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e; or the particles of the two substances would be most favourably situated for the action of caloric; electricity; or other causes; to produce the combination。 It would indeed seem to follow; that if combination should take place under such circumstances; then the most probable proportion in which the atoms would unite; should be that which furnished a fluid of the least specific gravity: but until the experiments are made; it is by no means certain that other combinations might not be produced。'
The singular minuteness of the particles of bodies submitted by Dr。 Wollaston to chemical analysis; has excited the admiration of all those who have had the good fortune to witness his experiments; and the methods he employed deserve to be much more widely known。
It appears to me that a great mistake exists on the subject。 It has been adduced as one of those facts which prove the extraordinary acuteness of the bodily senses of the individual; a circumstance which; if it were true; would add but little to his philosophical character; I am; however; inclined to view it in a far different light; and to see in it one of the natural results of the admirable precision of his knowledge。
During the many opportunities I have enjoyed of seeing his minute experiments; I remember but one instance in which I noticed any remarkable difference in the acuteness of his bodily faculties; either of his hearing; his sight; or of his sense of smell; from those of other persons who possessed them in a good degree。 'This was at Mr。 South's observatory; and the object was; the dots on the declination circle of his equatorial; but; in this instance; Dr。 Wollaston did not attempt to TEACH ME HOW TO SEE THEM。'
He never showed me an almost microscopic wire; which was visible to his; and invisible to my own eye: even in the beautiful experiments he made relative to sounds inaudible to certain ears; he never produced a tone which was unheard by mine; although sensible to his ear; and I believe this will be found to have been the case by most of those whose minds had been much accustomed to experimental inquiries; and who possessed their faculties unimpaired by illness or by age。
It was a much more valuable property on which the success of such inquiries depended。 It arose from the perfect attention which he could command; and the minute precision with which he examined every object。 A striking illustration of the fact that an object is frequently not seen; FROM NOT KNOWING HOW TO SEE IT; rather than from any defect in the organ of vision; occurred to me some years since; when on a visit at Slough。 Conversing with Mr。 Herschel on the dark lines seen in the solar spectrum by Fraunhofer; he inquired whether I had seen them; and on my replying in the negative; and expressing a great desire to see them; he mentioned the extreme difficulty he had had; even with Fraunhofer's description in his hand and the long time which it had cost him in detecting them。 My friend then added; 〃I will prepare the apparatus; and put you in such a position that they shall be visible; and yet you shall look for them and not find them: after which; while you remain in the same position; I will instruct you how to see them; and you shall see them; and not merely wonder you did not see them before; but you shall find it impossible to look at the spectrum without seeing them。〃
On looking as I was directed; notwithstanding the previous warning; I did not see them; and after some time I inquired how they might be seen; when the prediction of Mr。 Herschel was completely fulfilled。
It was this attention to minute phenomena which Dr。 Wollaston applied with such powerful effect to chemistry。 In the ordinary cases of precipitation the cloudiness is visible in a single drop as well as in a gallon of a solution; and in those cases where the cloudiness is so slight; as to require a mass of fluid to render it visible; previous evaporation; quickly performed on slips of window glass; rendered the solution more concentrated。
The true value of this minute chemistry arises from its cheapness and the extreme rapidity with which it can be accomplished: it may; in hands like those of Wollaston; be used for discovery; but not for measure。 I have thought it more necessary to place this subject on what I consider its true grounds; for two reasons。 In the first place; I feel that injustice has been done to a distinguished philosopher in attributing to some of his bodily senses that excellence which I think is proved to have depended on the admirable training of his intellectual faculties。 And; in the next place; if I have established the fact; whilst it affords us better means of judging of such observations as lay claim to an accuracy 〃MORE THAN HUMAN;〃 it also opens; to the patient inquirer into truth; a path by which he may acquire powers that he would otherwise have thought were only the gift of nature to a favoured few。
In presenting to my readers the account of the meeting of men of science at Berlin; in the autumn of 1828; I am happy to be able to state; that its influence has been most beneficial; and that the annual meeting to be held in 1831; will take place at Vienna; the Emperor of Austria having expressed a wish that every facility which his capital affords should be given to promote its objects。
It is gratifying to find that a country; which has hitherto been considered adverse to the progress of knowledge; should become convinced of its value; and it is sincerely to be hoped; that every one of the numerous members of the Society will show; by his conduct; that the paths of science are less likely than any others to interfere with those of politics。
The existence of a large society of cultivators of the natural sciences meeting annually at some great capital; or some central town of Europe; is a circumstance almost unknown to us; and deserving of our attention; from the important advantages which may arise from it。
About eight years ago; Dr。 Okens; of Munich; suggested a plan for an annual meeting of all Germans who cultivated the sciences of medicine and botany。 The first meeting; of about forty members; took place at Leipsic; in 1822; and it was successively held at Halle; Wurtzburg; Frankfort on the Maine; Dresden; Munich; and Berlin。 All those who had printed a certain number of sheets of their inquiries on these subjects were considered members of this academy。
The great advantages which resulted to these sciences from the communication of observations from all quarters of Germany; soon induced an extension of the plan; and other departments of natural knowledge were admitted; until; at the last meeting; the cultivators even of pure mathematics were found amongst the ranks of this academy。
Several circumstances; independent of the form and constitution of the academy; contributed to give unwonted splendour to the last meeting; which took place at Berlin in the middle of September of the last year。
The capital selected for its temporary residence is scarcely surpassed by any in Europe in the number and celebrity of its savans。
The taste for knowledge possessed by the reigning family; has made knowledge itself fashionable; and the severe sufferings of the Prussians previous to the war; by which themselves and Europe were freed; have impressed on them so strongly the lesson that 〃knowledge is power;〃 that its effects are visible in every department of the government; and there is no country in Europe in which talents and genius so surely open for their possessors the road to wealth and distinction。
Another circumstance also contributed its portion to increase the numbers of the meeting of the past year。 The office of president; which is annually changed; was assigned to M。 Alexander de Humboldt。 The universality of his acquirements; which have left no branch within the wide range of science indifferent or unexplored; has connected him by friendship with almost all the most celebrated philosophers of the age; whilst the polished amenity of his manners; and that intense desire of acquiring and of spreading knowledge; which so peculiarly characterizes his mind; renders him accessible to all strangers; and insures for them the assistance of his counsel in their scientific pursuits; and the advantage of being made known to all those who are interested or occupied in similar inquiries。
Professor Lichtenstein; (Director of the Museum of Zoology;) as secretary of the academy; was indefatigable in his attentions; and most ably seconded the wishes of its distinguished president。
These two gentlemen; assisted by several of the residents at Berlin; undertook the numerous preliminary arrangements necessary for the accommodation of the meeting。
On the 18th of September; 1828; there were assembled at Berlin 377 members of the academy; whose names and residences (in Berlin) were printed in a small pamphlet; and to each name was attached a number; to indicate his seat in the great concert room; in which the morning meetings took place。 Each member was also provided with an engraved c