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the man from glengarry-第31章

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to work with all the skill and strength that lay in themselves and
in their teams。

For the first hour or two Ranald was contented to follow; letting
his team take their way; but saving every moment he could by his
own efforts。  So that; without fretting his horses in the least; or
without moving them perceptibly out of their ordinary gait; he
found himself a little nearer to Aleck than he had been at noon;
but the heavy lifting and quick work began to tell upon him。  His
horses; he knew; would not stand very much hurrying。  They were too
fat for any extra exertion in such heat; and so Ranald was about to
resign himself to defeat; when he observed that in the western sky
clouds were coming up。  At the same time a cool breeze began to
blow; and he took fresh heart。  If he could hurry his team a little
more; he might catch Aleck yet; so he held his own a little longer;
preserving the same steady pace; until the clouds from the west had
covered all the sky。  Then gradually he began to quicken his
horses' movements and to put them on heavier loads。  Wherever
opportunity offered; instead of a single log; or at most two; he
would take three or four for his load; and in ways known only to
horsemen; he began to stir up the spirit of his team; and to make
them feel something of his own excitement。

To such good purpose did he plan; and so nobly did his team respond
to his quiet but persistent pressure; that; ere Aleck was aware;
Ranald was up on his flank; and then they each knew that until the
supper…bell rang he would have to use to the best advantage every
moment of time and every ounce of strength in himself and his team
if he was to win first place。

Somehow the report of the contest went over the field; till at
length it reached the ears of Farquhar。  At once the old man;
seized with anxiety for his team; and moved by the fear of what
Kirsty might say if the news ever reached her ears; set off across
the brule to remonstrate with Ranald; and if necessary; rescue his
team from peril。

But Don saw him coming; and knowing that every moment was precious;
and dreading lest the old man would snatch from Ranald the victory
which seemed to be at least possible for him; he arrested Farquhar
with a call for assistance with a big log; and then engaged him in
conversation upon the merits of his splendid team。

〃And look;〃 cried he; admiringly; 〃how Ranald is handling them!
Did you ever see the likes of that?〃

The old man stood watching for a few moments; doubtfully enough;
while Don continued pouring forth the praises of his horses; and
the latter; as he noticed Farquhar's eyes glisten with pride;
ventured to hint that before the day was done 〃he would make Aleck
McRae and his team look sick。  And without a hurt to the blacks;
too;〃 he put in; diplomatically; 〃for Ranald is not the man to hurt
a team。〃  And as Farquhar stood and watched Ranald at his work; and
noted with surprise how briskly and cleverly the blacks swung into
their places; and detected also with his experienced eye that Aleck
was beginning to show signs of hurry; he entered into the spirit of
the contest; and determined to allow his team to win victory for
themselves and their driver if they could。

The ax men had finished their 〃stent。〃  It wanted still an hour of
supper…time; and surely if slowly; Ranald was making toward first
place。  The other teams were left far behind with their work; and
the whole field began to center attention upon the two that were
now confessedly engaged in desperate conflict at the front。  One by
one the ax men drew toward the end of the field; where Ranald and
Aleck were fighting out their fight; all pretense of deliberation
on the part of the drivers having by this time been dropped。  They
no longer walked as they hitched their chains about the logs or
stumps; but sprang with eager haste to their work。  One by one the
other teamsters abandoned their teams and moved across the field to
join the crowd already gathered about the contestants。  Among them
came Macdonald Bhain; who had been working at the farthest corner
of the brule。  As soon as he arrived upon the scene; and understood
what was going on; he cried to Ranald:  〃That will do now; Ranald;
it will be time to quit。〃

Ranald was about to stop; and indeed had checked his horses; when
Aleck; whose blood was up; called out tauntingly; 〃Aye; it would be
better for him and his horses to stop。  They need it bad enough。〃

This was too much for even Farquhar's sluggish blood。  〃Let them
go; Ranald!〃 he cried。  〃Let them go; man!  Never you fear for the
horses; if you take down the spunk o' yon crowing cock。〃

It was just what Ranald needed to spur him ona taunt from his foe
and leave from Farquhar to push his team。

Before each lay a fallen tree cut into lengths and two or three
half…burned stumps。  Ranald's tree was much the bigger。  A single
length would have been an ordinary load for the blacks; but their
driver felt that their strength and spirit were both equal to much
more than this。  He determined to clear away the whole tree at a
single load。  As soon as he heard Farquhar's voice; he seized hold
of the whiffletrees; struck his team a sharp blow with the lines
their first blow that dayswung them round to the top of the tree;
ran the chain through its swivel; hooked an end round each of the
top lengths; swung them in toward the butt; unhooked his chain;
gathered all three lengths into a single load; faced his horses
toward the pile; and shouted at them。  The blacks; unused to this
sort of treatment; were prancing with excitement; and when the word
came they threw themselves into their collars with a fierceness
that nothing could check; and amid the admiring shouts of the
crowd; tore the logs through the black soil and landed them safely
at the pile。  It was the work of only a few minutes to unhitch the
chain; haul the logs; one by one; into place; and dash back with
his team at the gallop for the stumps; while Aleck had still
another load of logs to draw。

Ranald's first stump came out with little trouble; and was borne at
full speed to the pile。  The second stump gave him more difficulty;
and before it would yield he had to sever two or three of its
thickest roots。

Together the teams swung round to their last stump。  The excitement
in the crowd was intense。  Aleck's team was moving swiftly and with
the steadiness of clockwork。  The blacks were frantic with
excitement and hard to control。  Ranald's last stump was a pine of
medium size; whose roots were partly burned away。  It looked like
an easy victim。  Aleck's was an ugly…looking little elm。

Ranald thought he would try his first pull without the use of the
ax。  Quickly he backed up his team to the stump; passed the chain
round a root on the far side; drew the big hook far up the chain;
hitched it so as to give the shortest possible draught; threw the
chain over the top of the stump to give it purchase; picked up his
lines; and called to his team。  With a rush the blacks went at it。
The chain slipped up on the root; tightened; bit into the wood; and
then the blacks flung back。  Ranald swung them round the point and
tried them again; but still the stump refused to budge。

All this time he could hear Aleck chopping furiously at his elm…
roots; and he knew that unless he had his stump out before his
rival had his chain hitched for the pull the victory was lost。

For a moment or two he hesitated; looking round for the ax。

〃Try them again; Ranald;〃 cried Farquhar。  〃Haw them a bit。〃

Once more Ranald picked up the lines; swung his horses round to the
left; held them steady a moment or two; and then with a yell sent
them at their pull。  Magnificently the blacks responded; furiously
tearing up the ground with their feet。  A moment or two they hung
straining on their chain; refusing to come back; when slowly the
stump began to move。

〃You have got it;〃 cried Farquhar。  〃Gee them a point or two。〃

But already Ranald had seen that this was necessary; and once more
backed his team to readjust the chain which had slipped off the
top。  As he fastened the hook he heard a sharp 〃Back!〃 behind him;
and he knew that the next moment Aleck's team would be away with
their load。  With a yell he sprang at his lines; lashed the blacks
over the back; and called to them once more。  Again his team
responded; and with a mighty heave; the stump came slowly out;
carrying with it what looked like half a ton of earth。  But even as
it heaved; he heard Aleck's call and the answering crash; and
before he could get his team a…going; the French…Canadians were off
for their pile at a gallop; with the lines flying in the air behind
them。  A moment later he followed; the blacks hauling their stump
at a run。

Together he and Aleck reached the pile。  It only remained now to
unhook the chain。  In vain he tugged and hauled。  The chain was
buried deep beneath the stump and refused to move; and before he
could swing his team about and turn the stump over; he heard
Aleck's shout of victory。

But as he dropped his chain and was leisurely backing his horses;
he heard old Farquhar cry; 〃Hurry; man!  Hurry; for the life of
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