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the man from glengarry-第24章

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his grim face and stern ways; and 〃just twiddled her father round
her finger;〃 as her mother said; with a great show of impatience。
But; in spite of all her petting from her big brothers and her
father; Bella remained quite unspoiled; the light of her home and
the joy of her father's heart。  It had not escaped the father's
jealous eye that Big Mack Cameron found occasion for many a visit
to the boys on an evening when the day's work was done; and that
from the meetings he found his shortest way home round by the
McGregor's。  At first the old man was very gruff with him; and was
for sending him about his business; but his daughter's happy face;
and the light in her eyes; that could mean only one thing; made him
pause; and after a long and sleepless night; he surprised his
daughter the next morning with a word of gentle greeting and an
unusual caress; and thenceforth took Big Mack to his heart。  Not
that any word or explanation passed between them; it had not come
to that as yet; but Big Mack felt the change; and gave him
thenceforth the obedience and affection of a son。

The old man was standing in the yard; waiting to help with the

Ranald drove the cows in; and then; tying up the horses; went
straight to him。

〃I bring bad news; Mr。 McGregor;〃 he said; anxious to get done with
his sad task。  〃There has been an accident on the river; and Mack
Cameron is drowned。〃

〃What do you say; boy?〃 said Peter; in a harsh voice。

〃He was trying to save a Frenchman; and when they got him out he
was dead;〃 said Ranald; hurrying through his tale; for he saw the
two figures coming up the lane and drawing nearer。

〃Dead!〃 echoed the old man。  〃Big Mack!  God help me。〃

〃And they will be wanting a team;〃 continued Ranald; 〃to go to
Cornwall to…morrow。〃

The old man stood for a few moments; looking stupidly at Ranald。
Then; lifting his hat from his gray head; he said; brokenly:  〃My
poor girl!  Would God I had died for him。〃

Ranald turned away and stood looking down the lane; shrinking from
the sight of the old man's agony。  Then; turning back to him; he
said:  〃The minister's wife is coming yonder with Bella。〃

The old man started; and with a mighty effort commanding himself;
said; 〃Now may God help me!〃 and went to meet his daughter。

Through the gloom of the falling night Ranald could see the
frightened white face and the staring; tearless eyes。  They came
quite near before Bella caught sight of her father。  For a moment
she hesitated; till the old man; without a word; beckoned her to
him。  With a quick little run she was in his arms; where she lay
moaning; as if in sore bodily pain。  Her father held her close to
him; murmuring over her fond Gaelic words; while Ranald and Mrs。
Murray went over to the horses and stood waiting there。

〃I will go now to Donald Ross;〃 Ranald said; in a low voice; to the
minister's wife。  He mounted the colt and was riding off; when
Peter called him back。

〃The boys will take the wagon to…morrow;〃 he said。

〃They will meet at the Sixteenth at daylight;〃 replied Ranald; and
then to Mrs。 Murray he said; 〃I will come back this way for you。
It will soon be dark。〃

But Bella; hearing him; cried to her:  〃Oh; you will not go?〃

〃Not if you need me; Bella;〃 said Mrs。 Murray; putting her arms
around her。  〃Ranald will run in and tell them at home。〃  This
Ranald promised to do; and rode away on his woeful journey; and
before he reached home that night; the news had spread far and
wide; from house to house; like a black cloud over a sunny sky。

The home…coming of the men from the shanties had ever been a time
of rejoicing in the community。  The Macdonald gang were especially
welcome; for they always came back with honor and with the rewards
of their winter's work。  There was always a series of welcoming
gatherings in the different homes represented in the gang; and
there; in the midst of the admiring company; tales would be told of
the deeds done and the trials endured; of the adventures on the
river and the wonders of the cities where they had been。  All were
welcome everywhere; and none more than Big Mack Cameron。  Brimming
with good nature; and with a remarkable turn for stories; he was
the center of every group of young people wherever he went; and at
the 〃bees〃 for logging or for building or for cradling; Big Mack
was held in honor; for he was second in feats of strength only to
Macdonald Bhain himself。  It was with no common grief that people
heard the word that they were bringing him home dead。

At the Sixteenth next morning; before the break of day; Ranald
stood in the gloom waiting for the coming of the teams。  He had
been up most of the night and he was weary in body and sore at
heart; but Macdonald Bhain had trusted him; and there must be no
mistake。  One by one the teams arrived。  First to appear was Donald
Ross; the elder。  For years he had given over the driving of his
team to his boys; but to…day he felt that respect to the family
demanded his presence on such an errand as this; and besides; he
knew well that his son Dannie; Mack's special chum; would expect
him to so honor the home…coming of his dead friend。  Peter
McGregor; fearing to leave his daughter for that long and lonely
day; sent his son John in his place。  It was with difficulty that
Mack's father; Long John Cameron; had been persuaded to remain with
the mother and to allow Murdie to go in his stead。

The last to arrive was Farquhar McNaughton; Kirsty's Farquhar; with
his fine black team and new light wagon。  To him was to be given
the honor of bearing the body home。  Gravely they talked and
planned; and then left all to Ranald to execute。

〃You will see to these things; Ranald; my man; said Donald Ross;
with the air of one giving solemn charge。  〃Let all things be done
decently and in order。〃

〃I will try;〃 said Ranald; simply。  But Farquhar McNaughton looked
at him doubtfully。

〃It is a peety;〃 he said; 〃there is not one with more experience。
He is but a lad。〃

But Donald Ross had been much impressed with Ranald's capable
manner the night before。

〃Never you fear; Farquhar;〃 he replied; 〃Ranald is not one to fail

As Ranald stood watching the wagons rumbling down the road and out
of sight; he felt as if years must have passed since he had
received the letter that had laid on him the heavy burden of this
sad news。  That his uncle; Macdonald Bhain; should have sent the
word to him brought Ranald a sense of responsibility that awakened
the man in him; and he knew he would feel himself a boy no more。
And with that new feeling of manhood stirring within him; he went
about his work that day; omitting no detail in arrangement for the
seemly conduct of the funeral。

Night was falling as the wagons rumbled back again from Cornwall;
bringing back the shantymen and their dead companion。  Up through
the Sixteenth; where a great company of people stood silent and
with bared heads; the sad procession moved; past the old church; up
through the swamp; and so onward to the home of the dead。  None of
the Macdonald gang turned aside to their homes till they had given
their comrade over into the keeping of his own people。  By the time
the Cameron's gate was reached the night had grown thick and black;
and the drivers were glad enough of the cedar bark torches that
Ranald and Don waved in front of the teams to light the way up the
lane。  In silence Donald Ross; who was leading; drove up his team
to the little garden gate and allowed the great Macdonald and
Dannie to alight。

At the gate stood Long John Cameron; silent and self…controlled;
but with face showing white and haggard in the light of the flaring
torches。  Behind him; in the shadow; stood the minister。  For a few
moments they all remained motionless and silent。  The time was too
great for words; and these men knew when it was good to hold their
peace。  At length Macdonald Bhain broke the silence; saying in his
great deep voice; as he bared his head:  〃Mr。 Cameron; I have
brought you back your son; and God is my witness; I would his place
were mine this night。〃

〃Bring him in; Mr。 Macdonald;〃 replied the father; gravely and
steadily。  〃Bring him in。  It is the Lord; let Him do what seemeth
Him good。〃

Then six of the Macdonald men came forward from the darkness; Curly
and Yankee leading the way; and lifted the coffin from Farquhar's
wagon; and reverently; with heads uncovered; they followed the
torches to the door。  There they stopped suddenly; for as they
reached the threshold; there arose a low; long; heart…smiting cry
from within。  At the sound of that cry Ranald staggered as if
struck by a blow; and let his torch fall to the ground。  The
bearers waited; looking at each other in fear。

〃Whisht; Janet; woman!〃 said Long John; gravely。  〃Your son is at
the door。〃

〃Ah; indeed; that he is; that he is!  My son!  My son!〃

She stood in the doorway with hands uplifted and with tears
streaming down her face。  〃Come in; Malcolm; come in; my boy。  Your
mother is waiting for you。〃

Then they carried him in and laid him in the 〃room;〃 and retiring
to the kitchen; sat down to watch the night。

In half an hour the father came out a
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