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the man from glengarry-第27章

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do; and they saysome of them; anywayare sending Mack to hell。
Now; I guess you're just as well up as they are in this business;
and I want your solemn opinion。〃  Yankee's face was pale; and his
eyes were glaring like a wild beast's。  〃What I say is;〃 he went
on; 〃if a feller like Mack goes to hell; then there ain't any。  At
least none to scare me。  Where Mack is will be good enough for me。
What do you say; boss?〃

〃Be quiet; man;〃 said Macdonald Bhain; gravely; but kindly。  〃Do
you not know you are near to blasphemy there?  But I forgive you
for the sore heart you have; and about poor Mack yonder; no one
will be able to say for certain。  I am a poor sinner; and the only
claim I have to God's mercy is the claim of a poor sinner。  But I
will dare to say that I have hope in the Lord for myself; and I
will say that I have a great deal more for Mack。〃

〃I guess that settles it all right; then;〃 said Yankee; drawing a
big breath of content and biting off a huge chew from his plug。
〃But what the blank blank;〃 he went on; savagely; 〃do these fellers
mean; stirring up a man's feelin's like that?  Seem to be not a bad
sort; either;〃 he added; meditatively。

〃Indeed; they are good men;〃 said Macdonald Bhain; 〃but they will
not be knowing Mack as I knew him。  He never made any profession at
all; but he had the root of the matter in him。〃

Ranald felt as if he had wakened out of a terrible nightmare; and
followed his uncle into the house; with a happier heart than he had
known since he had received Yankee's letter。

As they entered the room where the people were gathered; Donald
Ross was reading the hundred and third psalm; and the words of love
and pity and sympathy were dropping from his kindly lips like
healing balm upon the mourning hearts; and as they rose and fell
upon the cadences of 〃Coleshill;〃 the tune Straight Rory always
chose for this psalm; the healing sank down into all the sore
places; and the peace that passeth understanding began to take
possession of them。

Softly and sweetly they sang; the old women swaying with the music:

     〃For; as the heaven in its height
        The earth surmounteth far;
      So great to those that do him fear;
        His tender mercies are。〃

When they reached that verse; the mother took up the song and went
bravely on through the words of the following verse:

     〃As far as east is distant from
        The west; so far hath he
      From us removed; in his love;
        All our iniquity。〃

As she sang the last words her hand stole over to Bella; who sat
beside her quiet but tearless; looking far away。  But when the next
words rose on the dear old minor strains;

     〃Such pity as a father hath
      Unto his children dear;〃

Bella's lip began to tremble; and two big tears ran down her pale
cheeks; and one could see that the sore pain in her heart had been
a little eased。

After Donald Ross had finished his part of the 〃exercises;〃 he
called upon Kenny Crubach; who read briefly; and without comment;
the exquisite Scottish paraphrase of Luther's 〃little gospel〃:

     〃Behold the amazing gift of love
        The Father hath bestowed
      On us; the sinful sons of men;
        To call us sons of God〃

and so on to the end。

All this time Peter McRae; the man of iron; had been sitting with
hardening face; his eyes burning in his head like glowing coals;
and when Donald Ross called upon him for 〃some words of exhortation
and comfort suitable to the occasion;〃 without haste and without
hesitation the old man rose; and trembling with excitement and
emotion; he began abruptly:  〃An evil spirit has been whispering to
me; as to the prophet of old; 'Speak that which is good;' but the
Lord hath delivered me from mine enemy; and my answer is; 'As the
Lord liveth; what the Lord said unto me; that will I speak'; and it
is not easy。〃

As the old man paused; a visible terror fell upon all the company
assembled。  The poor mother sat looking at him with the look of one
shrinking from a blow; while Bella Peter's face expressed only
startled fear。

〃And this is the word of the Lord this night to me;〃 the elder went
on; his voice losing its tremor and ringing out strong and clear:
〃'There is none righteous; no; not one; for all have sinned and
come short of the glory of God。  He that believeth shall be saved;
and he that believeth not shall be damned。'  That is my message;
and it is laid upon me as a sore burden to hear the voice of the
Lord in this solemn Providence; and to warn one and all to flee
from the wrath to come。〃

He paused long; while men could hear their hearts beat。  Then;
raising his voice; he cried aloud:  〃Woe is me!  Alas! it is a
grievous burden。  The Lord pity us all; and give grace to this
stricken family to kiss the rod that smites。〃

At this word the old man's voice suddenly broke; and he sat down
amid an awful silence。  No one could misunderstand his meaning。  As
the awful horror of it gradually made its way into her mind; Mrs。
Cameron threw up her apron over her head and rocked in an agony of
sobs; while Long John sat with face white and rigid。  Bella Peter;
who had been gazing with a fascinated stare upon the old elder's
face while he was speaking his terrible words; startled by Mrs。
Cameron's sobs; suddenly looked wildly about as if for help; and
then; with a wild cry; fled toward the door。  But before she had
reached it a strong hand caught her and a great voice; deep and
tender; commanded her:  〃Wait; lassie; sit down here a meenute。〃
It was Macdonald Bhain。  He stood a short space silent before the
people; then; in a voice low; deep; and thrilling; he began:  〃You
have been hearing the word of the Lord through the lips of his
servant; and I am not saying but it is the true word; but I believe
that the Lord will be speaking by different voices; and although I
hev not the gift; yet it is laid upon me to declare what is in my
heart; and a sore heart it is; and sore hearts hev we all。  But I
will be thinking of a fery joyful thing; and that is that 'He came
to call; not the righteous; but sinners;' and that in His day many
sinners came about Him and not one would He turn away。  And I will
be remembering a fery great sinner who cried out in his dying hour;
'Lord; remember me;' and not in vain。  And I'm thinking that the
Lord will be making it easy for men to be saved; and not hard; for
He was that anxious about it that He gave up His own life。  But it
is not given me to argue; only to tell you what I know about the
lad who is lying yonder silent。  It will be three years since he
will be coming on the shanties with me; and from the day that he
left his mother's door; till he came back again; never once did he
fail me in his duty in the camp; or on the river; or in the town;
where it was fery easy to be forgetting。  And the boys would be
telling me of the times that he would be keeping them out of those
places。  And it is not soon that Dannie Ross will be forgetting who
it was that took him back from the camp when the disease was upon
him and all were afraid to go near him; and for seex weeks; by day
and by night; watched by him and was not thinking of himself at
all。  And sure am I that the lessons he would be hearing from his
mother and in the Bible class and in the church were not lost on
him whatever。  For on the river; when the water was quiet and I
would be lying in the tent reading; it is often that Mack Cameron
would come in and listen to the Word。  Aye; he was a good lad〃the
great voice shook a little〃he would not be thinking of himself;
and at the last; it was for another man he gave his life。〃

Macdonald stood for a few moments silent; his face working while he
struggled with himself。  And then all at once he grew calm; and
throwing back his head; he looked through the door; and pointing
into the darkness; said:  〃And yonder is the lad; and with him a
great company; and his face is smiling; and; oh! it is a good land;
a good land!〃  His voice dropped to a whisper; and he sank into his

〃God preserve us!〃 Kenny Crubach ejaculated; but old Donald Ross
rose and said; 〃Let us call upon the name of the Lord。〃  From his
prayer it was quite evident that for him at least all doubts and
fears as to poor Mack's state were removed。  And even Peter McRae;
subdued not so much by any argument of Macdonald Bhain's as by his
rapt vision; followed old Donald's prayer with broken words of hope
and thanksgiving; and it was Peter who was early at the manse next
morning to repeat to the minister the things he had seen and heard
the night before。  And all next day; where there had been the
horror of unnamable fear; hope and peace prevailed。

The service was held under the trees; and while the mother and
Bella Peter sat softly weeping; there was no bitterness in their
tears; for the sermon breathed of the immortal hope; and the hearts
of all were comforted。  There was no parade of grief; but after the
sermon was over the people filed quietly through the room to take
the last look; and then the family; with Bella and her father; were
left alone a few moments with their dead; while the Macdonald men
kept guard at the
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