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〃 who are disposed to argue that every criticism is personal。 It is clearly the interest of all who fear inquiries; to push this principle as far as possible; whilst those whose sole object is truth; can have no apprehensions from the severest scrutiny。 There are few circumstances which so strongly distinguish the philosopher; as the calmness with which he can reply to criticisms he may think undeservedly severe。 I have been led into these reflections; from the circumstance of its having been stated publicly; that I was the author of several of those anonymous writings; which were considered amongst the most severe; and the assertion was the more likely to be credited; from the fact of my having spoken a few words connected with one of those subjects at the last anniversary of the Royal Society。 'I merely observed that the agreement made with the British Museum for exchanging the Arundel MSS。 for their duplicates; (which had just been stated by the President;) was UNWISE; because it was not to be expected that many duplicates should be found in a library like that of the Museum; weak in the physical and mathematical sciences: that it was IMPROVIDENT and UNBUSINESSLIKE;because it neither fixed the TIME when the difference was to be paid; in case their duplicates should be insufficient; nor did it appear that there were any FUNDS out of which the money could be procured: and I added; that it would be more advantageous to sell the MSS。; and purchase the books we wanted with the produce。' I had hoped in that diminutive world; the world of science; my character had been sufficiently known to have escaped being the subject of such a mistake; and; in taking this opportunity of correcting it; I will add that; in the present volume; I have thought it more candid to mention distinctly those whose line of conduct I have disapproved; or whose works I have criticised; than to leave to the reader inferences which he might make far more extensive than I have intended。 I hope; therefore; that where I have depicted species; no person will be so unkind to others and unjust to me; as to suppose I have described individuals。
With respect to the cry against personality; which has been lately set up to prevent all inquiry into matters of scientific misgovernment; a few words will suffice。
I feel as strongly as any one; not merely the impropriety; but the injustice of introducing private character into such discussions。 There is; however; a maxim too well established to need any comment of mine。 The public character of every public servant is legitimate subject of discussion; and his fitness or unfitness for office may be fairly canvassed by any person。 Those whose too sensitive feelings shrink from such an ordeal; have no right to accept the emoluments of office; for they know that it is the condition to which all must submit who are paid from the public purse。
The same principle is equally applicable to Companies; to Societies; and to Academies。 Those from whose pocket the salary is drawn; and by whose appointment the officer was made; have always a right to discuss the merits of their officers; and their modes of exercising the duties they are paid to perform。
This principle is equally applicable to the conduct of a Secretary of State; or to that of a constable; to that of a Secretary of the Royal Society; or of an adviser to the Admiralty。
With respect to honorary officers; the case is in some measure different。 But the President of a society; although not recompensed by any pecuniary remuneration; enjoys a station; when the body over which he presides possesses a high character; to which many will aspire; who will esteem themselves amply repaid for the time they devote to the office; by the consequence attached to it in public estimation。 He; therefore; is answerable to the Society for his conduct in their chair。
There are several societies in which the secretaries; and other officers; have very laborious duties; and where they are unaided by a train of clerks; and yet no pecuniary remuneration is given to them。 Science is much indebted to such men; by whose quiet and unostentatious labours the routine of its institutions is carried on。 It would be unwise; as well as ungrateful; to judge severely of the inadvertencies; or even of the negligence of such persons: nothing but weighty causes should justify such a course。
Whilst; however; I contend for the principle of discussion and inquiry in its widest sense; because I consider it equally the safeguard of our scientific as of our political institutions; I shall use it; I hope; temperately; and having no personal feelings myself; but living in terms of intercourse with almost all; and of intimacy with several of those from whom I most widely differ; I shall not attempt to heap together all the causes of complaint; but; by selecting a few in different departments; endeavour to convince them that some alteration is essentially necessary for the promotion of that very object which we both by such different roads pursue。
I have found it necessary; in the course of this volume; to speak of the departed; for the misgovernment of the Royal Society has not been wholly the result of even the present race。 It is said; and I think with justice; in the life of Young; inserted amongst Dr。 Johnson's; that the famous maxim; 〃DE MORTUIS NIL NISI BONUM;〃 〃appears to savour more of female weakness than of manly reason。〃 The foibles and the follies of those who are gone; may; without injury to society; repose in oblivion。 But; whoever would claim the admiration of mankind for their good actions; must prove his impartiality by fearlessly condemning their evil deeds。 Adopt the maxim; and praise to the dead becomes worthless; from its universality; and history; a greater fable than it has been hitherto deemed。
Perhaps I ought to apologize for the large space I have devoted to the Royal Society。 Certainly its present state gives it no claim to that attention; and I do it partly from respect for its former services; and partly from the hope that; if such an Institution can be of use to science in the present day; the attention of its members may be excited to take steps for its restoration。 Perhaps I may be blamed for having published extracts from the minutes of its proceedings without the permission of its Council。 To have asked permission of the present Council would have been useless。 I might; however; have given the substance of what I have extracted without the words; and no one could then have reproached me with any infringement of our rules: but there were two objections to that course。 In the first place; it is impossible; even for the most candid; in all cases; to convey precisely the same sentiment in different language; and I thought it therefore more fair towards those from whom I differed; as well as to the public; to give the precise words。 Again: had it been possible to make so accurate a paraphrase; I should yet have preferred the risk of incurring the reproach of the Royal Society for the offence; to escaping their censure by an evasion。 What I have done rests on my own head; and I shrink not from the responsibility attaching to it。
If those; whose mismanagement of that Society I condemn; should accuse me of hostility to the Royal Society; my answer is; that the party which governs it is not the Royal Society; and that I will only admit the justice of the accusation; when the whole body; becoming acquainted with the system I have exposed; shall; by ratifying it with their approbation; appropriate it to themselves: an event of which I need scarcely add I have not the slightest anticipation。
PREFACE Introductory Remarks CHAP。 I。 On the Reciprocal Influence of Science and Education。 CHAP。 II。 Of the Inducements to Individuals to cultivate Science。 Sect。 1。 Professional Impulses。 2。 Of National Encouragement。 3。 Of Encouragement from learned Societies。 CHAP。 III。 General State of learned Societies in England。 CHAP。 IV。 State of the Royal Society in particular。 Sect。 1。 Mode of becoming a Fellow of the Royal Society。 2。 Of the Presidency and Vice…Presidencies。 3。 Of the Secretariships 4。 Of the Scientific Advisers。 5。 Of the Union of several Offices in one person。 6。 Of the Funds of the Society。 7。 Of the Royal Medals。 8。 Of the Copley Medals。 9。 Of the Fairchild Lecture。 10。 Of the Croonian Lecture。 11。 Of the Causes of the Present State of the Royal Society。 12。 Of the Plan for Reforming the Society。 CHAP。 V。 Of Observations。 Sect。 1。 Of Minute Precision。 2。 On the Art of Observing。 3。 On the Frauds of Observers。 CHAP。 VI。 Suggestions for the Advancement of Science in England。 Sect。 1。 Of the Necessity that Members of the Royal Society … should express their Opinions。 2。 Of Biennial Presidents。 3。 Of the Influence of the Colleges of Physicians and … Surgeons in the Royal Society。 4。 Of the Influence of the Royal Institution on the Royal … Society。 5。 Of the Transactions of the Royal Society。 6。 Order of Merit。 7。 Of the Union of Scientific Societies。 CONCLUSION。 APPENDIX NO。 1。 … NO。 2。 … NO。 3。