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two poets-第19章

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pon him; the better to humiliate him in his poverty。 M。 de Bargeton had counted on having no more to say; and his soul was dismayed by the pause spent by the rivals in mutual survey; he had a question which he kept for desperate emergencies; laid up in his mind; as it were; against a rainy day。 Now was the proper time to bring it out。

〃Well; monsieur;〃 he said; looking at Chatelet with an important air; 〃is there anything fresh? anything that people are talking about?〃

〃Why; the latest thing is M。 Chardon;〃 Chatelet said maliciously。 〃Ask him。 Have you brought some charming poet for us?〃 inquired the vivacious Baron; adjusting the side curl that had gone astray on his temple。

〃I should have asked you whether I had succeeded;〃 Lucien answered; 〃you have been before me in the field of verse。〃

〃Pshaw!〃 said the other; 〃a few vaudevilles; well enough in their way; written to oblige; a song now and again to suit some occasion; lines for music; no good without the music; and my long Epistle to a Sister of Bonaparte (ungrateful that he was); will not hand down my name to posterity。〃

At this moment Mme。 de Bargeton appeared in all the glory of an elaborate toilette。 She wore a Jewess' turban; enriched with an Eastern clasp。 The cameos on her neck gleamed through the gauze scarf gracefully wound about her shoulders; the sleeves of her printed muslin dress were short so as to display a series of bracelets on her shapely white arms。 Lucien was charmed with this theatrical style of dress。 M。 du Chatelet gallantly plied the queen with fulsome compliments; that made her smile with pleasure; she was so glad to be

praised in Lucien's hearing。 But she scarcely gave her dear poet a glance; and met Chatelet with a mortifying civility that kept him at a distance。

By this time the guests began to arrive。 First and foremost appeared the Bishop and his Vicar…General; dignified and reverend figures both; though no two men could well be more unlike; his lordship being tall and attenuated; and his acolyte short and fat。 Both churchmen's eyes were bright; but while the Bishop was pallid; his Vicar…General's countenance glowed with high health。 Both were impassive; and gesticulated but little; both appeared to be prudent men; and their silence and reserve were supposed to hide great intellectual powers。

Close upon the two ecclesiastics followed Mme。 de Chandour and her husband; a couple so extraordinary that those who are unfamiliar with provincial life might be tempted to think that such persons are purely imaginary。 Amelie de Chandour posed as the rival queen of Angouleme; her husband; M。 de Chandour; known in the circle as Stanislas; was a ci…devant young man; slim still at five…and…forty; with a countenance like a sieve。 His cravat was always tied so as to present two menacing pointsone spike reached the height of his right ear; the other pointed downwards to the red ribbon of his cross。 His coat…tails were violently at strife。 A cut…away waistcoat displayed the ample; swelling curves of a stiffly…starched shirt fastened by massive gold studs。 His dress; in fact; was exaggerated; till he looked almost like a living caricature; which no one could behold for the first time with gravity。

Stanislas looked himself over from top to toe with a kind of satisfaction; he verified the number of his waistcoat buttons; and followed the curving outlines of his tight…fitting trousers with fond glances that came to a standstill at last on the pointed tips of his shoes。 When he ceased to contemplate himself in this way; he looked towards the nearest mirror to see if his hair still kept in curl; then; sticking a finger in his waistcoat pocket; he looked about him at the women with happy eyes; flinging his head back in three…quarters profile with all the airs of a king of the poultry…yard; airs which were prodigiously admired by the aristocratic circle of which he was the beau。 There was a strain of eighteenth century grossness; as a rule; in his talk; a detestable kind of conversation which procured him some success with womenhe made them laugh。 M。 du Chatelet was beginning to give this gentleman some uneasiness; and; as a matter of fact; since Mme。 de Bargeton had taken him up; the lively interest taken by the women in the Byron of Angouleme was distinctly on the increase。 His coxcomb superciliousness tickled their curiosity; he posed as the man whom nothing can arouse from his apathy; and his jaded Sultan airs were like a challenge。

Amelie de Chandour; short; plump; fair…complexioned; and dark…haired; was a poor actress; her voice was loud; like everything else about her; her head; with its load of feathers in winter and flowers in summer; was never still for a moment。 She had a fine flow of conversation; though she could never bring a sentence to an end without a wheezing accompaniment from an asthma; to which she would not confess。

M。 de Saintot; otherwise Astolphe; President of the Agricultural Society; a tall; stout; high…colored personage; usually appeared in the wake of his wife; Elisa; a lady with a countenance like a withered fern; called Lili by her friendsa baby name singularly at variance with its owner's character and demeanor。 Mme。 de Saintot was a solemn and extremely pious woman; and a very trying partner at a game of cards。 Astolphe was supposed to be a scientific man of the first rank。 He was as ignorant as a carp; but he had compiled the articles on Sugar and Brandy for a Dictionary of Agriculture by wholesale plunder of newspaper articles and pillage of previous writers。 It was believed all over the department that M。 Saintot was engaged upon a treatise on modern husbandry; but though he locked himself into his study every morning; he had not written a couple of pages in a dozen years。 If anybody called to see him; he always contrived to be discovered rummaging among his papers; hunting for a stray note or mending a pen; but he spent the whole time in his study on puerilities; reading the newspaper through from end to end; cutting figures out of corks with his penknife; and drawing patterns on his blotting…paper。 He would turn over the leaves of his Cicero to see if anything applicable to the events of the day might catch his eye; and drag his quotation by the heels into the conversation that evening saying; 〃There is a passage in Cicero which might have been written to suit modern times;〃 and out came his phrase; to the astonishment of his audience。 〃Really;〃 they said among themselves; 〃Astolphe is a well of learning。〃 The interesting fact circulated all over the town; and sustained the general belief in M。 de Saintot's abilities。

After this pair came M。 de Bartas; known as Adrien among the circle。 It was M。 de Bartas who boomed out his song in a bass voice; and made prodigious claims to musical knowledge。 His self…conceit had taken a stand upon solfeggi; he began by admiring his appearance while he sang; passed thence to talking about music; and finally to talking of nothing else。 His musical tastes had become a monomania; he grew animated only on the one subject of music; he was miserable all evening until somebody begged him to sing。 When he had bellowed one of his airs; he revived again; strutted about; raised himself on his heels; and received compliments with a deprecating air; but modesty did not prevent him from going from group to group for his meed of praise; and when there was no more to be said about the singer; he returned to the subject of the song; discussing its difficulties or extolling the composer。

M。 Alexandre de Brebian performed heroic exploits in sepia; he disfigured the walls of his friends' rooms with a swarm of crude productions; and spoiled all the albums in the department。 M。 Alexandre de Brebian and M。 de Bartas came together; each with his friend's wife on his arm; a cross…cornered arrangement which gossip declared to be carried out to the fullest extent。 As for the two women; Mesdames Charlotte de Brebian and Josephine de Bartas; or Lolotte and Fifine; as they were called; both took an equal interest in a scarf; or the trimming of a dress; or the reconciliation of several irreconcilable colors; both were eaten up with a desire to look like Parisiennes; and neglected their homes; where everything went wrong。 But if they dressed like dolls in tightly…fitting gowns of home manufacture; and exhibited outrageous combinations of crude colors upon their persons; their husbands availed themselves of the artist's privilege and dressed as they pleased; and curious it was to see the provincial dowdiness of the pair。 In their threadbare clothes they looked like the supernumeraries that represent rank and fashion at stage weddings in third…rate theatres。

One of the queerest figures in the rooms was M。 le Comte de Senonches; known by the aristocratic name of Jacques; a mighty hunter; lean and sunburned; a haughty gentleman; about as amiable as a wild boar; as suspicious as a Venetian; and jealous as a Moor; who lived on terms of the friendliest and most perfect intimacy with M。 du Hautoy; otherwise Francis; the friend of the house。

Madame de Senonches (Zephirine) was a tall; fine…looking woman; though her complexion was spoiled already by pimples due to liver complaint; on which grounds she was s
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