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by plutarch-第2章

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addition; but those of Aristides are the noblest; most splendid; and
distinguished actions the Grecians ever did; the battles at
Marathon; Salamis; and Plataea。 Nor indeed is Antiochus; nor the
destruction of the walls of the Spanish towns; to be compared with
Xerxes; and the destruction by sea and land of so many myriads of
enemies; in all of which noble exploits Aristides yielded to none;
though he left the glory and the laurels; like the wealth and money;
to those who needed and thirsted more greedily after them: because
he was superior to those also。 I do not blame Cato for perpetually
boasting and preferring himself before all others; though in one of
his orations he says that it is equally absurd to praise and dispraise
one's self: yet he who does not so much as desire others' praises;
seems to me more perfectly virtuous; than he who is always extolling
himself。 A mind free from ambition is a main help to political
gentleness; ambition; on the contrary; is hard…hearted; and the
greatest fomenter of envy; from which Aristides was wholly exempt;
Cato very subject to it。 Aristides assisted Themistocles in matters of
highest importance; and; as his subordinate officer; in a manner
raised Athens: Cato; by opposing Scipio; almost broke and defeated his
expedition against the Carthaginians; in which he overthrew
Hannibal; who till then was even invincible; and; at last; by
continually raising suspicions and calumnies against him; he chased
him from the city; and inflicted a disgraceful sentence on his brother
for robbing the state。
  Finally; that temperance which Cato always highly cried up;
Aristides preserved truly pure and untainted。 But Cato's marriage;
unbecoming his dignity and age; is a considerable disparagement; in
this respect; to his character。 For it was not decent for him at
that age to bring home to his son and his wife a young woman; the
daughter of a common paid clerk in the public service: but whether
it were for his own gratification or out of anger at his son; both the
fact and the pretence were unworthy。 For the reason he pretended to
his son was false: for if he desired to get more as worthy children;
he ought to have married a well…born wife; not to have contented
himself; so long as it was unnoticed; with a woman to whom he was
not married; and; when it was discovered; he ought not to have
chosen such a father…in…law as was easiest to be got; instead of one
whose affinity might be honourable to him。

                               THE END
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