mend it; death were preferable!  Go to; we must get out of thisunutterable coil of nonsenses; constitutional; philanthropical; &c。; in which (surely without mutual hatred; if with less of 'love' than is supposed) we are all strangling one another!  Your want of wants; I say; is that you be _commanded_ in this world; not being able to command yourselves。  Know therefore that it shall be so with you。  Nomadism; I give you notice; has ended; needful permanency; soldier…like obedience; and the opportunity and the necessity of hard steady labor for your living; have begun。  Know that the Idle Workhouse is shut against you henceforth; you cannot enter there at will; nor leave at will; you shall enter a quite other Refuge; under conditions strict as soldiering; and not leave till I have done with you。  He that prefers the glorious (or perhaps even the rebellious _in_glorious) 'career of freedom;' let him prove that he can travel there; and be the master of himself; and right good speed to him。 He who has proved that he cannot travel there or be the master of himself;let him; in the name of all the gods; become a servant; and accept the just rules of servitude!

〃Arise; enlist in my Irish; my Scotch and English 'Regiments of the New Era;'which I have been concocting; day and night; during these three Grouse…seasons (taking earnest incessant counsel; with all manner of Industrial Notabilities and men of insight; on the matter); and have now brought to a kind of preparation for incipiency; thank Heaven!  Enlist there; ye poor wandering banditti; obey; work; suffer; abstain; as all of us have had to do:  so shall you be useful in God's creation; so shall you be helped to gain a manful living for yourselves; not otherwise than so。 Industrial Regiments '_Here numerous persons; with big wigs many of them; and austere aspect; whom I take to be Professors of the Dismal Science; start up in an agitated vehement manner:  but the Premier resolutely beckons them down again_'Regiments not to fight the French or others; who are peaceable enough towards us; but to fight the Bogs and Wildernesses at home and abroad; and to chain the Devils of the Pit which are walking too openly among us。

〃Work; for you?  Work; surely; is not quite undiscoverable in an Earth so wide as ours; if we will take the right methods for it!  Indigent friends; we will adopt this new relation (which is _old_ as the world); this will lead us towards such。  Rigorous conditions; not to be violated on either side; lie in this relation; conditions planted there by God Himself; which woe will betide us if we do not discover; gradually more and more discover; and conform to!  Industrial Colonels; Workmasters; Task…masters; Life…commanders; equitable as Rhadamanthus and inflexible as he:  such; I perceive; you do need; and such; you being once put under law as soldiers are; will be discoverable for you。  I perceive; with boundless alarm; that I shall have to set about discovering such;I; since I am at the top of affairs; with all men looking to me。  Alas; it is my new task in this New Era; and God knows; I too; little other than a red…tape Talking…machine; and unhappy Bag of Parliamentary Eloquence hitherto; am far behind with it! But street…barricades rise everywhere:  the hour of Fate has come。  In Connemara there has sprung a leak; since the potato died; Connaught; if it were not for Treasury…grants and rates…in…aid; would have to recur to Cannibalism even now; and Human Society would cease to pretend that it existed there。  Done this thing must be。  Alas; I perceive that if I cannot do it; then surely I shall die; and perhaps shall not have Christian burial!  But I already raise near upon Ten Millions for feeding you in idleness; my nomadic friends; work; under due regulations; I really might try to get of'_Here arises indescribable uproar; no longer repressible; from all manner of Economists; Emancipationists; Constitutionalists; and miscellaneous Professors of the Dismal Science; pretty numerously scattered about; and cries of 〃Private enterprise;〃 〃Rights of Capital;〃 〃Voluntary Principle;〃 〃Doctrines of the British Constitution;〃 swollen by the general assenting hum of all the world; quite drown the Chief Minister for a while。 He; with invincible resolution; persists; obtains hearing again_:'

〃Respectable Professors of the Dismal Science; soft you a little。  Alas; I know what you would say。  For my sins; I have read much in those inimitable volumes of yours;really I should think; some barrowfuls of them in my time;and; in these last forty years of theory and practice; have pretty well seized what of Divine Message you were sent with to me。  Perhaps as small a message; give me leave to say; as ever there was such a noise made about before。  Trust me; I have not forgotten it; shall never forget it。 Those Laws of the Shop…till are indisputable to me; and practically useful in certain departments of the Universe; as the multiplication…table itself。 Once I even tried to sail through the Immensities with them; and to front the big coming Eternities with them; but I found it would not do。  As the Supreme Rule of Statesmanship; or Government of Men;since this Universe is not wholly a Shop;no。  You rejoice in my improved tariffs; free…trade movements and the like; on every hand; for which be thankful; and even sing litanies if you choose。  But here at last; in the Idle…Workhouse movement;unexampled yet on Earth or in the waters under the Earth;I am fairly brought to a stand; and have had to make reflections; of the most alarming; and indeed awful; and as it were religious nature!  Professors of the Dismal Science; I perceive th
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